Converting binary chroma output into hdf5 for perambulators and meson elementals
Reference files for conversion: source/chroma/lib/meas/inline/hadron/
Make sure to add the conversion binaries to the CMakeLists.txt file in $CHROMA-DIR/chroma-distillation/source/chroma/mainprogs/main/CMakeLists.txt
Make sure the following modules are present in the config file being sourced
module load OpenMPI/4.1.5
module load MPI-settings/CUDA
module load UCX-settings/RC-CUDA
Note: Always set the following for the meson elemental conversion ``SB::OnMaster'' needs to be set
//! Meson operator, colorstd::vector source and sink with momentum projection
struct ValMesonElementalOperator_t : public SB::Tensor<2, SB::ComplexD> {
int type_of_data; /*!< Flag indicating type of data (maybe trivial) */
ValMesonElementalOperator_t(int n = num_vecs - 1, int type_of_data = COLORVEC_MATELEM_TYPE_DERIV)
: SB::Tensor<2, SB::ComplexD>("ij", {n, n}, SB::OnHost, SB::Local),