Just a place for me to play with some ideas I have for ADSB and other data feeds related to aircraft.
The initial thought I've been playing with here is decoupling the parsing, processing, and display of aircraft from a service akin to PlaneFence. While also processing in more real time rather than processing on an interval.
the GeoFence directory contains a Python script that will push an alert to an MQTT Broker when ever an aircraft is detected within a configurable range & altitude of a point.
Provides a script that will push an alert to the MQTT Broker on another publication whenever a "Interesting" aircraft is detected. Currently using the list from SportsBadger to define interesting.
Is an example client subscribing to the notifications from above.
Notification Clients to push to twitter, discord etc. Client to log the messages to some form of DB (Mongo, or maybe SQLLite) Client to create a front end, may depend on the logging client to provide a persistance layer.