Angular 2 setup with Laravel 5
Step1 You need pre installed composer, nodejs and typescript to your system
clone the repository files from here to your local server, you can download and unzip it too to a local project folder [if you change the project folder name angular2-laravel5 to a different project then open the package.json file "name": "angular2-laravel5", replace this to "name": "yourProjectFolder", ]
Step3 then open your terminal
got to your project folder
for me its cd /Appliations/AMPPS/www/angular2-laravel5 then run below commands into your terminal/command prompt
composer update
npm install
step4 pen file node_modules\elixir-typescript\index.js and comment out this line ".pipe($.concat(" . So the generated files won't be combine in to one single files. The two js files will be generated to "public/js" as your configuration.
Step 5 now in the terminal run these commands
gulp bower --force-latest
Step 6
Step 1 By using terminal/command prompt go to the project folder for me its cd /Appliations/AMPPS/www/angular2-laravel5
now type this command php artisan serve --port=8080
stept 2 open a new terminal and type this command gulp watch
step 3 now open a browser and type this http://localhost:8080/
you will write your angular code to the resources/assets/typescript folder whenever you will write a new code the elixir type script will automatically compile it via gulp watch and you have to refresh yuour browser to see the changes.