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The accompanying R package for Rajeg's (2019) PhD thesis titled "Metaphorical profiles and near-synonyms: A corpus-based study of Indonesian words for Happiness" (PDFπŸ‘‡


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The goal of happyr is to document the R codes and the dataset for the quantitative analyses in Rajeg’s (2019) PhD thesis (submitted for examination on 27 September 2018 and passed without amendments for the award of the degree on 1 April 2019). The study focuses on metaphors for happiness near-synonyms in Indonesian. The corpus data for the study mainly come from the Indonesian Leipzig Corpora Collection (Quasthoff & Goldhahn 2013; Goldhahn, Eckart & Quasthoff 2012; Biemann et al. 2007). The Leipzig Corpora are freely available for download and their use is licensed under the Creative Common License CC-BY (see the Terms of Usage page for further details).

The happyr package is based on the core packages in the tidyverse, and is built under R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31) – β€œShake and Throw” (see the Session Info section at the bottom of the page for further details on the dependencies).


The thesis was supervised by Associate Professor Alice Gaby (main), Dr. Howard Manns (associate), and Dr. Simon Musgrave (associate). The panel members during the author’s candidature milestones consisted of Dr. Anna Margetts, Dr. RΓ©ka Benczes, and Prof. John Newman. The two external examiners of the thesis were Prof. Martin Hilpert (UniversitΓ© de NeuchΓ’tel, Switzerland) and Dr. Karen Sullivan (The University of Queensland, Australia) The PhD research of the author was fully funded by Monash University, Australia through the International Graduate Research Scholarships schemes (i.e. Monash International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (MIPRS, now MITS) and Monash Graduate Scholarships (MGS)). The author also benefited from generous research and travel funding provided by the Monash Arts Graduate Research and the Monash Graduate Research Office.


The happyr package can be installed from GitHub with the remotes package:

# Install remotes if needed
if(!require(remotes)) install.packages("remotes")

# Then, install the happyr package from GitHub

Citing happyr

#> To cite `happyr` in publication (if in 'Unified style sheet for
#> linguistics' style), please use:
#>   Rajeg, Gede Primahadi Wijaya. 2019. happyr: The accompanying R
#>   package for Rajeg's (2019) PhD Thesis titled "Metaphorical profiles
#>   and near synonyms: A corpus-based study of Indonesian words for
#>   HAPPINESS". R package version 1.0.
#> Please also cite the document (PhD Thesis) associated with the package
#> as follows (still if in 'Unified style sheet for linguistics' style):
#>   Rajeg, Gede Primahadi Wijaya. 2019. Metaphorical profiles and
#>   near-synonyms: A corpus-based study of Indonesian words for
#>   HAPPINESS. Clayton, VIC: Monash University, Australia PhD thesis.
#> To see these entries in BibTeX format, use 'print(<citation>,
#> bibtex=TRUE)', 'toBibtex(.)', or set
#> 'options(citation.bibtex.max=999)'.


First, load the happyr and tidyverse packages using the library() function.

# load the required packages
#> ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.1 ──
#> βœ“ ggplot2 3.3.3     βœ“ purrr   0.3.4
#> βœ“ tibble  3.1.0     βœ“ dplyr   1.0.5
#> βœ“ tidyr   1.1.3     βœ“ stringr 1.4.0
#> βœ“ readr   1.4.0     βœ“ forcats 0.5.1
#> ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
#> x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
#> x dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()

Chapter 3 - Interrater-agreement computation

All codes for the Kappa’s calculation in the interrater agreement trial are presented in the Examples section of the documentation of the kappa_tidy() function. Type ?kappa_tidy() in the R console to see them or check the online documentation.

The ggplot2 codes for generating Figure 3.1 in Rajeg (2019, Ch. 3) is wrapped into a function called plot_cxn_interrater(). The input data frame is top_cxn_data.

# prepare plot title and caption
plot_title <- expression(paste("Distribution of the constructional patterns for the agreed cases (", N["patterns"] >= "5)", sep = ""))

plot_caption <- "The values inside the bars are the token frequency of the patterns"
plot_cxn_interrater(df = top_cxn_data) +
  # add plot title and caption
  labs(title = plot_title,
       caption = plot_caption) +
  # adjust the size of the plot title and caption
  theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 10),
        plot.caption = element_text(size = 7))

Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 - Token frequency, type frequency, and type/token ratio analyses

The main metaphor data for Chapter 5, 6, and 7 is stored as a tibble in phd_data_metaphor. The relevant function for the token, type, and type/token ratio analyses in Chapter 5 and 6 is ttr().

# calculation for the token, type, and type/token ratio
ttr_metaphor <- ttr(df = phd_data_metaphor,
                    schema_var = "metaphors", # specify of the metaphor variable
                    lexunit_var = "lu", # specify of the lexical unit variable
                    float_digits = 2)

The following code retrieves the top-10 metaphors sorted according to their token frequencies (Rajeg 2019, Ch. 5, Table 5-1). A function for rendering the metaphors strings as small-capital in the MS Word output is available in the package as scaps(); keyboard shortcut to produce the so-called β€œpipe” %>% in the code-chunk below is Ctrl + Shift + M (on Windows) or Cmd + Shift + M (on macOS).

top_n(x = ttr_metaphor, n = 10L, wt = token) %>% 
  mutate(metaphors = scaps(metaphors)) %>% # render the metaphors into small capitals to be printed in MS Word output
  knitr::kable(caption = "Top-10 most frequent metaphors", row.names = TRUE)
metaphors token type_lu perc_token perc_type_lu type_per_token_lu
1 happiness is a possessable object 749 63 20.59 7.84 8.41
2 happiness is a contained entity 358 26 9.84 3.23 7.26
3 happiness is a desired goal 293 42 8.05 5.22 14.33
4 happiness is an (un)veiled object 211 23 5.80 2.86 10.90
5 happiness is a located object 210 26 5.77 3.23 12.38
6 happiness is a location 169 35 4.65 4.35 20.71
7 happiness is a liquid in a container 156 37 4.29 4.60 23.72
8 intensity of happiness is quantity of object 137 29 3.77 3.61 21.17
9 happiness is food 108 17 2.97 2.11 15.74
10 happiness is a submerged entity 99 12 2.72 1.49 12.12

Top-10 most frequent metaphors

The column token shows the token frequency of a metaphor meanwhile the column type_lu represents the number of different lexical-unit types evoking the source domain frames of the metaphor in the metaphorical expressions. The original values of the type_per_token_lu are normalised into the number of type per 100 tokens (cf. Oster 2018: 206–207). Thus, the closer the TTR of a metaphor to 100, the higher the rate of different lexical-unit type per 100 tokens of the metaphor (see further below) (Stefanowitsch & Flach 2016: 118–120; Stefanowitsch 2017: 282; Oster 2018: 206; Oster 2010: 748–749).

Use get_lu_table() to retrieve the source frame lexical units in the metaphorical expressions instantiating a given metaphor. It is illustrated here with the linguistic expressions for happiness is a desired goal metaphor (Rajeg 2019, Ch. 5, Table 5-3):

# print the top-10 Lexical Units of the HAPPINESS IS A DESIRED GOAL metaphor
get_lu_table(metaphor = "is a desired goal$", 
             top_n_only = TRUE, 
             top_n_limit = 10L, 
             df = phd_data_metaphor) %>% 
  knitr::kable(caption = paste("Top-10 most frequent lexical units for ",
                               scaps("happiness is a desired goal."), sep = ""),
               row.names = TRUE)
Lexical_units Gloss N Perc_overall
1 cari to search/look for 74 25.26
2 capai to reach 51 17.41
3 raih to pull/reach sth. towards the body 27 9.22
4 kejar to chase 24 8.19
5 temukan to find 24 8.19
6 tujuan destination/goal 13 4.44
7 menuju to head to 9 3.07
8 jalan way 8 2.73
9 kunci key 8 2.73
10 gapai to reach out 6 2.05

Top-10 most frequent lexical units for happiness is a desired goal.

The column Perc_overall indicates the percentage of a given LU from the total tokens of the happiness is a desired goal metaphor. More linguistic citations for the metaphorical expressions are presented in the thesis.

From the output of ttr() above, which is stored in the ttr_metaphor table, we can retrieve the top-10 metaphors with high type frequencies with the following codes (Rajeg 2019, Ch. 6, Table 6-1); the type frequency of a metaphor indicates the number of different lexical unit types expressing a given metaphor.

# sort by type frequency
productive_metaphor <- 
  ttr_metaphor %>% 
  arrange(desc(type_lu)) %>% # sort in descending order for the type frequency
  top_n(10, type_lu) %>% # get the top-10 rows
  mutate(metaphors = scaps(metaphors)) # small-caps the metaphors texts

# print as table
productive_metaphor %>% 
select(Metaphors = metaphors,
       Token = token,
       `%Token` = perc_token,
       Type = type_lu,
       `%Type` = perc_type_lu) %>% 
  knitr::kable(caption = 'Top-10 metaphors sorted on their type frequency.', row.names = TRUE)
Metaphors Token %Token Type %Type
1 happiness is a possessable object 749 20.59 63 7.84
2 happiness is a desired goal 293 8.05 42 5.22
3 happiness is a liquid in a container 156 4.29 37 4.60
4 happiness is a location 169 4.65 35 4.35
5 intensity of happiness is quantity of object 137 3.77 29 3.61
6 happiness is light 43 1.18 27 3.36
7 happiness is a contained entity 358 9.84 26 3.23
8 happiness is a located object 210 5.77 26 3.23
9 happiness is an (un)veiled object 211 5.80 23 2.86
10 happiness is an imperilled entity 32 0.88 21 2.61

Top-10 metaphors sorted on their type frequency.

The codes below generates Table 6-2 (Rajeg 2019, Ch. 6) that ranks metaphors with high type frequency above according to their type/token ratio.

productive_metaphor %>% 
  arrange(desc(type_per_token_lu)) %>% 
  select(Metaphors = metaphors,
         Token = token,
         Type = type_lu,
         `Type/token ratio` = type_per_token_lu) %>% 
  knitr::kable(caption = 'Metaphors with high type frequency sorted by their Type/Token Ratio (TTR).', row.names = TRUE)
Metaphors Token Type Type/token ratio
1 happiness is an imperilled entity 32 21 65.62
2 happiness is light 43 27 62.79
3 happiness is a liquid in a container 156 37 23.72
4 intensity of happiness is quantity of object 137 29 21.17
5 happiness is a location 169 35 20.71
6 happiness is a desired goal 293 42 14.33
7 happiness is a located object 210 26 12.38
8 happiness is an (un)veiled object 211 23 10.90
9 happiness is a possessable object 749 63 8.41
10 happiness is a contained entity 358 26 7.26

Metaphors with high type frequency sorted by their Type/Token Ratio (TTR).

It is clear that the first two metaphors in the table above (i.e. happiness is an imperilled entity and happiness is light) have higher ratio for different types of linguistic instantiations per 100 tokens, despite the vast difference in their token frequencies compared to the remanining metaphors with high token frequencies in the table. This suggests that these two metaphors are expressed with relatively wider range of expressions with respect to their token frequencies, compared to the frequent metaphors.

Next, a helper function called get_creative_metaphors() is available to retrieve the top-10 creative metaphors (Rajeg 2019, Ch. 6, Table 6-5). I filter and discuss the metaphors with high type/token ratio and occurring at least three tokens in the sample, as shown in the codes below

min_freq <- 3L

table_caption <- paste('Top-10 creative metaphors sorted based on the TTR value and occurring at least ', happyr::numbers2words(min_freq), ' tokens.', sep = "")

creative_metahors <- 
  ttr_metaphor %>% 
  get_creative_metaphors(min_token = min_freq,
                         top_n_limit = 10L) %>% 
  mutate(metaphors = scaps(metaphors))

# print the table
creative_metahors  %>% 
  select(Metaphors = metaphors,
         Token = token,
         Type = type_lu,
         `Type/token ratio` = type_per_token_lu) %>% 
  knitr::kable(caption = table_caption, row.names = TRUE)
Metaphors Token Type Type/token ratio
1 happiness is a harmful agent 11 11 100.00
2 happiness is drugs 6 6 100.00
3 happiness is a moved entity 4 4 100.00
4 happiness is a treatment tool 3 3 100.00
5 happiness is an accompanied object 3 3 100.00
6 happiness is being soaked 9 8 88.89
7 happiness is a resource 8 7 87.50
8 happiness is impediment to motion 6 5 83.33
9 happiness is a deceiver 20 16 80.00
10 happiness is an adversary 24 19 79.17

Top-10 creative metaphors sorted based on the TTR value and occurring at least three tokens.

One way to interpret the values in the Type/token ratio (TTR) column is to conceive them as representing the number of unique lexical-unit types per 100 tokens of a metaphor. The higher the ratio, the more creative a given metaphor is linguistically expressed. For instance, the TTR value of happiness is an adversary (i.e. 79.17) indicates that there are about 79.17 unique types per 100 tokens of the happiness is an adversary, which is much higher than the TTR value of happiness is a possessable object (i.e. 8.41). The TTR value of a metaphor is used to represent the creativity ratio of a metaphor in its linguistic manifestation (cf. Oster 2018: 206; Oster 2010: 748–749).

Retrieving the frequency of submappings and semantic source frames of the metaphors

The data for retrieving the information on the submappings and the source frames of metaphors is contained within phd_data_metaphor. Among the relevant functions for retrieving these information are get_submappings() and get_frames(). The illustration is based on data for the happiness is liquid in a container metaphor.

# get the submappings for the liquid in a container
get_submappings(metaphor = "liquid in a container", 
                df = phd_data_metaphor) %>% 
  mutate(submappings = scaps(submappings)) %>% 
  knitr::kable(caption = paste("Submappings for ", scaps("happiness is liquid in a container."), sep = ""), row.names = TRUE)
submappings n type perc type_perc
1 expression of happiness is released liquid 100 18 64.10 48.65
2 intensified happiness is heated liquid 32 4 20.51 10.81
3 high intensity of happiness is fullness of liquid in a container 11 6 7.05 16.22
4 preventing happiness is impeding flowing substance 5 2 3.21 5.41
5 happiness is a fluidic motion 4 4 2.56 10.81
6 happiness is a liquid in a container 4 3 2.56 8.11

Submappings for happiness is liquid in a container.

Column n shows the β€˜token frequency’ of the submappings (with perc indicates the token’s percentage). Meanwhile type shows the β€˜type frequency’ of the submappings (i.e., the number of different lexical unit types evoking the corresponding submappings of a given metaphor).

Use get_frames() to retrieve frequency profiles of the source frames for a given metaphor:

# get the source frames evoked by the metaphorical expressions for the liquid in a container
get_frames(metaphor = "liquid in a container", 
           df = phd_data_metaphor) %>% 
  mutate(frames = scaps(frames)) %>% 
  knitr::kable(caption = paste("Source frames for ", scaps("happiness is liquid in a container."), sep = ""), row.names = TRUE)
frames n type perc type_perc
1 release liquid 100 18 64.10 48.65
2 heating fluid 32 4 20.51 10.81
3 fluid containment 15 9 9.62 24.32
4 stop flow of substance 5 2 3.21 5.41
5 fluid motion 4 4 2.56 10.81

Source frames for happiness is liquid in a container.

Based on the same data, it is also possible to retrieve a frequency table for the lexical units and the submappings they evoke for a given metaphor. Use get_lu_submappings_table() for this purpose.

get_lu_submappings_table(metaphor = "liquid in a container",
                         df = phd_data_metaphor) %>% 
  mutate(submappings = scaps(submappings), # small-cap the submapping
         lu = paste("*", lu, "*", sep = "")) %>% # italicised the printed lexical units 
  knitr::kable(caption = paste("Evoked submappings for the lexical units of the ",
                               scaps("happiness is liquid in a container"), " metaphor.", sep = ""),
               row.names = TRUE)
submappings lu lu_gloss n perc_expr_overall perc_expr_by_submappings
1 expression of happiness is released liquid terpancar to be spurted out 43 27.56 43.00
2 expression of happiness is released liquid luapan overflow 25 16.03 25.00
3 expression of happiness is released liquid pancarkan to spurt sth. 9 5.77 9.00
4 expression of happiness is released liquid salurkan to funnel sth. 4 2.56 4.00
5 expression of happiness is released liquid pancaran a spurting-out 3 1.92 3.00
6 expression of happiness is released liquid curahan outpouring 2 1.28 2.00
7 expression of happiness is released liquid tertuang to be poured out 2 1.28 2.00
8 expression of happiness is released liquid tuangkan to pour out sth. 2 1.28 2.00
9 expression of happiness is released liquid air bah flood 1 0.64 1.00
10 expression of happiness is released liquid alirkan to flow and drain sth. 1 0.64 1.00
11 expression of happiness is released liquid lampiaskan to gush sth. out 1 0.64 1.00
12 expression of happiness is released liquid memancar to spurt 1 0.64 1.00
13 expression of happiness is released liquid membual to overflow/spurt out 1 0.64 1.00
14 expression of happiness is released liquid pelampiasan to spurt out sth. 1 0.64 1.00
15 expression of happiness is released liquid tercurah to be poured out 1 0.64 1.00
16 expression of happiness is released liquid teteskan to drip sth. 1 0.64 1.00
17 expression of happiness is released liquid titikkan to drip sth. 1 0.64 1.00
18 expression of happiness is released liquid tumpahkan to spill sth. 1 0.64 1.00
19 happiness is a fluidic motion mengalir to flow 1 0.64 25.00
20 happiness is a fluidic motion resap.v to seep into sth. 1 0.64 25.00
21 happiness is a fluidic motion terlarut to be washed-and-drawn away 1 0.64 25.00
22 happiness is a fluidic motion terserap to be soaked up/absorbed 1 0.64 25.00
23 happiness is a liquid in a container tampung to collect-in (of liquid) 2 1.28 50.00
24 happiness is a liquid in a container dicarikan jalan keluar to be searched for a way out 1 0.64 25.00
25 happiness is a liquid in a container mendarah daging to be internalised 1 0.64 25.00
26 high intensity of happiness is fullness of liquid in a container limpahkan to brim liquid onto sth. 4 2.56 36.36
27 high intensity of happiness is fullness of liquid in a container berlimpah to be brimming/aboundant 2 1.28 18.18
28 high intensity of happiness is fullness of liquid in a container limpahi to brim sth. with liquid 2 1.28 18.18
29 high intensity of happiness is fullness of liquid in a container aliri to overflow sth. with liquid 1 0.64 9.09
30 high intensity of happiness is fullness of liquid in a container kelimpahan the brimming of sth. 1 0.64 9.09
31 high intensity of happiness is fullness of liquid in a container limpahan the brimming of sth. 1 0.64 9.09
32 intensified happiness is heated liquid luapkan to boil sth. over 21 13.46 65.62
33 intensified happiness is heated liquid meluap(-luap) to boil over 8 5.13 25.00
34 intensified happiness is heated liquid meruap to boil to froth/bubble 2 1.28 6.25
35 intensified happiness is heated liquid membludak to boil over to overflow 1 0.64 3.12
36 preventing happiness is impeding flowing substance bendung to dam up sth. 3 1.92 60.00
37 preventing happiness is impeding flowing substance sumbat to clog sth. 2 1.28 40.00

Evoked submappings for the lexical units of the happiness is liquid in a container metaphor.

The column perc_expr_overall indicates the percentages of the token frequencies of the lexical units for the given metaphor. Meanwhile perc_expr_by_submappings indicates the percentages of the lexical units for each submapping of the given metaphor.

Visualising the frequency of occurrences for the body-part terms in the metaphorical expressions

The function for generating Figure 5.1 in Chapter 5 is plot_body_part() with phd_data_metaphor as the only input argument:

plot_body_part(df = phd_data_metaphor)

The barplot shows the distribution of the body-part terms that are explicitly mentioned in metaphorical expressions about happiness in the sample.

The following codes are used to generate Table 5-12 in Chapter 5 for the top-10 most frequent co-occurrence of body-part terms and the metaphors:

# body-part gloss
bp_gloss <- tibble(gloss = c('chest/bosom', 'self', 'liver', 'eyes', 'face', 'body', 'face', 'face', 'deepest part of the heart', 'lips', 'mouth', 'body; bodily'), 
                   body_part_terms = c('dada', 'diri', 'hati', 'mata', 'muka', 'tubuh', 'wajah', 'paras', 'lubuk kalbu', 'bibir', 'mulut', 'jasmani'))

# generate the table
phd_data_metaphor %>% 
  filter(body_part_inclusion %in% c('y')) %>% 
  count(body_part_terms, metaphors) %>% 
  arrange(desc(n)) %>% 
  left_join(bp_gloss, by = 'body_part_terms') %>% # join the glossing tibble
  select(metaphors, body_part_terms, gloss, n) %>% 
  mutate(metaphors = scaps(metaphors), 
         body_part_terms = paste("*", body_part_terms, "* '", gloss, "'", sep = "")) %>%
  select(Body_parts = body_part_terms, Metaphors = metaphors, N = n) %>%
  top_n(10, N) %>%
  knitr::kable(caption = 'The ten most frequent <span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Body-part</span>`*`<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Metaphors</span> co-occurrence for <span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Happiness</span> in Indonesian.', row.names = TRUE)
Body_parts Metaphors N
1 wajah β€˜face’ happiness is an (un)veiled object 45
2 wajah β€˜face’ happiness is a liquid in a container 27
3 hati β€˜liver’ happiness is a contained entity 17
4 wajah β€˜face’ happiness is a contained entity 12
5 wajah β€˜face’ happiness is a located object 8
6 wajah β€˜face’ happiness is an embellishment 8
7 wajah β€˜face’ happiness is light 8
8 dada β€˜chest/bosom’ happiness is a contained entity 7
9 mata β€˜eyes’ happiness is a liquid in a container 7
10 wajah β€˜face’ happiness is a drawing 7

The ten most frequent Body-part*Metaphors co-occurrence for Happiness in Indonesian.

Chapter 7 - Distinctive metaphors and collocates for happiness near-synonyms in Indonesian

The distinctiveness of a given metaphor and collocate with each happiness synonym is measured using one-tailed, Binomial Test implemented in the Multiple Distinctive Collexeme Analysis (MDCA) (cf., e.g., Hilpert 2006; Stefanowitsch 2013: 299–300). The function to perform MDCA is mdca().

# MDCA for metaphor * synonyms
mdca_res <- mdca(df = phd_data_metaphor, 
                 cxn_var = "synonyms", # `cxn_var` = constructions column
                 coll_var = "metaphors") # `coll_var` = collexeme/collocates column

The input data frame for performing MDCA for the distinctive collocates are available as colloc_input_data. The English gloss/translation for the distinctive collocates are stored in dist_colloc_gloss.

# mdca for window-span collocational data
mdca_colloc <- mdca(df = colloc_input_data, 
                    cxn_var = "synonyms", 
                    coll_var = "collocates")

The package also provides two related functions to retrieve the attracted/distinctive and the repelled items from the results of MDCA. They are mdca_attr() and mdca_repel(). The following example shows how to get the distinctive metaphors for kesenangan β€˜pleasure; happiness’ having the association strength of equal to, or greater than, two (i.e. pbinomial < 0.01) (Rajeg 2019, Ch. 7, Table 7-5):

mdca_res %>%
  mdca_attr(filter_by = "cxn",
            cxn_type = "kesenangan", 
            min_assocstr = 2) %>% 
  mutate(exp = round(exp, 3L), # round the expected co-occurrence frequency
         metaphors = scaps(metaphors)) %>% 
  select(-synonyms) %>% %>% 
  knitr::kable(caption = "Distinctive metaphors for *kesenangan* 'pleasure'", row.names = TRUE)
metaphors n exp assocstr p_binomial p_holm dec
1 happiness is a desired goal 110 51.625 15.265 5.430e-16 3.351e-13 ***
2 happiness is a deceiver 17 3.524 9.998 1.004e-10 6.166e-08 ***
3 happiness is food 44 19.029 7.815 1.532e-08 9.345e-06 ***
4 happiness is a subjugator 13 3.172 6.256 5.543e-07 3.359e-04 ***
5 happiness is a possessable object 183 131.971 5.776 1.673e-06 1.009e-03 **
6 happiness is a foundation (of an action) 8 1.938 4.036 9.206e-05 5.469e-02 ms
7 happiness is an adversary 12 4.229 3.534 2.923e-04 1.710e-01 ns
8 happiness is impediment to motion 5 1.057 3.061 8.693e-04 5.033e-01 ns
9 happiness is a resource 5 1.410 2.228 5.921e-03 1.000e+00 ns

Distinctive metaphors for kesenangan β€˜pleasure’

The p_holm column provides the Holm’s corrected significance level (Gries 2009: 249, 251) of the Binomial Test p-value (p_binomial). The Binomial p-value is used as the basis for the association strength value (assocstr) (cf. Stefanowitsch 2013: 305), which is derived via the log-transformed pBinomial-value to the base of 10. The dec column indicates the significane of the association between the metaphor and kesenangan β€˜pleasure’ at the corrected level. Column exp shows the β€˜expected’ co-occurrence frequency of the metaphor with kesenangan while n is the β€˜observed’ co-occurrence frequency in the sample.

The following code shows the use of mdca_repel() for retrieving metaphors strongly dissociated with kesenangan β€˜pleasure’ (Rajeg 2019, Ch. 7, Table 7-6):

mdca_res %>%
  mdca_repel(filter_by = "cxn",
             cxn_type = "kesenangan", 
             min_assocstr = -2) %>% 
  mutate(exp = round(exp, 3L),
         metaphors = scaps(metaphors)) %>% 
  select(-synonyms) %>%
  knitr::kable(caption = "Repelled metaphors for *kesenangan* 'pleasure'", row.names = TRUE)
metaphors n exp assocstr p_binomial p_holm dec
1 happiness is a contained entity 16 63.078 -13.354 4.429e-14 2.728e-11 ***
2 happiness is an (un)veiled object 8 37.177 -9.104 7.870e-10 4.817e-07 ***
3 happiness is a liquid in a container 6 27.487 -6.806 1.565e-07 9.514e-05 ***
4 happiness is a colour 0 9.338 -4.461 3.457e-05 2.067e-02 *
5 happiness is a located object 19 37.001 -3.477 3.335e-04 1.947e-01 ns
6 happiness is a sign 1 8.810 -3.141 7.230e-04 4.194e-01 ns
7 happiness is light 1 7.576 -2.611 2.449e-03 1.000e+00 ns
8 happiness is a drawing 1 7.224 -2.461 3.457e-03 1.000e+00 ns
9 happiness is (un)mixed substance 3 9.867 -2.164 6.854e-03 1.000e+00 ns

Repelled metaphors for kesenangan β€˜pleasure’

Finally, the codes below show how to retrieve the top-20 most distinctive collocates co-occurring with kesenangan β€˜pleasure’ within the span of 4 words to the left and right of kesenangan (Rajeg 2019, Ch. 7, Table 7-7).

# present the result table for collocational analysis of *kesenangan*
          cxn_type = '^kesenangan') %>% 
  top_n(20, assocstr) %>% 
            by = "collocates") %>% # left-join the gloss for the distinctive collocates
  select(-synonyms) %>%
  select(collocates, gloss, everything()) %>%
  mutate(exp = round(exp, 3), 
         collocates = paste("*", collocates, "*", sep = "")) %>%
  knitr::kable(caption="The 20 most distinctive, 4-window span collocates for *kesenangan* 'pleasure' in the whole Indonesian Leipzig Corpora collection.", row.names = TRUE)
collocates gloss n exp assocstr p_binomial p_holm dec
1 duniawi worldly; earthly 52 10.298 28.818 1.520e-29 1.108e-24 ***
2 pribadi personal 30 5.994 16.702 1.985e-17 1.446e-12 ***
3 mencari to search; to look for 55 17.522 15.757 1.748e-16 1.274e-11 ***
4 kenikmatan pleasure; enjoyment 37 11.835 10.789 1.624e-11 1.184e-06 ***
5 hobi hobby 14 2.306 10.278 5.277e-11 3.845e-06 ***
6 nafsu lust 19 3.996 10.114 7.689e-11 5.603e-06 ***
7 semata simply; merely 14 2.613 8.756 1.756e-09 1.279e-04 ***
8 keuntungan profit 12 2.152 7.934 1.165e-08 8.488e-04 ***
9 kepentingan interest; concern 13 2.613 7.464 3.438e-08 2.504e-03 **
10 seksual sexual 10 1.691 7.157 6.964e-08 5.072e-03 **
11 menikmati to taste; to relish 42 18.291 7.136 7.312e-08 5.326e-03 **
12 menunda to delay; to postpone 8 1.230 6.507 3.115e-07 2.268e-02 *
13 kebutuhan needs 10 1.998 5.873 1.341e-06 9.762e-02 ms
14 mengejar to chase; to run after 17 5.072 5.844 1.431e-06 1.042e-01 ns
15 prinsip principle 8 1.383 5.616 2.421e-06 1.762e-01 ns
16 mendapat to get; to receive 22 7.993 5.521 3.016e-06 2.196e-01 ns
17 berdasarkan to be founded/based on 10 2.152 5.394 4.040e-06 2.941e-01 ns
18 hawa air 9 1.844 5.171 6.744e-06 4.908e-01 ns
19 waktu time 18 6.302 4.896 1.270e-05 9.242e-01 ns
20 dosa sin 6 0.922 4.880 1.319e-05 9.594e-01 ns

The 20 most distinctive, 4-window span collocates for kesenangan β€˜pleasure’ in the whole Indonesian Leipzig Corpora collection.

It appears that kesenangan β€˜pleasure’ is strongly associated with negative nuance as it more frequently co-occurs with words, such as dosa β€˜sin,’ hawa nafsu β€˜lust,’ nafsu β€˜lust,’ seksual β€˜sexual,’ and duniawi β€˜worldly; earthly.’

Session info

#> ─ Session info ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
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#> [1] /Users/Primahadi/Rlibs
#> [2] /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/library


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