- Project name: QuickFlattener
- Authors: Adam Gembala, Robert Lotawiec
- Degree course: Informatics, sem V
- Academic year: 2021/2022
The goal of the project is to create an application with a graphical user interface for flattening nested directories with files. The user from the GUI can choose the source directory and the destination folder, where all the files from the nested source directory will be copied, the flattening operation has to be reversible. After each operation, a log file will be created in which the history of the performed operations on files will be stored. In case of a conflict during copying files to the target folder (i.e. copied files have the same name), the user will be informed about it and will have to decide on his own about the occurred conflict (giving a new name to one of the files or skipping the copying of the file causing the conflict). The minimum requirement is that the application works with the Windows platform and that it works on desktop devices.
This section contains functional and non-functional requirements of the project.
User should be able to interact with the program through a graphical user interface.
User privileges should be checked at runtime and program should not stop its execution when user lacks the read or write privilege on some file or nested directory. In such case program should omit it and log such accident in log file.
Minimal requirement is a Windows application. Windows and Linux compatibility is preferred.
The program will consider all folders and files in the path and all file extensions.
Program should allow user to resolve conflicts that may occur during execution of the algorithm. Conflict should stop algorithm until user will choose conflict resolution option in modal dialog.
Program should log which file was mapped onto which name. Log file should also contain information about conflicts and the way they were resolved. Program should also log other accidents such as lacking privileges or the files that could not be opened (i.e. when file was opened in other application). Log file should have an extension '*.flattening.log'.
Operation of flattening is reversible through the GUI after providing the destination directory. Program should scan the directory if it's only one level deep and should itself find the log file by extension. In case of multiple log files user should be allowed to pick one and in case of nested directories program should prompt the warning but should allow to ignore them.
During execution of reverse operation if program is not able to find a file that was specified in log, it should display the information about missing file, but should not stop the operation.
Application should display the information about conflicts between names of the files.
User input should be tokenized.
Conflict resolution dialog should allow user to specify a new name of the file, skip or replace it.
The programme will work for every user of the operating system.
The user must have permissions to the directory and its files in order to perform the flattening process. If the user does not have such rights, the program should display an appropriate message and ask the user if he wants to continue the process only for folders and files to which he has rights in the source path.
The files are copied to the new location and are removed from the old location along with any nested folders.
The processing of each request should be done immediately.
In order to undo the flattening process the user presses the reverse button, whereupon the program asks from the log file of which operation it should read the data of the flattening operation performed and perform the action of restoring the nested path.
Algorithm - a set of instructions that makes a computer do the flattening process.
Conflict - In terms of flattening, the situation when two files are assigned with the same names.
Conflict resolution - Operation of resolving the conflict in file naming. Possible ways to resolve a conflict are skipping a file or rename it.
Destination directory - The directory to which files from the flattened directory will be saved.
Input directory - The directory that user specified to be flattened.
Flattening process - Flattening a directory means moving all the files from their various folder and/or subfolders into one parent folder in destination directory.
Log file - log file is a file that records events that occur after user's request for flattening process.
Nested Directory - A folder stored within another folder. A nested folder is also named subfolder.
Notification - Informing the user about conflict during program execution.
Search - A process of searching the input directory to find all files to be flattened into one folder and moved to the destination directory.
Operating system - The software that manages computer resources and creates the environment for running the program.
Program - Flattening algorithm written in a programming language.
Subfolder - Folder located inside Input/Destination directory hierarchy. Can contain other subfolders.
User - Person using the system for his or her own knowledge purposes.
Reverse operation - operation of reverting the algorithm execution.
User - The regular user of the program. User wants to perform the operation of folder flattening. User is expected to have basic knowledge about program and file system. It is assumed that user has proper access levels to folders on which program will execute.
File system - File system on which program operates.
The program is expected to move all files from one folder hierarchy to another. Files in destination directory should have names that will allow to identify them. After operation of flattening the log file can be found inside destination directory. Log file contains all of the information about the files that were copied to destination directory. Example of the line from the log file looks like this:
source_dir/subdir/file1.txt -> destination_dir/tokenized_name_of_file1.txt
In case of conflict program displays the proper message and allows to amend the problem. Such situation produces record in log file:
[!] Conflict source_dir/dir2/file1.txt -> destination_dir/name_of_file1.txt
[+] source_dir/subdir2/file1.txt -> destination_dir/name_of_file1_copy.txt
- User privileges should be checked at runtime and program should not stop its execution when user lacks the read or write privilege on some file or nested directory
- The user must have permissions to the directory and its files in order to perform the flattening process;
- The files are copied to the new location and are removed from the old location along with any nested folders,
- The program will work for every user of the operating system.
- User input should be tokenized.
- Tokenizacja
- Test czy tokeny są podmieniane na odpowiednie wartości.
- Test czy znaki, które nie wchodzą w skład tokenu przepisywane są bez zmian.
- Struktura danych
- Test czy dane zapisywane do struktury można odczytać w niezmienionej formie (write-read).
- Test funkcji do rozwiązywania konflitów:
- Test pomijania pliku A - plik B powinien pozostać bez zmian, A zostaje usunięty.
- Test pomijania pliku B - plik A powinien pozostać bez zmian, B zostaje usunięty.
- Test zmiany nazwy pliku A - oba pliki zostały zapisane, A został zmodyfikowany
- Test zmiany nazwy pliku B - oba pliki zostały zapisane, B został zmodyfikowany
- Test wykrywania konfliktów:
- Test funkcji zliczającej ilość konfliktów.
- Test funkcji zliczającej ilość konfliktowych plików.
- File Mapper
- Test czy pojedynczy plik mapowany jest na ztokenizowaną ścieżkę.
- Test czy dwa pliki mapowane na tę samą ścieżkę są poprawnie dodawane do kolekcji.
- Logowanie informacji
Testy FileLoggera:Czy logger tworzy plik loga, gdy plik loga nie istnieje.Czy logger dodaje do pliku loga, gdy plik loga istnieje.
- Testy CustomLoggera:
- Czy logger wywołuje fukcję z poprawną wiadomością.
- Trudne do pokrycia Unit Testami, możliwe że lepiej będzie to wrzucić do innej katrgorii testów:
- czy jak nie ma lokalizacji utworoznej czy ją tworzy i o tym informuje w logfile
- czy w przypadku obłsgui wyjątku zapisuje odpowiednią ifnormacje do log file o wybranym rozwiązaniu do pliku; mapowanie
- dla wybranego zbioru plików sprawdzamy czy efekt końcowy spełnia założenia, mapowanie
- weryfikacja czy istnieje partycja docelowa i źródłowa (intferface test ma podobny temat ale tam chodzi o komunikacje między GUI a logiką)
- czy jest możliwość rowiązywania konfliktów przez użytkownika, czy jest możliwość wyboru algorytmu spłaszczającego katalog
- aplikacja ma generować plik log file zawierajacy informacje o skopiowanych plikach oraz błędach, które wystąpiły podczas spłaszczania.
- sprawdzenie obecności algorytmu w podanej lokalizacji,
- sprawdzenie poprawności tokenizacji wpisanej przez użytkownika
- lokalizacja źródłowa lub docelowa, która nie istnieje, aplikacja powinna wyświetlić komunikat o problemie i przerwaniu żądania
- podawanie plików o tych samych nazwach oraz sprawdzenie rowiązywania konfliktów
- bardzo duża ilośc danych do przeniesienia np. cała partycja, czy system je obsłuży np. 700x ~5MB
- Bardzo duże pliki do przeniesienia np. 20x ~2.5 GB
To be discussed... One option is to go with C# and .Net framework. Second is the C++ supported by Qt.