A fast,scalable,distributed game server framework for Node.js, Powered by TypeScript. 一个TypeScript写的node.js分布式游戏/应用服务器框架(原型基于pomelo)。
Update packages with semver "latest" in dependencies and devdependencies of package.json to the latest version ignoring locked version in package.lock.json before npm install command.
Reverse engineered API of Microsoft's Bing Chat AI
基于大模型搭建的聊天机器人,同时支持 微信公众号、企业微信应用、飞书、钉钉 等接入,可选择GPT3.5/GPT-4o/GPT-o1/ Claude/文心一言/讯飞星火/通义千问/ Gemini/GLM-4/Claude/Kimi/LinkAI,能处理文本、语音和图片,访问操作系统和互联网,支持基于自有知识库进行定制企业智能客服。
Tai-e assignments for static program analysis
An easy-to-learn/use static analysis framework for Java
Module Federation for vite & rollup
A simple and powerful web application framework.
Convert a webpack/vue-cli project to vite project. 将 webpack/vue-cli 项目转换为 vite 项目。
UI components based on Vue3 and DevUI Design
Dongtai IAST is an open-source Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) tool that enables real-time detection of common vulnerabilities in Java applications and third-party components throug…
This repository has been merged into DongTai-engine used to analyze the method data collected by the probe, analyze whether there are vulnerabilities in API …
🚀 A framework helps you quickly build AI Native IDE products.
Spoon is a metaprogramming library to analyze and transform Java source code. 🥄 is made with ❤️, 🍻 and ✨. It parses source files to build a well-designed AST with powerful analysis and transformati…
A malicious LDAP server for JNDI injection attacks
SpringBoot 相关漏洞学习资料,利用方法和技巧合集,黑盒安全评估 check list
A community sourced list of log4j-affected software
Feedback & wiki for Snipaste
😍FeHelper--Web前端助手(Awesome!Chrome & Firefox & MS-Edge Extension, All in one Toolbox!)
An extension for VS Code that visualizes data during debugging.
🎆Interactive Online Platform that Visualizes Algorithms from Code
刷算法全靠套路,认准 labuladong 就够了!English version supported! Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why.
CSS3 backed JavaScript animation framework
🦜 Super Expressive is a zero-dependency JavaScript library for building regular expressions in (almost) natural language