First, change your working directory as necessary, then source the file "InitializeCode.R"
Next, you can run the following analysis options:
###Read in a list of the following settings for generating a response pattern... structure=list(icc="ogive", # Item Char Curve; "ogive" or "logistic" Adist="unif", # prior distribution of A's/loadings Aparams=c(0.3,1.7), # parameters of A's/loadings' prior distribution Adim=1, # 1 (univariate) or 2, 3, etc. multiple dimensions for multivariate bdist="norm", # distribution of B/intercept bparams=c(0,0.8), # parameters of B guess=FALSE, # guessing ? TRUE/FALSE cdist="unif", # if TRUE, guessing parameter distribution for 3PNO or 3PL cparams=c(0.05,0.3), # bounds tmu=0, # Theta Prior... e.g. 0, or multivariate c(0,0) # can be multidimensional tsigma=1, # Theta Prior Variance, e.g. 1, or matrix(c(1,0,0,1),nrow=2,ncol=2), # can be multidimensional simfile="SimTest") # Save to an ".rda" file with this name
Gen will be a list of the parameters (called XI), a response pattern(RP), abilities (THETA), and the settings (structure).
settings=list(model="gifa", # "gifa" (SAEM) or "irt" (EM) icc="ogive", # Item Characteristic Curve "logistic" or "ogive" . GIFA only works for ogive Adim=1, # 1 = Univariate; or 2, 3, 4, etc. Multidimensional? guess=FALSE, # Guessing? TRUE/FALSE fm="camilli", # Factor analysis procedure: fa() methods. Choose from "pca","ml","minres","wls","gls" or "camilli", or "old"... for original method from Spring 2014. est="rm", # Estimation method. For model("gifa") -> "off"=mean, "rm"=robbinsmonro, "sa"=simannealing; For model("irt") -> "anr"=analytical newton-raphson, "nnr"=numerical newton-raphson estgain=1, # For model("irt"): constant to slow down(decrease to decimal)/speed up(increase) newton cycles; for model("gifa") and est("rm"): exponent on denominator in Robbins-Monro squeeze burnin=150, # MCMC Burn-In... Might implement other convergence criteria, acf? or Euclidean distance? quad="manual", # "manual", or "gauss-hermite" nodes=15, # nodes for quadrature, regardless of choice. gridbounds=c(-3.5,3.5), # "manual" quadrature bounds tmu=0, # Theta Prior mean, can be multivariate, e.g. c(0,0) tsigma=1, # Theta Prior sigma, can be multivariate, e.g. covariance matrix(Adim x Adim) eps=1e-4, # Convergence criterion. max(abs(A(i+1)-A(i)))<"1e-4" esttheta="mcmc", # imputation = "mcmc", MAP = "map", EAP = "eap" nesttheta=10, # for esttheta("mcmc"), how many imputations? impute=FALSE, # Not implemented yet, but hope to Impute missing data TRUE/FALSE chains=1, # Not implemented yet, but multiple chains for convergence initialize="best", # Initialize parameter values randomly = "random", or using best guess = "best" zfirst=TRUE, # For model("gifa"), Randomly sample Z first (TRUE) or Theta first (FALSE) record="on", # Record the MCMC iterations; "on" or "off". Saved in estfile simfile="SimTest", # If comparing to Generated parameters, give the name of an ".rda" file estfile="ProcTest") # Save the Fit [(if record("on")) and MCMC] to an ".rda" file with the name given here.