This is a Next.js app that allows users to view and search for characters, films, and species from the Star Wars universe. The app is built using the Star Wars API and is deployed on Vercel. You can access the live app at the following URL:
To install and run this app on your own machine, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine: Copy code git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
Copy code
cd starwars-api-build
Install the required dependencies: Copy code npm install
Start the development server: Copy code npm run dev The app will now be running on http://localhost:3000.
View a list of all Star Wars characters, films, and species Search for specific characters, films, or species using the search bar Click on a character, film, or species to view more details
If you encounter any issues while running the app, try the following:
Make sure you have installed all required dependencies (listed in the package.json file)
Check the console for error messages
Make sure you have correctly set up the .env file with the required environment variables
If you are unable to connect to the API, check if there are any network issues or if the API is experiencing downtime.