Enables the following functionalities on the Dolphin's (File Manager) right click contextual menu on KDE Plasma [5.x|6.x].
Submenu "Actions" => "KDE-Services" (it is shown when clicked any file/dir):
"Add Timestamp Prefix to [File|Dir]name"
"Change Timestamp to [File|Directory]"
"Send by Email"
"[Audio|Video] Info" (it is shown only when clicked any audio/video file)
"Show [File|Directory] Status"
"Change Owner Here" (owner and permission of file/dir)
"Text Replace" (it is shown only when clicked any text file)
"Compressed File Integrity Check" (it is shown only when clicked any compressed file)
"MKV Extract Subtitle" (it is shown only when clicked MKV video file)
"Multiplex Subtitle" (only support MPEG-2 video file)(it is shown only when clicked MPG video file)
"[File|Dir]name Whitespace Replace" (by underscore ASCII)(it is shown when clicked an directory)
Submenu "AVI Tools" (it is shown only when clicked AVI video file):
"Split (to size)"
"Split (by time range)"
Submenu "Android Tools" (it is shown when clicked an directory):
"Android Backup Manager" (backup or restore all device applications and data)
"Android File Manager" (copy file/dir from/to device)
"Android Package Manager" (install/uninstall *.apk applications)
"Android Reboot Manager" (reboots the device, optionally into the bootloader or recovery program)
Submenu "Backup Tools" (it is shown when clicked an directory):
"Standards" (backup/restore directories /etc/ and /root/ or GnuPG, FileZilla, Firefox, Chrome, KDE, KDE-Services, Pidgin, SSH, Thunderbird, Wine and X-Moto user configurations)
Submenu "CheckSum Tools" (it is shown when clicked any file):
"MD5 (strong)"
"SHA1 (good strong)"
"SHA256 (very strong)"
"SHA512 (high strong)"
"Verify CheckSum" (checksum file .md5/.sha1/.sha256/.sha512)
Submenu "Dolphin Tools" (it is shown when clicked an directory):
"Connect to" (FTP/SFTP/SMB protocol)
"Registered Servers" (show or edit IP/Hostname previously connected)
"Disk Space Used"
Submenu "Dropbox Tools" (it is shown when clicked an directory):
"Copy to Dropbox"
"Move to Dropbox"
"Copy to Public Dropbox and get URL"
"Move to Public Dropbox and get URL"
"Get public URL"
"Install Dropbox service"
"Update Dropbox service"
"Start Dropbox service"
"Stop Dropbox service"
"Enable autostart Dropbox service"
Submenu "Graphic Tools" (it is shown only when clicked any image file):
"The Converter" (from several image file formats to BMP, EPS, GIF, ICO, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PBM, PDF, PGM,PNG,PPM,PSD,SGI,TGA,TIFF or XPM)
"The Resizer" (customize the width of the image frame)
"16x16 (icon)"
"32x32 (icon)"
"48x48 (icon)"
"64x64 (icon)"
"128x128 (icon)"
"256x256 (icon)"
"300x300 (carnet)"
"320x240 (qvga)"
"352x288 (cif)"
"414x532 (visa)"
"480x320 (hvga)"
"512x512 (icon)"
"532x532 (passport)"
"640x480 (vga)"
"720x480 (ntsc)"
"800x600 (svga)"
"960x540 (qhd)"
"1024x768 (xga)"
"1280x1024 (sxga)"
"1366x768 (wxga)"
"1440x900 (wxga)"
"1600x1200 (uxga)"
"1920x1200 (wuxga)"
"2048x1080 (2k)"
"2560x2048 (qsxga)"
"3200x2048 (wqsxga)"
"3840x2400 (wquxga)"
"4096x2160 (4k)"
"5120x4096 (hsxga)"
"6400x4096 (whsxga)"
"7680x4800 (whuxga)"
"8192x4320 (8k)"
Submenu "ISO-9660 Image Tools" (it is shown only when clicked ISO-9660 image file):
"Mount ISO-9660 Image"
"Unmount ISO-9660 Image"
"Integrity Check"
"Insert MD5sum"
"Show MD5sum ISO-9660 Image"
"Show SHA1sum ISO-9660 Image"
"Show SHA256sum ISO-9660 Image"
"Show SHA512sum ISO-9660 Image"
"Burn ISO-9660 Image"
"Show ISO-9660 Image Info"
"Show Optical Drive Info"
Submenu "MEGA Tools" (it is shown when clicked any file/dir)
"Register New Account"
"Save User Login Credentials"
"Show Available Cloud Space"
"Create New Remote Folder"
"List Files Stored in Cloud"
"Remove Files Stored in Cloud"
"Upload Files to Cloud"
"Synchronize [from|to] Cloud"
Submenu "Midnight Tools" (it is shown when clicked an directory):
"[Root ~]# mc" (shell file manager GNU Midnight Commander with superuser privileges)
"[Root ~]# mcedit" (internal file editor of GNU Midnight Commander with superuser privileges)
"[User ~]$ mc" (shell file manager GNU Midnight Commander with user privileges)
"[User ~]$ mcedit" (internal file editor of GNU Midnight Commander with user privileges)
Submenu "Multimedia Tools" (it is shown when clicked an directory):
"DVD Assembler" (with menu)
"Convert Video Files" (from several video file formats to MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, AVI, VCD, SVCD, DVD, 3GP, FLV or WebM)
"Add Subtitle to MP4 Files"
"Volume Normalize of MP3 Files"
"[Extract|Convert] Audio Track" (from several audio file formats to MP3, MP3(432Hz), FLAC, FLAC 432Hz, OGG or OGG 432Hz)
"Rotate Video Files"
"Edit Time from Media Files"
"Attach Cover to MP3 Files"
"Clean Metadata from Media Files"
"Concatenate Media Files with Same Codec"
"Build ISO-9660 Image from Here" (from selected directory)
"DiskCloner" (binary copy from selected optical disk device to ISO-9660 image file)
"Record My Desktop" (record video screen)
"Play Video from Here" (play video files list from selected directory)
Submenu "Network Tools" (it is shown when clicked an directory):
"Connect Sentry" (show every established connection to previously selected ports)
"HTTP Server" (from selected directory)
"Listening Sockets"
Submenu "PDF Tools" (it is shown only when clicked PDF file):
"Apply Owner Password (DRM)"
"Apply User Password (Encrypt)"
"Apply DRM + Encrypt"
"Decrypt (DRM)"
"Fixer (if possible)"
"Extract Select Pages"
"Extract All Pages"
"Extract All Images"
"View Metadata"
"Edit Metadata"
"Merge Selected Files"
"Split in Single Page per File"
Submenu "Package Tools" (it is shown only when clicked SRPM/RPM file):
"Show Changelog"
"Show Info"
"List Content"
"List Configuration Files"
"List Dependencies"
"List [Ins|Unins]tallation Scripts"
"Extract Files Here"
"Integrity Check"
Submenu "SSH Tools" (it is shown when clicked an directory):
"Public Key Generation" (1st mandatory step before connect to remote server)
"Install Public Key" (2nd mandatory step before connect to remote server)
"Connect to Remote Server"
"Send to Remote Server" (only file support)
"Mount point to Remote Directory" (mount/unmount remote directory over SSH protocol in local filesystem)
"Registered Servers" (show or edit IP/Hostname previously connected)
Submenu "SaMBa Tools" (it is shown when clicked an directory):
"SaMBa Shares Mounter" (mount/unmount remote shared directory over SMB protocol in local filesystem)
Submenu "Search Tools" (it is shown when clicked an directory):
"Search Here" (recursively starting from the selected directory)
"Search by Name" (file/dir name on all filesystem)
"Search by String" (recursively starting from the selected directory into file content)
"Statistics Search DataBase"
"Update Search DataBase"
"Modified Files Here" (recursively starting from the selected directory showing all modified files for the 2nd time that is executed)
Submenu "Security Tools" (it is shown when clicked an directory):
"Mount Encrypted Directory" (mount an encrypted virtual filesystem from the selected directory)
"Unmount Encrypted Directory" (unmount an encrypted virtual filesystem from the selected mountpoint directory)
"Encrypt Directory" (create an encrypted virtual filesystem in the selected directory)
Submenu "Security Tools" (it is shown when clicked any file):
"Secure Send to Mailx" (file as email attachment; need SMTP service running in localhost)
"Paranoid Shredder" (delete files in a very safe way)
Submenu "System Tools" (it is shown when clicked an directory):
"Build Custom Kernel" (customize the system kernel easily, increasing the system performance and/or adding more hardware support, only for distros based on RHEL)
"Check Kernel Update" (only for distros based on RHEL)
"Rebuild RPM Package" (customize applications easily, increasing the application performance and/or adding more support, only for distros based on RHEL)
"System Information"
"System Monitor" (show system log fail/error events when they happen)
"Process Viewer"
"Xorg Configure" (create a configuration file for X11R7 X server)
Submenu "Terminal Tools" (it is shown only when clicked shell scripts/apps file):
"Run Application"
"Run Application (Root)"
Submenu "YouTube Tools" (it is shown when clicked an directory):
"Video Downloader"
"Video List Code Collector"
- Chinese
- French
- German
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish
- Ukrainian
- android-tools
- bash
- bc
- bzip2
- cifs-utils
- coreutils
- diffutils
- dmidecode
- dvdauthor
- festival
- ffmpeg
- file
- findutils
- fuse
- fuseiso
- fuse-encfs
- fuse-sshfs
- gawk
- genisoimage
- ghostscript
- gnupg
- htop
- ImageMagick
- iproute
- isomd5sum
- kde-baseapps
- kde-runtime
- kernel-tools
- konsole
- libcdio
- liberation-sans-fonts
- lynx
- mailx
- mc
- megatools
- mkvtoolnix
- mlocate
- mp3gain
- net-tools
- openssh-askpass
- pdftk
- perl
- perl-Image-ExifTool
- poppler
- poppler-utils
- procps
- psmisc
- pv
- recode
- samba-client
- sed
- shared-mime-info
- sox
- tar
- transcode
- unar
- util-linux
- vlc
- wget
- wodim
- xdg-utils
- xorg-x11-server-utils
- xorg-x11-server-Xorg
- xterm
- youtube-dl
- zip
- Sylvain Vidal (Author of service menu PDFktools).
- David Baum (Service menu PDFktools bugfixer and author of the good idea of integrating PDFktools on "PDF Tools").
- Victor Guardiola (Improved source code for "Mount ISO Image" and "Umount ISO Image" services menu; fixed the problem of [dir|file]name with whitespaces).
- Vasyl V. Vercynskyj (Translations to Russian and Ukrainian languages).
- Pawan Yadav (Research for KF5 support).
- Bruce Zhang (Translations to Chinese language).
- Daniele Scasciafratte (Translations to Italian language).
- Manuel Tancoigne (Translations to French language).
- 1- Open Dolphin file manager.
- 2- Click on Setting Menu.
- 3- Select Configure.
- 4- Click on Configure Dolphin.
- 5- Click on Context Menu.
- 6- Click on [Download New Services] button.
- 7- Search for "KDE-Services".
- 8- Click on [Install] button.
- 1- Open Discover application explorer.
- 2- Click on Application Addons.
- 3- Click on Servicemenu.
- 4- Search for "KDE-Services".
- 5- Click on the [Install] button.
- 1- servicemenuinstaller install kde-services-3.0.3.tar.gz
- 1- servicemenuinstaller uninstall kde-services-3.0.3.tar.gz
- You can make a donation to support the overall efforts of the KDE-Services project author. The information can be found in the "DONATE" file inside the "doc" directory of the source code. Thanks!