A quick SMTP client for iOS. Fork of skpsmtpmessage, by Ian Baird.
- Updated files to ARC, added bridging where needed;
- Got rid of all compile warnings;
- Updated Base64 encoding/decoding to use Apple's new ones from NSData
- Updated demo project to be iOS 8 and up compatable
To use this in your app, add the files in the SMTPLibrary directory to your project.
The Demo folder contains an Xcode project which will build a sample iPhone app.
Note: If you choose to build these files as a static library, you must add the following flag to your app's link flags in order to link to the NSStream+SKPSMTPExtension category. You will get an runtime exception (selector not recognized) if you forget.
Your Target -> Get Info -> Build -> All Configurations -> Other Link Flags: "-ObjC"
See: http://developer.apple.com/qa/qa2006/qa1490.html
- Steve Brokaw
Available via Cocoapods
You can add to your Podfile to integrate into your project.
pod 'SMTPLibrary'
You might need to add the CFNetwork.framework to your linked files.