This utility is called from pianobar. When the status changes, a notification using the Desktop notification system is displayed. It has only been tested in Linux, using the Desktop notification system implemented by the Galago project.
My pianobar config file (~/.config/pianobar/config) includes
event_command = pianobar-notify
To install this app, for the time being, copy or soft-link src/pianobar-notify to ~/bin or a directory in your path.
Required modules:
Run the requirement check script (which requires Test::More) for your specific operating system:
perl src/
Mac OS X:
perl src/
If you're running Mac OS X, you may need to install the required modules via macports and CPAN:
port install p5-common-sense
port install p5-json
port install p5-xml-entities
cpan i /GNTP/
I had to add a missing feature to Desktop::Notify::Notification. The patch is:
--- a/blib/lib/Desktop/Notify/ 2009-12-24 20:09:23.000000000 -0500
+++ b/blib/lib/Desktop/Notify/ 2010-11-17 17:51:45.000000000 -0500
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
use base qw/Class::Accessor/;
-Desktop::Notify::Notification->mk_accessors(qw/summary body timeout/);
+Desktop::Notify::Notification->mk_accessors(qw/summary body timeout app_icon/);
=head1 NAME
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
$self->{id} = $self->{server}->{notify}
$self->{id} || 0,
- '',
+ $self->{app_icon} || '',
which basically adds an accessor for app_icon
and sends app_icon
to the server.
I have a call to _show_in_awesome
from the _display
method. If you are not using Awesome, or don't have musiccover
defined in your rc.lua ($HOME/.config/awesome/rc.lua), comment out the line in _display
that calls it (currently 144, but it will change).
The commented out section should look like:
# $self->_show_in_awesome(...);