Author: George Starcher (starcher) Email: [email protected]
This is a Splunk Modular Alert used to send the search results to the IFTTT Maker Channel. It expects your search results have a column for Value1, Value2, and/or Value3. This matches what is expected from the IFTTT Maker Channel trigger.
The IFTTT Maker Channel information can be found at
IFTTT is a trademark of IFTTT Inc., Use of their API/Sytem is subject to their terms of service.
All materials in this project are provided under the MIT software license. See license.txt for details.
- Splunk 6.3+
- Supported on Windows, Linux, MacOS, Solaris, FreeBSD, HP-UX, AIX
- An IFTTT Account
- Setup of a Maker Channel recipie
- Untar the release to your $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps directory
- Restart Splunk
Perform a search in Splunk and then navigate to : Save As -> Alert -> Trigger Actions -> Add Actions -> Send to IFTTT
On this dialogue you can enter the event name and API key that matches the IFTTT Trigger recipie.
Keep in mind that credentials stored in a Modular Alert are NOT encrypted. And users with permissions to the saved alert can view them.
Browse to : Settings -> Alert Actions -> Send to IFTTT -> View Log Events
Or you can search directly in Splunk : index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd component=sendmodalert action="sendtoifttt"