An ongoing project that aims to assist businesses in efficiently managing and tracking various types of absence requests. The project centers around a desktop web application designed for leave management, utilizing technologies such as Laravel, Angular, Docker, MySql, and Apache.
- Laravel-passports
- Laravel-permissions
- Middlewares
- Cron Angular
- Guards
- Interceptors
- Pipes
- Custom directive for permissions MySQL
- One-to-one and One-to-many relations Docker
- Protected with guard
- Reset password functionality
- Show number of remaining days per employee
- Show number of pending requests per employee if any
- List in calendar
- Filter
- Register for someone else if you have the needed rights
- Register for yourself
- List is loaded based on your position
- After register or approve/decline data is populated in the calendar without refreshing
- Notification on request registered/approved/declined
- Pending request count or clicking on request from the calendar opens the request.
- Profile data
- Picture
- Change password
- Requests tracking
- Create/edit employees
- Notifications settings.
- Requests settings (types, holidays, remaining days estimation logic)
- Control permissions,roles,etc..
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Prepare .env and docker-compose.yml:
cd hr-app-review
cp .env.example .env
cp docker-compose.local.example.yml docker-compose.yml
OPTIONAL: Configure email SMTP credentials, needed for app notifications. You can use free services like
vim .env
#find and replace below
#save and exit: ESC + :wq
- Build and run docker:
docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d
- Install Laravel dependencies inside the app container:
docker exec -it hr-app-review_laravel_1 bash
composer i
#Back to Ubuntu, press `Ctrl + D`.
- Add permissions so docker can write in folders:
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER vendor
chmod -R 777 vendor resources storage app/Console/Commands
- Install Laravel Passports:
docker exec -it hr-app-review_laravel_1 bash
php artisan passport:keys
#Back to Ubuntu, press `Ctrl + D`.
- Rebuild the docker
docker-compose down && docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d
- Delete cached data and rebuild
- Sometimes cached data can prevent app to connect properly to the database, of your browser can trigger CORS policy errors.
docker exec -it hr-app-review_laravel_1 bash
composer dump-autoload
php artisan clear-compiled
php artisan config:clear
php artisan cache:clear
#Back to Ubuntu, press `Ctrl + D`.
docker-compose down && docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d
- IMPORTANT Manually add initial database data
- Go to pma: localhost:8080
- log with: username: user password: user
- Import the Database data
- Option 1: **Import file database/db_for_dev_purposes.sql inside 'laravel' table from PHPMyAdmin.
- Option 2:
#Copy everything from db_for_dev_purposes.sql
cat database/db_for_dev_purposes.sql
Run SQL query/queries on database 'laravel' from PHPMyAdmin using the copied data from 'database/db_for_dev_purposes.sql'
- Install angular dependencies
cd resources/frontend/angular2
npm install --force
#(npm install --force fails , try clean cache and retry: npm cache clear --force. Unfortunately we need --force, because project was started with some angular template which I don't have time to fix, despite that template is used only in the side menu)
- Run angular on locally
ng serve
Login at localhost:4200/login Email: [email protected] Password: testtest
- Start docker
docker-compose up -d
- Start angular
cd resources/frontend/angular2
ng serve
- web: localhost:4200/login (email: [email protected] | password: testtest)
- pma: localhost:8080 (user: user | password: user)
Local build
cd resources/frontend/angular2
ng build --configuration local --base-href "/" --deploy-url=/assets/angular/ && cp ../../../public/assets/angular/index.html ../../views/angular.blade.php
- Stop docker
docker-compose up -d
- Deleting app If you no longer need this repo locally, delete your database volumes.
#run 'docker volume ls' to get existing volumes
docker volume rm hr-app-review_sailmysqldb