This repo contains the necessary infrastructure for testing using Drone.
Docker version 17.06 or higher and Docker Compose must be installed.
Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. To learn more about Compose refer to the documentation.
The docker-compose.yml file defines the docker configuration for our Drone application. The docker-compose CLI lets you manage your application life-cycle.
$ ssh [email protected]
$ cd dotty-drone/drone/
$ docker-compose up --force-recreate -d
recreates containers even if their configuration and image haven't changed.
runs containers in the background and prints new container names.
The Dotty repo contains a .drone.yml file that contains the necessary settings for drone to run the CI.
The repo is then activated via the UI on or from the commandline using:
$ drone repo add lampepfl/dotty
Installation instructions for the drone command.
Drone provides the ability to store sensitive information such as passwords.
Secrets are loaded as environment variables. For example the secret named sonatype_user
can be
accessed via "$SONATYPE_USER"
. Use lower case to name your secrets and upper case to access their
You can add secrets to a build via the UI on or from the command line using:
$ drone secret add --repository=lampepfl/dotty --name=<name> --value=<value>
This docker image is set up in order to run the tests for Dotty. It is currently pushed to lampepfl/dotty on Docker hub.
To build the image, simply:
$ cd dotty-docker
$ docker build --no-cache -t lampepfl/dotty:$(date +%F) .
$ docker login
$ docker push lampepfl/dotty:$(date +%F)
The new image should now appear in The next step is to open a PR againts to change the tag of the docker image in .drone.yml.