Toolkit for component-oriented styling
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- Component-oriented
- Stateless, single-element styled components as base styling primitive
- Prop interfaces for conditional/dynamic styling
- Embrace typed JavaScript
- Composition of styles via (typed) JavaScript objects
- No extra tooling (e.g. Webpack loaders, Babel plugins, etc.)
- Portability and flexibility
- Portability of styled components across different rendering engines (e.g. atomic CSS)
- Core implementation agnostic of shape of style objects
See docs/ for more details.
import {styled} from "styletron-react";
// Create a styled component by passing an element name and a style object
const RedAnchor = styled("a", {color: "red"});
<RedAnchor href="/foo">Hello</RedAnchor>;
// Or pass a function that takes props and returns a style object
const Panel = styled("div", props => {
return {backgroundColor: props.$alert ? "orange" : "lightblue"};
<Panel $alert>Hello!</Panel>;
See packages/styletron-react for full documentation
also provides composition helpers such as withStyle
to build styled components from existing styled components.
import {withStyle} from "styletron-react";
const FancyAnchor = withStyle(RedAnchor, {fontFamily: "cursive"});
<FancyAnchor href="/foo">Hello</FancyAnchor>;
const DeluxePanel = withStyle(Panel, props => ({
backgroundColor: props.alert ? "firebrick" : "rebeccapurple",
color: "white",
boxShadow: "3px 3px 3px darkgray"
<DeluxePanel>Bonjour Monde</DeluxePanel>;
See packages/styletron-react for full documentation
Styled components require a rendering engine to perform side effects (such as rendering styles to the page).
import {Provider as StyletronProvider} from "styletron-react";
import {Client as Styletron} from "styletron-engine-atomic";
// 1. Create a client engine instance
const engine = new Styletron();
// 2. Provide the engine to the app
<StyletronProvider value={engine}>
<App />
import {Provider as StyletronProvider} from "styletron-react";
import {Server as Styletron} from "styletron-engine-atomic";
// 1. Create a server engine instance
const engine = new Styletron();
// 2. Provide the engine to the app
const html = React.render(
<StyletronProvider value={engine}>
<App />
// 3. Extract critical styles after SSR
const styles = engine.getStyleSheetsHTML();
// → "<style ..."
When server-side rendering, pass the server-rendered styled elements to the client engine constructor to hydrate the client-side cache. This prevents these styles from being re-rendered and avoids potential style conflicts.
import {Provider as StyletronProvider} from "styletron-react";
import {Client as Styletron} from "styletron-engine-atomic";
// create an engine instance
- const engine = new Styletron();
+ const engine = new Styletron({hydrate: document.getElementsByClassName("_styletron_hydrate_")});
// wrap root component with provider
<StyletronProvider value={engine}>
See packages/styletron-engine-atomic for full documentation.