Deutscher Wetterdienst
- Offenbach am Main, Germany
Label Studio is a multi-type data labeling and annotation tool with standardized output format
Recipe to build EUMETSAT Metopizer as a container
Python package for georeferencing satellite imagery.
Python package for earth-observing satellite data processing
Annotation of datasets for deep learning applied to satellite and aerial imagery
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Functions for downloading GOES-R ABI imagery, orthorectifying with a DEM, creating timeseries for a single point from a stack of ABI images
Manipulation and analysis of geometric objects on the sphere.
Python package for easy access to weather and climate data
Code for paper "Multi-source seamless lightning nowcasting with recurrent deep learning"
⛈️ Code for the paper "End-to-End Prediction of Lightning Events from Geostationary Satellite Images"
Description of setup and performance of MTG FCI test dataset processing
Cloud Typing Python Tools for Verification of Weather Forecasts
Tracking and object-based analysis of clouds
A small tool to graphically help the creation of area definitions in Pytroll. It's WIP and plenty of hardcoded stuff, it needs work before it can be used.
Python library for radar-based precipitation nowcasting based on optical flow techniques
Solution to the Weather4cast 2021 Stage 1 challenge
Satellite Optical Flow with machine learning models