EYWA Core is consisted of IAM and Dataset modeling. Dataset modeling is heart of this project and its goal is to enable users to model their data and deploy modeled data painlessly to underlaying DB engine/service. With this approach data models are transportable (from DB to DB, from project to project), reliable and provide common ground for extending application features.
Identity Access Management is necessary to enable secure and consistent way to control modeling, deployment, and usage of deployed models so that only the right people/service/script can do the right thing. Therefore IAM is indivisable part of Dataset modeling.
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/eywa.public/eywa_cli/install_eywa_cli.ps1" -OutFile eywa_cli_install.ps1
rm eywa_cli_install.ps1
Add %USERPROFILE%\.eywa\bin
to PATH environment variable
curl -s https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/eywa.public/eywa_cli/install_eywa_cli.sh | bash
Currently supported database is Postgres, although support for MySQL, SQLite and others is on roadmap.
Requirement is to have Postgres, so if you don't have installation i recommend using docker to download Postgres image and afterwards run:
docker run --name EYWA_DEV -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password postgres
This will spin up container with port forwarding so that you can connect to database on localhost using postgres user.
Following steps are enough to initialize EYWA.
EYWA will try to setup environment based on configuration file or environment variables. EYWA requires credentials and DB endpoint data so it can connect to Postgres DB. Configuration file can be generated by running
eywa core gen-config -j # for JSON configuration
eywa core gen-config -e # for EDN configuration
Both configuration formats are valid. For more information about how EYWA prioritizes environment setup run
eywa core gen-config
Since configuration file will contain credentials data in plaintext it is recommended to add
to .gitignore file in your project.
To see what options are available to manage configuration file use:
eywa core config-schema
Lets get back on track, so we have running docker container and eywa cli application installed. As well as local environment configured in configuration file and set as default environment for eywa cli.
Now we need to install EYWA Core jar file. Run
eywa core -l
And output should look something like this
❯ eywa core -l
List of available versions. '*' installed, '-' not installed
[-] 0.1.4
[-] 0.1.3
To install some version run
eywa core -s 0.1.4
Ok EYWA Core server is installed, now we need to initialize EYWA IAM and Datacraft. So we should run:
eywa core init
If above command didn't throw any error that implies that initialization were successfull and DB is initialized. So everything is ready to start EYWA server, except there is no user that can login to EYWA.
eywa core super -s admin
Will prompt for password for admin password, and when supplied admin user will be created with target password. Now run
eywa core start
And navigate to http://localhost:8080/eywa/ and login screen should be waiting for you. Use username and password from previous step to login.
Also there is GraphiQL ui available at http://localhost:8080/graphql/ui . To access it you need to login to EYWA ui first.
To track what is happening open log file at location ~/.eywa/logs/dev.log
If something went wrong or EYWA Core server isn't running as supposed to, run
eywa core doctor
Check out setup.md
For working on datasets and testing reconsider following datasets: