Microservices platform for rapid CRUD applicaitons developing
You need Node.js, npm and MongoDB installed on your system. We suggest to use Docker MongoDB 3.2 image
After setting up MongoDB run:
npm install blank-cli -g
blank init newApp
cd ./newApp
blank server
Compile with /lib/reactComponents
blank dist
Run server with /lib/reactComponents dev mode
blank server|one --dist
Run server with dist/bundle.js and chunks
blank server|one --with-dist
Web server will be reached on http://localhost:8080/
Default username/password: root/toor
Run Blank from src:
node /path/to/Blank/index.js server --dir=./
Where ./
is a directory with application config.
Services registry - central point of all Blank infrastructure.
Component for work with client connections. Handles clients requests and manages workers tasks queue.
Blank application server. Processes tasks from queue.
Webpack custom settings
"webpackConfig": {
"externals": {
"pdfjs-dist": "pdfjsDistWebPdfViewer",
"pdfjs-dist/lib/web/pdf_link_service": "pdfjsDistWebPdfViewer.PDFJS"