A project created using TypeScript, Styled Components, ContextAPI, React Testing Library and ReactJS following the Alura lessons. In this application you'll be able to add to-do tasks and add a timer for conclude the task! 👊🏼
It was a really nice project to develop. I could train and study more about React and TypeScript, also how to implement a toggle theme functionality using ContextAPI, good practices using Styled Components, implement unity tests and a lot more. 🙌🏼
- Clone the repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/ggonpereira/studies-app.git
- Then access the directory:
$ cd studies-app
- Install dependencies:
$ npm install
- Then start the server:
$ npm start
- And finally, access: http://localhost:3000 (if the application hasn't accessed to you)
This project was developed with ❤️ by @Gabriel G. Pereira.
If it was helpful for you or I could inspire you to create your own project, give me a ⭐! 😉