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A visual code-free/no-code web crawler/spider, just select the content you want to crawl on the web page and operate according to the prompt box to complete the design and execution of the crawler. At the same time, the software can be executed by command line alone, so it can be easily embedded into other systems.
进入 Releases Page 下载最新版本。如果下载速度慢,可以考虑中国境内下载地址:中国境内下载地址。
Refer to the Releases Page to download the latest version of EasySpider.
Documentation can be found from GitHub Wiki.
如何无代码可视化的爬取需要登录才能爬的网站 - 知乎网站案例
【重要】自定义条件判断之使用循环项内的JS命令返回值 - 第二弹
Refer to Youtube Playlist to see the video tutorials of EasySpider.
This software is for learning and communication only. It is strictly forbidden to use the software for any illegal operations, such as crawling government/military websites that are not allowed to be crawled. All consequences caused by the use of this software are at the user's own risk, and the author is not responsible for any consequences.
For the crawler operations of government and military websites, the author will not answer any questions in order to avoid violating relevant national laws, regulations and policies.
At the same time, the software is protected by patent rights. If you want to use it for commercial purposes, please contact Zhejiang University Tiandao Patent Agency for patent authorization and other paid operations.
This software has been accepted by The Web Conference (WWW) 2023 (中国计算机学会顶级会议,CCF A): EasySpider: A No-Code Visual System for Crawling the Web, March 2023.
中国国家知识产权局发明专利,一种自定义提取流程的服务封装系统, 2022年5月。