Attentive Graph Neural Network (AGNN) is a new recommendation framework tailored to knowledge graph-based personalized recommendation. Built upon the graph neural network framework, AGNN explicitly models the semantics encoded in KGs with expressive subgraphs to provide better recommendation with side information.
- Python 2.7
- Pytorch (cudatoolkit=9.0)
- numpy == 1.16.2
- networkx == 2.2
For the MoiveLens dataset, we crawl the corresponding IMDB dataset as movie auxiliary information, including genre, director, and actor. Note that we automatically remove the movies without auxilairy information. We then combined MovieLens and IMDB by movie title and released year. The combined data is saved in a txt file (auxiliary.txt) and the format is as follows:
id:1|genre:Animation,Adventure,Comedy|director:John Lasseter|actors:Tom Hanks,Tim Allen,Don Rickles,Jim Varney
For the original user-movie rating data, we remove all items without auxiliary information. The data is save in a txt file (rating-delete-missing-itemid.txt) and the format is as follows:
userid itemid rating timestamp
This is the music listening dataset collected from online music systems. Wherein, the tracks are viewed as the items. In particular, we take the subset of the dataset where the timestamp is from Jan, 2015 to June, 2015. For Last-FM,we map items into Freebase entities via title matching if there is a mapping available. The overall KG is saved in kg_final.txt and the format is as follows:
head_entity_id relation_id tail_entity_id
It records user ratings on local business scaled from 1-5. Additionally, social relations as well as business attributes (e.g., category, city) are also included. For Yelp, we extract item knowledge from the local business information network (e.g., category, location, and attribute) as KG data. The format is as follows:
id:11163|genre:Accountants,Professional Services,Tax Services,Financial Services|city:Peoria
For clarify, hereafter we use movieLens dataset as a toy example to demonstrate the detailed modules of AGNN.
Data Split (
Split the user-movie rating data into training and test data
Input Data: user_movies.txt
Output Data: training.txt, test.txt
Negative Sample (,
Sample negative movies for each user to balance the model training & Sample negative movies for test.
Input Data: training.txt; test.txt
Output Data: negative.txt; test_negative.txt
Path Sampling (,,
Extract paths for positive and negative user-moive interaction and prepare paths data for test, respectively.
Input Data: user-movie interaction for positive/negative/test rating
Output Data: sampled path for positive/negtiave/test user-item pair
Attentive Graph Neural Network (
- Model for Attentive Graph Neural Network
Train and Test (,
- Feed both postive and negative path into the AGNN, train and evaluate the model
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