Copernicus Browser is a search tool for satellite imagery, including Sentinel-1, 2, 3 and 5P. It was released as open-source to bring Earth Observation imagery closer to its end users.
Some features:
- Search by date, location, source, and cloud cover
- Tweak imagery rendering parameters and settings on-the-fly and download beautiful visualizations of the data
- Search full products and download raw data (individual files or entire products)
- Add products to the workspace for further processing
- Pin your results and make opacity or split image comparisons
- Explore imagery in 3D
- Create and share 2D/3D timelapses
- Analyse the visualized data (measure, statistics, histogram)
The use of Copernicus Browser is free of charge. To unlock advanced features, you need to create a free account (here).
Copernicus Browser is part of the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem, a new service to better access and exploit the EU's Copernicus satellites data. You can find out more about the service here and in the Copernicus Browser user manual here you will find a detailed overview of the Browser's functionality.
Sentinel-2 Quarterly Mosaic for June - August in a True Color visualization (link)
Contact us to get help about deploying the Browser on your infrastructure.
- copy
file and rename the copied file to.env
, fill out the needed values - use your instance ids in
- Run
npm install
- Run
npm start
to run the application locally - Run
npm run storybook
to run storybook locally for testing components independently - Run
npm run prettier
to prettifyjs
files - Run
npm run lint
to lintjs
files - Run
npm run build
to build the application sources - Run
npm run translate
to add strings to the translation files - Run
npm run debug-translations
to replace all translation strings with "XXXXXX" - Run
npm run update-previews
to create layer preview images - Run
npm run update-metadata-cache
to create getCapabilities and configuration cache
The app relies on some values being provided as environment variables. The details are described in the collapsible part below.
Click to expand
: URL at which the app is (publicly) accessible- Needed for correctly setting URLs for assets and authentication.
for local development, the whole public url for deployments on web servers
: URL at which the Sentinel Hub servicess are accessible
Application supports usage with user login or anonymously (without the need to log in).
In case of anonymous usage, the instance ids in default_themes.js
and education_themes.js
need to be set. Contact us for support.
Environment variables neede for user login:
: Base URL for user login- contact us for support
: ID of the OAuth client created in the Dashboard and designated for user login- create your OAuth client in the Dashboard
Environment variables needed for anonymous usage:
: Fingerprint API key for anonymous authentication (to enable usage without user login)- contact us for support
: Fingerprint URL for anonymous authentication (to enable usage without user login)- contact us for support
: Backend for saving user pins and timelapses- contact us for support
- without it, users won't be able to save pins without downloading them or share timelapses
: MapTiler key for accessing maps on MapTiler- create your key on MapTiler's website
- without it, there will be no basemaps or overlays other than the default OSM basemap
- names and styles used in
- create your maps on MapTiler's website
- without it, there will be no basemaps or overlays other than the default OSM basemap
- names and styles used in
: Google Maps API key for location search- see Google's documentation
- without it, users won't be able to use Google for location search
: Google Maps API key for Google satellite baselayer- see Google's documentation
- without it, there will be no Google Satellite basemap for paying users
: Copernicus Dataspace Ecosystem URL for searching for products
- see Copernicus Dataspace Ecosystem documentation
- without it, users won't be able to search Copernicus Dataspace Ecosystem products
: Copernicus Dataspace Ecosystem URL for downloading products
- see Copernicus Dataspace Ecosystem documentation
- without it, users won't be able to download Copernicus Dataspace Ecosystem products
: URL shortener- create your account on Rebrandly's website
- without it, users won't be able to share the short URL (copying long URL will still work)
: Planet Labs API key for using their data- see Planet Labs website
- without it, users won't be able to buy Planet data through this app or view it in this app
: ID of the OAuth client created in the Dashboard and used for updating configurations cache and preview images- see Sentinel Hub on Copernicus Dataspace Ecosystem documentation
- without it, maintainers won't be able to update configurations cache and preview images
: Secret of the OAuth client created in the Dashboard and used for updating configurations cache and preview images- see Sentinel Hub on Copernicus Dataspace Ecosystem documentation
- without it, maintainers won't be able to update configurations cache and preview images
: Auth URL to authenticate with client id and secret for updating configurations cache and preview images
- see Copernicus Dataspace Ecosystem documentation
- see Sentinel Hub on Copernicus Dataspace Ecosystem documentation
- without it, maintainers won't be able to update configurations cache and preview images
Thanks to the efforts of various people and institutions, you can use the Copernicus Browser in your native language. Since the Browser is under constant development not all parts might be already translated in all languages.
Your language is missing or incomplete and you want to help with the translation? Contact us at [email protected] for more information.
Copernicus Browser, the evolution of EO Browser, shares many translations with its predecessor. A big thank you to everyone listed below (including those who didn't want to be publicly named) for their help in translating parts of the respective app.
- Catalan: Ferran Gascon (ESA)
- Dutch: Bram Janssen, Bart Bomans (VITO)
- German: ESERO Austria/ESERO Germany
- French: CNES, ESERO France, ESERO Luxembourg
- Hungarian: Beata Malyusz, András Zlinszky
- Italian: Annamaria Luongo, Giuseppe Petricca, Stefano Ippoliti
- Latvian: Valters Žeižis
- Polish ESERO Poland/Copernicus Science Centre
- Slovenian: Krištof Oštir (Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana)
- Spanish: ESERO Spain, Jorge Delgado (University of Jaén)
- Ukrainian: GIS & RS Laboratory of Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The translations in Copernicus Browser are a community effort and are largely provided on a voluntary basis. As the application contains several hundred translations per language, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of every single translation.