This is a sample todo app built with React Native for sole purposes of learning the ReactNative framework and practice different methods on building a mobile app.
You will need react-native-cli
installed on your machine. Steps for installation can be found here. After you have successfully installed react-native-cli
confirm by writing following command on your terminal:
> react-native --version
> react-native-cli: 2.0.1
react-native: 0.54.0
Run the following command to install the app and link dependencies
> yarn && react-native link
If you prefer npm
> npm install && react-native link
Start the packager by running the following commands. Make sure you have Android emulator running before this.
> react-native run-ios && react-native run-android
- Add Navigation
- Add a screen to show details on Todo
- Use
to style the app - Build a backend API using Node and MongoDB to power the app for multiple users
- Use