A jQuery paint plugin for a simple drawing surface that you can easily pop into your pages, similar to the basic windows paint program.
- wScratchPad - Plugin simulating scratch card.
- wColorPicker - Color pallette seleciton plugin.
Available options with notes, the values here are the defaults.
mode : 'Pencil', // drawing mode - Rectangle, Ellipse, Line, Pencil, Eraser
lineWidthMin : '0', // line width min for select drop down
lineWidthMax : '10', // line widh max for select drop down
lineWidth : '2', // starting line width
fillStyle : '#FFFFFF', // starting fill style
strokeStyle : '#FFFF00', // start stroke style
fontSizeMin : '8', // min font size in px
fontSizeMax : '20', // max font size in px
fontSize : '12', // current font size for text input
fontFamilyOptions : ['Arial', 'Courier', 'Times', 'Trebuchet', 'Verdana'],
fontFamily : 'Arial', // active font family for text input
fontTypeBold : false, // text input bold enable/disable
fontTypeItalic : false, // text input italic enable/disable
fontTypeUnderline : false, // text input italic enable/disable
image : null, // preload image - base64 encoded data
imageBg : null, // preload image bg, cannot be altered but saved with image
drawDown : null, // function to call when start a draw
drawMove : null, // function to call during a draw
drawUp : null, // function to call at end of draw
menu : ['undo','clear','rectangle','ellipse','line','pencil','text','eraser','fillColor','lineWidth','strokeColor'], // menu items - appear in order they are set
menuOrientation : 'horizontal' // orinetation of menu (horizontal, vertical)
menuOffsetX : 5, // offset for menu (left)
menuOffsetY : 5 // offset for menu (top)
menuTitles : { // icon titles, replace any of the values to customize
'undo': 'undo',
'redo': 'redo',
'clear': 'clear',
'rectangle': 'rectangle',
'ellipse': 'ellipse',
'line': 'line',
'pencil': 'pencil',
'text': 'text',
'eraser': 'eraser',
'fillColor': 'fill color',
'lineWidth': 'line width',
'strokeColor': 'stroke color',
'bold': 'bold',
'italic': 'italic',
'underline': 'underline',
'fontSize': 'font size',
'fontFamily': 'font family'
disableMobileDefaults: false // disable default touchmove events for mobile (will prevent flipping between tabs and scrolling)
Include the followin files:
<script type="text/javascript" src="./wPaint.js"></script>
<link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./wPaint.css" />
image: <image_data>,
drawDown: function(e, mode){ console.log(this.settings.mode + ": " + e.pageX + ',' + e.pageY); },
drawMove: function(e, mode){ console.log(this.settings.mode + ": " + e.pageX + ',' + e.pageY); },
drawUp: function(e, mode){ console.log(this.settings.mode + ": " + e.pageX + ',' + e.pageY); }
Init with background (bg is saved with image but cannot be altered):
image: './some/path/imagepreload.png',
imageBg: './some/path/imagebg.png'
Set image on the fly. Thsi can be a base64 encoded an image or simply a path to any image on the same domain.
$('#wPaint').wPaint('image', '<image_data>')
Get the image data:
var imageData = $("#wPaint").wPaint("image");
$("#canvasImage").attr('src', imageData);
Clear the canvas manually.
- More jQuery plugins by Websanova
- jQuery Plugin Development Boilerplate
- The Ultimate Guide to Writing jQuery Plugins
MIT licensed
Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Websanova http://www.websanova.com