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A jQuery paint plugin for a simple drawing surface that you can easily pop into your pages, similar to the basic windows paint program.

Related Plugins


Available options with notes, the values here are the defaults.

    mode                 : 'Pencil',         // drawing mode - Rectangle, Ellipse, Line, Pencil, Eraser
    lineWidthMin         : '0',              // line width min for select drop down
    lineWidthMax         : '10',             // line widh max for select drop down
    lineWidth            : '2',              // starting line width
    fillStyle            : '#FFFFFF',        // starting fill style
    strokeStyle          : '#FFFF00',        // start stroke style
    fontSizeMin          : '8',              // min font size in px
    fontSizeMax          : '20',             // max font size in px
    fontSize             : '12',             // current font size for text input
    fontFamilyOptions    : ['Arial', 'Courier', 'Times', 'Trebuchet', 'Verdana'],
    fontFamily           : 'Arial',          // active font family for text input
    fontTypeBold         : false,            // text input bold enable/disable
    fontTypeItalic       : false,            // text input italic enable/disable
    fontTypeUnderline    : false,            // text input italic enable/disable
    image                : null,             // preload image - base64 encoded data
    imageBg              : null,             // preload image bg, cannot be altered but saved with image
    drawDown             : null,             // function to call when start a draw
    drawMove             : null,             // function to call during a draw
    drawUp               : null,             // function to call at end of draw
    menu                 : ['undo','clear','rectangle','ellipse','line','pencil','text','eraser','fillColor','lineWidth','strokeColor'], // menu items - appear in order they are set
    menuOrientation      : 'horizontal'      // orinetation of menu (horizontal, vertical)
    menuOffsetX          : 5,                // offset for menu (left)
    menuOffsetY          : 5                 // offset for menu (top)
    menuTitles           : {                 // icon titles, replace any of the values to customize
                                'undo': 'undo',
                                'redo': 'redo',
                                'clear': 'clear',
                                'rectangle': 'rectangle',
                                'ellipse': 'ellipse',
                                'line': 'line',
                                'pencil': 'pencil',
                                'text': 'text',
                                'eraser': 'eraser',
                                'fillColor': 'fill color',
                                'lineWidth': 'line width',
                                'strokeColor': 'stroke color',
                                'bold': 'bold',
                                'italic': 'italic',
                                'underline': 'underline',
                                'fontSize': 'font size',
                                'fontFamily': 'font family'
    disableMobileDefaults: false             // disable default touchmove events for mobile (will prevent flipping between tabs and scrolling)


Include the followin files:

<script type="text/javascript" src="./wPaint.js"></script>
<link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./wPaint.css" />


    image: <image_data>,
    drawDown: function(e, mode){ console.log(this.settings.mode + ": " + e.pageX + ',' + e.pageY); },
    drawMove: function(e, mode){ console.log(this.settings.mode + ": " + e.pageX + ',' + e.pageY); },
    drawUp: function(e, mode){ console.log(this.settings.mode + ": " + e.pageX + ',' + e.pageY); }


Init with background (bg is saved with image but cannot be altered):

    image: './some/path/imagepreload.png',
    imageBg: './some/path/imagebg.png'

image data

Set image on the fly. Thsi can be a base64 encoded an image or simply a path to any image on the same domain.

$('#wPaint').wPaint('image', '<image_data>')

Get the image data:

var imageData = $("#wPaint").wPaint("image");
$("#canvasImage").attr('src', imageData);


Clear the canvas manually.




MIT licensed

Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Websanova