A new concept for collaborative music
The following repository can be used as a template for anyone who wants to create their own client to consume the API provided by https://github.com/gilpanal/beatbytebot_api, a middleware to connect audio projects through a Telegram Bot: https://github.com/gilpanal/beatbytebot
- Node.js (v14)
If you want to see it in action just follow these steps:
- In Telegram, create a new channel or group
- Add the bot called "bunchofsongsbot" as an admin to the chat
- Record something or attach an audio file
- Visit https://sheltered-meadow-50218.herokuapp.com/ and check the content was successfully created
- Visit https://bunchofsongs.web.app/ to actually listen to your audio tracks. See Note 1
Current Bot features: https://github.com/gilpanal/beatbytebot/wiki/Current-Features
- git clone https://github.com/gilpanal/beatbytebot_webapp
- cd beatbytebot_webapp
- npm i
- Rename "src/js/config_template.js" to "src/js/config.js". See Note 2
- Do the following asjustment: https://github.com/gilpanal/beatbytebot_webapp/wiki/Solved-Issues
- npm run dev
- Open
- Please when using the web browser avoid Safari as it's not compatible with Telegram voice recording audio format (.oga/ogg)
- In case you are also running the API project locally (https://github.com/gilpanal/beatbytebot_api#how-to-run-it-locally). Change
DEVPORT is8080
by default or the number choosen for the API in case you use a different port. BOT_NAME_DEV is the name of your custom bot in case you want to allow login in the web client using the Telegram Login Widget (https://core.telegram.org/widgets/login). This also gives persmission to upload and delete tracks in channels/groups where the user is admin. More details: https://github.com/gilpanal/beatbytebot_webapp/wiki/Telegram-Login-Widget
Wiki: https://github.com/gilpanal/beatbytebot_webapp/wiki
Project Dev Board: https://github.com/gilpanal/beatbytebot_webapp/projects/1
Naomi Aro waveform-playlist |