A maven plugin to execute shellcheck in a maven build
The plugin has a single check
goal that searches for shell files in standard configurable locations and
invokes shellcheck on them.
Since shellcheck is a non-java application the plugin provides automatic ways to get hold of the shellcheck binary. This
is controlled by the binaryResolutionMethod
plugin configuration:
the plugin will use a shellcheck binary embedded in the plugin jar.- useful if you're behind proxy and you want zero-hassles in configuring things
- you're bound to the embedded shellcheck version (currently 0.9.0)
the binary will be downloaded at plugin execution time.- lets you target a specific shellcheck version different from the embedded one
- the download is performed under the hood by the maven-download-plugin which provides caching, so you won't be downloading the same binary over and over
the path to a shellcheck binary needs to be provided.- you have all control
- requiring external tools to be installed makes the build less self-contained
For embedded
and download
resolutions, at plugin execution time, the resolved binary is copied
to ${project.buid.directory}/shellcheck-plugin/shellcheck
and then invoked.
Optionally the plugin can be configured to fail the build if warnings are found (i.e. on non-zero shellcheck exit code)
with the failBuildIfWarnings
The plugin is released on maven central, so you can use it in your build like this (just replace ${shellcheck-maven-plugin.version} with the latest version).
The quickest way to get started, using sensible defaults.
This is a fairly comprehensive usage example where almost all configuration knobs are used and some defaults are re-stated in the configuration for transparency and documentation purposes.
<!-- all configuration keys are included in this example -->
<!-- If set to true plugin execution will be skipped (you can also use the property skip.shellcheck) -->
<!-- The source dirs where files to check are searched.
This is a FileSet https://maven.apache.org/shared/file-management/fileset.html
however the only things making sense to be specified here are:
directory, includes and excludes.
Includes and Excludes can use ant-style patterns.
This example shows the default configuration -->
<!-- the cmdline args to pass to shellcheck
this example maps to the cmdline "shellcheck -a -s bash --format=tty --norc" -->
<!-- set to true if you want the build to fail when you have warnings -->
<!-- chose the binary resolution method "embedded", "download" or "external" -->
<!-- if you have chosen "download" as resolution method, you may also provide the url of the shellcheck
release archive (zip or tar.xz) (for all os/arch you're building on) to be used at plugin execution time.
The urls are specified as a configuration map, where the exact key for an architecture
(e.g. "Mac_OS_X-x86_64" in the example below) must match what your jvm returns for the
following expression:
(System.getProperty("os.name") + "-" + System.getProperty("os.arch")).replace(" ", "_")
For your convenience this value is also printed by the plugin almost at start:
e.g. "[INFO] os arch: [Mac_OS_X-x86_64]"
If you don't provide this configuration map at all (or if you don't provide an exact match
to osname-arch as described above) the same url that was used to
fetch the embedded binaries will be used instead. However, at that point
you may as well use the embedded binaries -->
<!-- if you chose "external" as resolution method you need also to provide the "externalBinaryPath" -->
<!-- externalBinaryPath>/path/to/shellcheck</externalBinaryPath -->
<!-- Set this to true (along with the filesPerInvocation parameter) to split the check the files
in multiple shellcheck invocations each of which will check at maximum <filesPerInvocation>
This is false by default, which means that all files to check are passed as args
to a single shellcheck invocation. -->
<!-- number of files to pass to a single shellcheck invocation. If not specified (or when 0 or
negative) the behavior is to pass all files to a single shellcheck invocation.
This is useful when you have a big number of files to check and you're hitting the
ARG_MAX limits in you underlying OS: limiting the number of files per invocation can
bring you back below that limit. By default equals to Short.MAX_VALUE, taken into
account only when splitInvocations is true -->
<!-- filesPerInvocation>32767</filesPerInvocation -->
<!-- Name of the file (that will be placed in the plugin output directory) where the shellcheck
stdout/stderr will be redirected.
It can be a simple filename or it can be a "template name" including the placeholders
"@executionId@" and "@runNumber@". This gives you the flexibility to discriminate
captured outputs on different executions on the same plugin definition (or to discriminate
among different runs when <splitInvocations> is true.)
Defaults to "shellcheck.@executionId@.@[email protected]" -->
<capturedStdoutFileName>shellcheck.@[email protected]</capturedStdoutFileName>
<capturedStderrFileName>shellcheck.@[email protected]</capturedStderrFileName>
More examples are available in the it
(integration tests) directory in the source tree.
- jdk >= 8
- maven >= 3.5.4
- working internet connection needed to retrieve the shellcheck binaries (configure your proxy in your maven settings.xml if you're behind one)
mvn clean install
shellcheck-maven-plugin is licensed under the GNU General Public License, v3. A copy of this license is included in the file LICENSE.txt.
Copyright 2022, Marco Nicolini.
ShellCheck is licensed under the GNU General Public License.
Copyright 2012-2022, Vidar 'koala_man' Holen and contributors.