Project specific FastQ demultiplexer. Of limited general use, but existing code can be easily changed according to needs. Contains plenty of hardcoded assumptions, e.g. barcodes are of length 6 and names start with "ROW". Provided barcodes come from the Fluidigm C1 mRNA Seq HT Demultiplex Script.
Install nim. Then run nimble build
$ ./fluidemux -h
main [required&optional-params]
Options(opt-arg sep :|=|spc):
-h, --help write this help to stdout
-1=, --fastq1= string REQUIRED FastQ1
-2=, --fastq2= string REQUIRED FastQ2
-b=, --barcodeYaml= string REQUIRED YAML file with barcodes to name mapping
-o=, --outpref= string REQUIRED Output prefix