- 这是一份简单的neovim配置,至少目前是这样的。
- nvimrc 作为主体,简单的Vundle初始化及包含其他配置文件
- rcfiles/bundles.vim 包含所有的插件名称和安装方式
- rcfiles/settings.vim 包含所有插件的一些配置
- rcfiles/base.vim 是neovim自身的一些配置,与插件无关
- tmp/swap
- tmp/undo
- tmp/backup
- tmp/view
- 出色的插件管理器Vundle.vim
- vim as ide的作者提供了相当好的一个vim配置过程
- 安装的插件的作者们以及那些乐于助人、热心解答的人们
change vundle to neobundle
neobundle needs unite for async in neovim
fix the error that when switching modes especially switching into insert mode from normal mode by typing "i", the cursor may move forward, which is quite annoying. And even in normal mode, type "x" somewhere in a text, the next character may be deleted.
replace nerdtree with vimfiler
add devicons
add startify
optimize base nvim settings
reveal more good plugins and use neovim more often.
如有问题,请提issue,或者给我email。 欢迎pull request!!