Check if your systems are reachable.
Pinger make a simple ICMP request that check if your systems are reachable or not and notify you only at first time that your sistem is offline or online.
To clone and run this repository you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
git clone
# Go into the repository
cd Pinger
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run the app
npm start
If you use a Mac and want to export for other OS, you must install wine for build portable app
# Clone this repository
git clone
# Go into the repository
cd Pinger
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Build app only Linux
npm run-script build-lnx
# Build app only Mac
npm run-script build-mac
# Build app only Windows
npm run-script build-win
# Build app for all platforms
npm run-script build-all