This GitHub repository contains the code implementation for the dynamic co-clustering approach proposed in the article "A Deep Dynamic Latent Block Model for the Co-clustering of Zero-Inflated Data Matrices”.
- conda create -n Zip-dLBM
- conda activate Zip-dLBM
- conda remove mkl (Only for MacOs users)
- conda install nomkl (Only for MacOs users)
- conda install numpy
- conda install scipy scikit-learn matplotlib pandas
- conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio -c pytorch (alternatively: pip3 install torch)
- conda install -c conda-forge r-base r-slam r-rlab r-reticulate
- pip install line-profiler
- conda install pathos
- Rscript Script_Exp1.R (or Script-LondonBikes.R for London's Bike data)
To run the first experiment do:
- Rscript Script_Exp1.R
To run the experiment on London Bikes' data do:
- conda install -c conda-forge r-ggmap r-leaflet r-mapdata
- Rscript Script-LondonBikes The folder "data" containes the data used in the paper, downloaded from: