This is a fork of UHK firmware. This custom firmware provides extended macro engine. Namely, we allow a set of simple commands to be used in text macro actions. These commands can be used to reach functionality otherwise unavailable via agent.
This firmware is 100% compatible with the original unmodified agent. All you need is to flash the modified firmware to your UHK. Configurations won't get lost in case you decide to switch back to official firmware, or if you then again flash the modified version too, since config formats were not altered in any way. (Extended macros will just not work when used within the official firmware, obviously.)
The firmware implements:
- macro commands for (almost?) all basic features of the keyboard otherwise unreachable via agent.
- macro commands for conditionals, jumps and sync mechanisms
- some extended configuration options (composite-keystroke delay, sticky modifiers)
- runtime macro recorder implemented on scancode level, for vim-like macro functionality
- ability to run multiple macros at the same time
Some of the usecases which can be achieved via these commands are:
- ability to mimic secondary roles
- ability to bind actions to doubletaps
- ability to bind arbitrary shortcuts or gestures
- ability to bind shift and non-shift scancodes independently
- ability to configure custom layer switching logic, including nested layer toggling
- unlimited number of layers via referencing layers of different keymaps
- flow control via goto command
- 32 numeric registers
- runtime macros
Get your UHK :-).
Flash the firmware via Agent. You will find the newest firmware release under "code/releases" tab of github. I.e., at .
Agent is the UHK configuration tool. You can get it at . When you start the Agent up, go to 'firmware' and 'Choose firmware file and flash it'.
Create some macro. Enter each command as a single write text action. (Lines prefixed with
are interpretted .) All action types can be combined. E.g.:If you are on Mac, this macro may not work, but you get the idea. (If you actually want to get it running, see known issues and examples.)
Understanding this readme:
- Go through the sections of the reference manual below - just reading the top section lines will give you some idea about available types of commands.
- Read through examples in order to understand how the constructs can be combined.
- Understand how to read the stated ebnf grammar. The grammar gives you precise instructions about available features and their parameters, as well as correct syntax. Note that some commands and parameters are only mentioned in the grammar! In case you don't know anything about grammars:
- The grammar describes a valid expression via a set of rules. At the beginning, the expression equals "BODY". Every capital word of the expression is to be "rewritten" by a corresponding rule - i.e., the identifier is to be replaced by an expression which matches right side of the rule.
- Notation:
mark informal (human-understandable) explanation of what is to be entered.|
operator indicates choice between left and right operand. It is typically enclosed in{}
, in order to separate the group from the rest of the rule.[]
denote optional arguments. Especially[]+
marks "one or more" and[]*
arbitrary number.
- If you are still not sure about some feature or syntax, do not hesitate to ask.
If you encounter a bug, let me know. There are lots of features and quite few users around this codebase - if you do not report problems you find, chances are that no one else will (since most likely no one else has noticed).
Note that every command (i.e., every line in the examples) has to be inputted as a separate action! Also note that macros are being run "asynchronously" (i.e., interleaved with other event handling) at a pace of at most one action per update cycle per macro. A macro action may take one or more update cycles to complete (esp. delay commands and all commands which interfere with usb reports).
For instance, if the following text is pasted as a macro text action, playing the macro will result in switching to QWR keymap.
$switchKeymap QWR
Runtime macro recorder example. In this setup, shift+key will start recording (indicated by the "adaptive mode" led), another shift+key will stop recording. Hiting the key alone will then replay the macro (e.g., a simple repetitive text edit). Alternatively, virtual register #key
can be used as an argument in order to assign every key to different slot.
$ifShift recordMacro A
$ifNotShift playMacro A
Implementation of standard double-tap-locking hold modifier in recursive version could look like: ("Recursivity" refers to ability to toggle another layer on top of the toggled layer.)
$holdLayer fn
$ifDoubletap toggleLayer fn
Once the layer is toggled, the target layer needs to contain another macro to allow return to the base layer. For instance:
$holdLayer previous
$ifDoubletap unToggleLayer
Alternative way to implement the above example would be the following. However, using holdLayer
for "hold" mechanisms is strongly encouraged due to more elaborate release logic:
$toggleLayer fn
$ifDoubletap toggleLayer fn
Creating double-shift-to-caps may look like:
<press Shift>
$ifNotDoubletap break
<tap CapsLock>
Or (with newer releases):
$holdKey leftShift
$ifDoubletap tapKey capsLock
Or with Mac (which requires prolonged press of caps lock):
$holdKey leftShift
$ifNotDoubletap break
$pressKey capsLock
$delayUntil 400
$releaseKey capsLock
Enables and disables compensation of diagonal speed.
$ifShift setCompensateDiagonalSpeed 1
$ifNotShift setCompensateDiagonalSpeed 0
Smart toggle (if tapped, locks layer; if used with a key, acts as a secondary role):
$holdLayer mouse
$ifNotInterrupted toggleLayer mouse
Regular secondary role: (Activates the secondary role immediately and if no other key is pressed prior to its release, activates the primary role on release.)
$holdLayer mouse
$ifInterrupted break
<regular action>
Regular secondary role with prevention of accidential key taps: (Activates the secondary role immediately, but activates the primary role only if the key has been pressed for at least a certain amount of time. This could be used to emulate the Space Cadet Shift feature.)
$holdKey leftShift
$ifInterrupted break
$ifPlaytime 200 break
$tapKey S-9
You can refer to layers of different keymaps via a set of keymapLayer
commands. E.g.:
$holdKeymapLayer QWR base
Mapping shift/nonshift scancodes independently:
$ifShift suppressMods write 4
$ifNotShift write %
Secondary role (i.e., a role which becomes active if another key is pressed with this key) can be implemented in two variants: regular and postponed.
- Regular version can be implemented for instance as
$holdLayer mouse; ifNotInterrupted tapKey enter
- it always triggers secondary role, and once the key is released it either triggers primary role or not. - Postponed version postpones all other keypresses until it can distinguish between primary and secondary role. This is handy for alphabetic keys, because regular version would trigger on overlaps of alphabetic keys when writing regular textx. The postponed version can be used either via
conditions, or via aresolveSecondary
Postponed secondary role switch - simple version using ifPrimary
$ifPrimary final holdKey a
$holdLayer mouse
Postponed secondary role switch - resolveSeccondary
is a bit more flexible and less user-friendly version of the ifPrimary
command. The resolveSecondary
will listen for some time and once it decides whether the current situation fits primary or secondary action, it will issue goTo to the "second" line (line 1 since we index from 0) or the last line (line 3). Actions are indexed from 0.
$resolveSecondary 350 1 3
$write f
$holdLayer mod
Mapping custom shortcuts may be done using ifShortcut
command. The macro needs to be placed on the first key of the shortcut, and refers to other keys by their hardware ids obtained by resolveNextKeyId
command (i.e., activating the command and pressing the key while having a text editor focused). The (ifShortcut
) command will postpone other actions until sufficient number of keys is pressed. If the pressed keys correspond to the arguments, the keys are consumed and the rest of the command performed. Otherwise, postponed keypresses are either used up by the rest of the macro or replayed back. The final
modifier breaks the command after the "modified" tapKey
command finishes.
$ifShortcut 90 final tapKey v
$ifShortcut 88 final tapKey x
$ifShortcut 70 71 final tapKey CG-a
$tapKey c
Similar command can be used to implement "loose gestures" - i.e., shortcuts where the second keypress can follow without continuity of press of the first key. It suffices to replace the ifShortcut
by ifGesture
. Vim-like gt and gT (g+shift+t) tab switching:
$ifGesture 077 final tapKey C-pageUp
$ifGesture 085 077 final tapKey C-pageDown
$tapKey g
In the above examples, tapKey
can be (and probably should be) replaced by holdKey
. "Hold" activates the scancode for as long as the key is pressed while "tap" activates it just for a fraction of a second. This distinction may seem unimportant, but just as long as you don't try to play some games with it.
You can simplify writing macros by using #
and @
characters. The first resolves a number as an index of a register. The second interprets the number as a relative action index. For instance the following macro will write out five "a"s with 50 ms delays
//you can comment your code via two slashes.
$ifCtrl goTo default //goto can also go to labels, absolute adresses and relative adresses
$ifShift final tapKey a //final modifier ends the macro once the command has finished
$setReg 0 50 //store number 50 into register 0
$setReg 1 5
$tapKey a
$delayUntil #0 //the #0 is expanded to content of register 0
$repeatFor 1 @-2 //decrement register 1; if it is non-zero, return by two commands to the tapKey command
$noOp //note the @ character - it resolves relative address to absolute (i.e., adds current adr)
$default: tapKey b //$<string>: denotes a label, which can be used as jump target
I am including my user config in examples/mirroring_keymap.json as an advanced example of abilities of UHK with this firmware. Some basic documentation is included within the keymap as description of layers in Agent.
Main features:
- Mirroring setup which allows you to use right-hand keys by your left hand. (And generally, to use all other features.)
- Experimental subset of VIM bindings. Possibly buggy, incomplete and maybe even dangerous.
- Some application-specific auxiliaries.
If you wish to feature your keymap here, feel free to post a PR or a ticket with the keymap and a brief summary of features.
The following grammar is supported:
BODY = #<comment>
BODY = //<comment>
BODY = $[LABEL:] COMMAND [//<comment, excluding commands taking custom text arguments>]
COMMAND = delayUntilRelease
COMMAND = delayUntil <timeout (NUMBER)>
COMMAND = delayUntilReleaseMax <timeout (NUMBER)>
COMMAND = unToggleLayer
COMMAND = holdLayerMax LAYERID <time in ms (NUMBER)>
COMMAND = holdKeymapLayerMax KEYMAPID LAYERID <time in ms (NUMBER)>
COMMAND = resolveSecondary <time in ms (NUMBER)> [<time in ms (NUMBER)>] <primary action macro action index (ADDRESS)> <secondary action macro action index (ADDRESS)>
COMMAND = resolveNextKeyId
COMMAND = activateKeyPostponed KEYID
COMMAND = consumePending <number of keys (NUMBER)>
COMMAND = postponeNext <number of commands (NUMER)>
COMMAND = break
COMMAND = stopAllMacros
COMMAND = statsRuntime
COMMAND = statsLayerStack
COMMAND = statsPostponerStack
COMMAND = statsActiveKeys
COMMAND = statsActiveMacros
COMMAND = statsRegs
COMMAND = diagnose
COMMAND = printStatus
COMMAND = {setStatus | setStatusPart} <custom text>
COMMAND = clearStatus
COMMAND = setLedTxt <timeout (NUMBER)> <custom text>
COMMAND = write <custom text>
COMMAND = goTo <index (ADDRESS)>
COMMAND = repeatFor <register index (NUMBER)> <action adr (ADDRESS)>
COMMAND = recordMacroDelay
COMMAND = {startRecording | startRecordingBlind} [<slot identifier (MACROID)>]
COMMAND = {recordMacro | recordMacroBlind} [<slot identifier (MACROID)>]
COMMAND = {stopRecording | stopRecordingBlind}
COMMAND = playMacro [<slot identifier (MACROID)>]
COMMAND = {startMouse|stopMouse} {move DIRECTION|scroll DIRECTION|accelerate|decelerate}
COMMAND = setStickyModsEnabled {0|never|smart|always|1}
COMMAND = setCompensateDiagonalSpeed {0|1}
COMMAND = setDebounceDelay <time in ms, at most 250 (NUMBER)>
COMMAND = setKeystrokeDelay <time in ms, at most 65535 (NUMBER)>
COMMAND = setReg <register index (NUMBER)> <value (NUMBER)>
COMMAND = setEmergencyKey KEYID
COMMAND = {addReg|subReg|mulReg} <register index (NUMBER)> <value (NUMBER)>
COMMAND = {pressKey|holdKey|tapKey|releaseKey} [sticky] SHORTCUT
CONDITION = {ifShortcut | ifNotShortcut} [IFSHORTCUTFLAGS]* [KEYID]*
CONDITION = {ifGesture | ifNotGesture} [IFSHORTCUTFLAGS]* [KEYID]*
CONDITION = {ifPrimary | ifSecondary}
CONDITION = {ifDoubletap | ifNotDoubletap}
CONDITION = {ifInterrupted | ifNotInterrupted}
CONDITION = {ifReleased | ifNotReleased}
CONDITION = {ifKeyActive | ifNotKeyActive} KEYID
CONDITION = {ifKeyDefined | ifNotKeyDefined} KEYID
CONDITION = {ifKeyPendingAt | ifNotKeyPendingAt} <idx in buffer (NUMBER)> KEYID
CONDITION = {ifPending | ifNotPending} <n (NUMBER)>
CONDITION = {ifPendingKeyReleased | ifNotPendingKeyReleased} <queue idx (NUMBER)>
CONDITION = {ifPlaytime | ifNotPlaytime} <timeout in ms (NUMBER)>
CONDITION = {ifShift | ifAlt | ifCtrl | ifGui | ifAnyMod | ifNotShift | ifNotAlt | ifNotCtrl | ifNotGui | ifNotAnyMod}
CONDITION = {ifRegEq | ifNotRegEq} <register index (NUMBER)> <value (NUMBER)>
CONDITION = {ifRecording | ifNotRecording}
CONDITION = {ifRecordingId | ifNotRecordingId} MACROID
MODIFIER = suppressMods
MODIFIER = postponeKeys
MODIFIER = final
IFSHORTCUTFLAGS = noConsume | transitive | timeoutIn <time in ms (NUMBER)> | cancelIn <time in ms(NUMBER)>
DIRECTION = {left|right|up|down}
LAYERID = {fn|mouse|mod|base}|last|previous
KEYMAPID = <abbrev>|last
NUMBER = [0-9]+ | -[0-9]+ | #<register idx (NUMBER)> | #key | @<relative macro action index(NUMBER)> | %<key idx in postponer queue (NUMBER)>
CHAR = <any nonwhite ascii char>
KEYID = <id of hardware key obtained by resolveNextKeyId (NUMBER)>
LABEL = <string identifier>
KEYABBREV = enter | escape | backspace | tab | space | minusAndUnderscore | equalAndPlus | openingBracketAndOpeningBrace | closingBracketAndClosingBrace | backslashAndPipeIso | backslashAndPipe | nonUsHashmarkAndTilde | semicolonAndColon | apostropheAndQuote | graveAccentAndTilde | commaAndLessThanSign | dotAndGreaterThanSign | slashAndQuestionMark | capsLock | f1 | f2 | f3 | f4 | f5 | f6 | f7 | f8 | f9 | f10 | f11 | f12 | printScreen | scrollLock | pause | insert | home | pageUp | delete | end | pageDown | rightArrow | leftArrow | downArrow | upArrow | numLock | keypadSlash | keypadAsterisk | keypadMinus | keypadPlus | keypadEnter | keypad1AndEnd | keypad2AndDownArrow | keypad3AndPageDown | keypad4AndLeftArrow | keypad5 | keypad6AndRightArrow | keypad7AndHome | keypad8AndUpArrow | keypad9AndPageUp | keypad0AndInsert | keypadDotAndDelete | nonUsBackslashAndPipe | application | power | keypadEqualSign | f13 | f14 | f15 | f16 | f17 | f18 | f19 | f20 | f21 | f22 | f23 | f24 | execute | help | menu | select | stop | again | undo | cut | copy | paste | find | mute | volumeUp | volumeDown | lockingCapsLock | lockingNumLock | lockingScrollLock | keypadComma | keypadEqualSignAs400 | international1 | international2 | international3 | international4 | international5 | international6 | international7 | international8 | international9 | lang1 | lang2 | lang3 | lang4 | lang5 | lang6 | lang7 | lang8 | lang9 | alternateErase | sysreq | cancel | clear | prior | return | separator | out | oper | clearAndAgain | crselAndProps | exsel | keypad00 | keypad000 | thousandsSeparator | decimalSeparator | currencyUnit | currencySubUnit | keypadOpeningParenthesis | keypadClosingParenthesis | keypadOpeningBrace | keypadClosingBrace | keypadTab | keypadBackspace | keypadA | keypadB | keypadC | keypadD | keypadE | keypadF | keypadXor | keypadCaret | keypadPercentage | keypadLessThanSign | keypadGreaterThanSign | keypadAmp | keypadAmpAmp | keypadPipe | keypadPipePipe | keypadColon | keypadHashmark | keypadSpace | keypadAt | keypadExclamationSign | keypadMemoryStore | keypadMemoryRecall | keypadMemoryClear | keypadMemoryAdd | keypadMemorySubtract | keypadMemoryMultiply | keypadMemoryDivide | keypadPlusAndMinus | keypadClear | keypadClearEntry | keypadBinary | keypadOctal | keypadDecimal | keypadHexadecimal | leftControl | leftShift | leftAlt | leftGui | rightControl | rightShift | rightAlt | rightGui
KEYABBREV = mediaVolumeMute | mediaVolumeUp | mediaVolumeDown | mediaRecord | mediaFastForward | mediaRewind | mediaNext | mediaPrevious | mediaStop | mediaPlayPause | mediaPause
KEYABBREV = systemPowerDown | systemSleep | systemWakeUp
KEYABBREV = mouseBtnLeft | mouseBtnRight | mouseBtnMiddle | mouseBtn4 | mouseBtn5 | mouseBtn6
MACRONAME = <Case sensitive macro identifier as named in Agent. Identifier shall not contain spaces.>
COMMAND = resolveNextKeyEq <queue position (NUMBER)> KEYID {<time in ms>|untilRelease} <action adr (ADDRESS)> <action adr (ADDRESS)>
COMMAND = setExpDriver <baseSpeedCoef (FLOAT:0.0)> <midSpeedCoef (FLOAT:1.0)> <midSpeedExp (FLOAT:0.5)> <midSpeed (FLOAT:3000)>
COMMAND = setSplitCompositeKeystroke {0|1}
COMMAND = setActivateOnRelease {0|1}
MODIFIER = suppressKeys
- Uncategorized commands:
setLedTxt <time> <custom text>
will set led display to supplemented text for the given time. (Blocks for the given time.)
- Triggering keyboard actions (pressing keys, clicking, etc.):
write <custom text>
will type rest of the string. Same as the plain text command. This is just easier to use with conditionals... If you want to interpolate register values, use (e.g.)$setStatus Register 0 contains #0; $printStatus
.writeExpr NUMBER
serves for writing out contents of registers or otherwise computed numbers. E.g.,$writeExpr #5
or$writeExpr @-2
start/stop corresponding mouse action. E.g.,startMouse move left
Presses/holds/taps/releases the provided scancode. E.g.,pressKey mouseBtnLeft
,tapKey LC-v
(Left Control + (lowercase) v),tapKey CS-f5
(Ctrl + Shift + F5).- press means adding the scancode into a list of "active keys" and continuing the macro. The key is released once the macro ends. I.e., if the command is not followed by any sort of delay, the key will be released again almost immediately.
- release means removing the scancode from the list of "active keys". I.e., it negates effect of
within the same macro. This does not affect scancodes emited by different keyboard actions. - tap means pressing a key (more precisely, activating the scancode) and immediately releasing it again
- hold means pressing the key, waiting until key which activated the macro is released and then releasing the key again. I.e.,
$holdKey <x>
is equivalent to$pressKey <x>; $delayUntilRelease; $releaseKey <x>
, while$tapKey <x>
is equivalent to$pressKey <x>; $releaseKey <x>
- Control flow, macro execution (aka "functions"):
will go to action index int. Actions are indexed from zero. SeeADDRESS
repeatFor <register index> ADDRESS
- abbreviation to simplify cycles. Will decrement the supplemented register and performgoTo
if the value is still greater than zero. Intended usecase - place after command which is to be repeated with the register containing number of repeats and adr@-1
(or similar).break
will end playback of the current macronoOp
does nothing - i.e., stops macro for exactly one update cycle and then continues.exec MACRONAME
will execute different macro in current state slot. I.e., the macro will be executed in current context and will not return. First action of the called macro is executed within the same eventloop MACRONAME
will execute another macro in a new state slot. After the called macro finishes, the control returns to the caller macro. First action of the called macro is executed within the same eventloop cycle. The called macro has its own context (e.g., its own ifInterrupted flag, its own postponing counter and flags etc.) Beware, the state pool is small - do not use deep call trees!stopAllMacros
interrupts all macros.
- Status buffer/Debugging tools
will "type" content of status buffer (256 or 1024 chars, depends on my mood) on the keyboard. Mainly for debug purposes.{setStatus | setStatusPart} <custom text>
will append to the status buffer, if there is enough space for that. This text can then be printed byprintStatus
. This command interpolates register expressions.setStatus
automatically appends newline,setStatusPart
does not.clearStatus
will clear the buffer.statsRuntime
will output information about runtime of current macro into the status buffer. The time is measured before the printing mechanism is initiated.statsLayerStack
will output information about layer stack (into the buffer).statsPostponerStack
will output information about postponer queue (into the buffer).statsActiveKeys
will output all active keys and their states (into the buffer).statsActiveMacros
will output all active macros (into the buffer).statsRegs
will output content of all registers (into the buffer).diagnose
will deactivate all keys and macros and print diagnostic information into the status buffer.setEmergencyKey KEYID
will make the one key be ignored by postponing mechanisms.diagnose
command on such key can be used to recover keyboard from conditions like infinite postponing loop...
- Delays:
delayUntil <timeout>
sleeps the macro until timeout (in ms) is reached.delayUntilRelease
sleeps the macro until its activation key is released. Can be used to set action on key release.delayUntilReleaseMax <timeout>
same asdelayUntilRelease
, but is also broken when timeout (in ms) is reached.
- Layer/Keymap switching:
Layer/Keymap switching mechanism allows toggling/switching of keymaps or layers. We keep layer records in a stack of limited size, which can be used for nested toggling and/or holds.
special ids:
refers to the second stack record (i.e.,stackTop-1
always refers to the previously used layer/keymap (i.e.,stackTop-1
- switch means loading the target keymap and reseting layer-switching context
- toggle refers to activating a layer and remaining there (plus the activated layer is pushed onto layer stack)
- hold refers to activating a layer, waiting until the key is released and then switching back (plus the activated layer is pushed onto layer stack and then removed again)
implementation details:
- layer stack contains information about switch type (held or toggle) and a boolean which indicates whether the record is active. Once hold ends or untoggle is issued, the corresponding record (not necessarily the top record) is marked as "inactive". Whenever some record is marked inactive, all inactive records are poped from top of the stack.
- the stack contains both layer id and keymap id. If keymap ids of previous/current records do not match, full keymap is reloaded.
will load the keymap by its abbreviation and reset the stack. -
are deprecated. They simply push the layer onto stack (or pop in case ofprevious
) without any further handling. Should be replaced by toggle/untoggle/hold layer commands. -
toggles the layer. -
pops topmost non-held layer from the stack. (I.e., untoggles layer which was toggled via "toggle" or "switch" feature.) -
toggles layer from different keymap. -
holdLayer LAYERID
mostly corresponds to the sequencetoggleLayer <layer>; delayUntilRelease; unToggleLayer
, except for more elaborate conflict resolution (releasing holds in incorrect order). -
just as holdLayer, but allows referring to layer of different keymap. This reloads the entire keymap, so it may be very inefficient. -
will timeout after ms if no action is performed in that time. -
act as an abreviation forresolveSecondary
. They use postponing mechanism and allow distinguishing between primary and secondary roles. -
resolveSecondary <timeout in ms> [<safety margin delay in ms>] <primary action macro action index> <secondary action macro action index>
is a special action used to resolve secondary roles on alphabetic keys. The following commands are supposed to determine behaviour of primary action and the secondary role. The command takes liberty to wait for the time specified by the first argument. If the key is held for more than the time, or if the algorithm decides that secondary role should be activated, goTo to secondary action is issued. Otherwise goTo to primary action is issued. Actions are indexed from 0. Any keys pressed during resolution are postponed until the first command after the jump is performed. See examples.In more detail, the resolution waits for the first key release - if the switch key is released first or within the safety margin delay after release of the postponed key, it is taken for a primary action and goes to the section of the "primary action", then the postponed key is activated; if the postponed key is released first, then the switcher branches the secondary role (e.g., activates layer hold) and then the postponed key is activated; if the time given by first argument passes, the "secondary" branch is activated as in the previous case.
- total timeout of the resolution. If the timeout is exceeded and the switcher key (the key which activated the macro) is still being held, goto to secondary action is issued. Recommended value is 350ms.arg2
- safety margin delay. If the postponed key is released first, we still wait for this delay (or for timeout of the arg1 delay - whichever happens first). If the switcher key is released within this delay (starting counting at release of the key), the switcher key is still taken to have been released first. Valid value is between 0 andarg1
, meaningful values are approximately between 0 andarg1/2
. If only three arguments are passed, this argument defaults toarg1
- primary/secondary action macro action index. When the resolution is finished, the macro jumps to one of the two indices (I.e., this command is a conditional goTo.).
- Postponing mechanisms. We allow postponing key activations in order to allow deciding between some scenarios depending on the next pressed key and then activating the keys pressed in "past" in the newly determined context. The postponing mechanism happens in key state preprocessing phase - i.e., works prior to activation of the key's action, including all macros. Postponing mechanism registers and postpones both key presses and releases, but does not preserve delays between them. Postponing affects even macro keystate queries, unless the macro in question is the one which initiates the postponing state (otherwise
$postponeKeys delayUntilRelease
would indefinitely postpone its own release). Replay of postponed keys happens everyCYCLES_PER_ACTIVATION
update cycles, currently 2.The following commands either use this feature or allow control of the queue.postponeKeys
modifier prefixed before another command keeps the firmware in postponing mode. Once no instance of postponeKeys modifer is active, the postponer will start replaying the keys. Replaying happens with normal event loop, which means that postponed keys will be replayed even during macro execution (most likely after next macro action). Some commands (thos from this section) apply this modifier implicitly. See MODIFIER section.postponeNext <n>
command will applypostponeKeys
modifier on the current command and following next n commands (macro actions).ifPending/ifNotPending <n>
is true if there is at leastn
postponed keys in the queue.ifPendingKeyReleased/ifNotPendingKeyReleased <queue idx>
is true if the key pending atidx
in queue has been released. I.e., if there exists matching release event in the queue.ifKeyPendingAt/ifNotKeyPendingAt <idx> <keyId>
looks into postponing queue atidx
th waiting key nad compares it to thekeyId
.consumePending <n>
will remove n records from the queue.activateKeyPostponed KEYID
will add tap of KEYID at the end of queue.resolveSecondary
allows resolution of secondary roles depending on the next key - this allows us to accurately distinguish random press from intentional press of shortcut via secondary role. SeeresolveSecondary
entry under Layer switching. Implicitly appliespostponeKeys
act as an abreviation forresolveSecondary
. They use postponing mechanism and allow distinguishing between primary and secondary roles.ifShortcut/ifNotShortcut/ifGesture/ifNotGesture [IFSHORTCUTFLAGS]* [KEYID]*
will wait for next keypresses until sufficient number of keys has been pressed. If the next keypresses correspond to the provided arguments (hardware ids), the keypresses are consumed and the condition is performed. Consuming takes place in bothif
versions if the full list is matched. E.g.,ifShortcut 090 089 final tapKey C-V; holdKey v
requires continual press of keys (e.g., like Ctrl+c). By default, timeouts with release of the activation key.Gesture
allows noncontinual sequence of keys (e.g., vim's gg). By default, timeouts in 1000 ms since activation.IFSHORTCUTFLAGS
allows not consuming the keys. Useful if the next action is a standalone action, yet we want to branch behaviour of current action depending on it.transitive
makes termination conditions relate to that key of the queue whose result is most permissive (normally, they always refer to the activation key) - e.g., in transitive mode with 3-key shortcut, first key can be released if second key is being held. Timers count time since last performed action in this mode. BothtimeoutIn
behave according to this flag. In non-transitive mode, timers are counted since activation key press - i.e., since macro start.timeoutIn <time (NUMBER)>
adds a timeout timer to bothShortcut
commands. If the timer times out (i.e., the condition does not suceed or fail earlier), the command continues as if matching KEYIDs failed. Can be used to shorten life ofShortcut
resolution.cancelIn <time (NUMBER)>
adds a timer to both commands. If this timer times out, all related keys are consumed and macro is broken. "This action has never happened, lets not talk about it anymore." (Note that this is an only condition which behaves same in bothif
instead)resolveNextKeyEq <queue idx> <key id> <timeout> <adr1> <adr2>
will wait for next (n) key press(es). When the key press happens, it will compare its id with the<key id>
argument. If the id equals, it issues goto to adr1. Otherwise, to adr2. See examples. Implicitly appliespostponeKeys
modifier.arg1 - queue idx
idx of key to compare, indexed from 0. Typically 0, if we want to resolve the key after next key then 1, etc.arg2 - key id
key id obtained byresolveNextKeyId
. This is static identifier of the hardware key.arg3 - timeout
timeout. If not enough keys is pressed within the time, goto toarg5
is issued. Either number in ms, oruntilRelease
.arg4 - adr1
index of macro action to go to if thearg1
th next key's hardware identifier equalsarg2
.arg5 - adr2
index of macro action to go to otherwise.
will wait for next key press. When the next key is pressed, it will type a unique identifier identifying the pressed hardware key.
- Conditions are checked before processing the rest of the command. If the condition does not hold, the rest of the command is skipped entirelly. If the command is evaluated multiple times (i.e., if it internally consists of multiple steps, such as the delay, which is evaluated repeatedly until the desired time has passed), the condition is evaluated only in the first iteration.
is true if the macro was started at most 300ms after start of another instance of the same macro.ifInterrupted/ifNotInterrupted
is true if a keystroke action or mouse action was triggered during macro runtime. Allows fake implementation of secondary roles. Also allows interruption of cycles.ifReleased/ifNotReleased
is true if the key which activated current macro has been released. If the key has been physically released but the release has been postponed by another key, the conditien yields false. If the key has been physically released and the postponing mode was initiated by this macro (e.g.,postponeKeys ifReleased goTo @2
), it returns non-postponed release state (i.e., true if there's a matching release event in the postponing queue).ifPending/ifNotPending <n>
is true if there is at leastn
postponed keys in the postponing queue. In context of postponing mechanism, this condition acts similar in place of ifInterrupted.ifPendingKeyReleased/ifNotPendingKeyReleased <queue idx>
is true if the key pending atidx
in queue has been released. I.e., if there exists matching release event in the queue.ifKeyPendingAt/ifNotKeyPendingAt <idx> KEYID
looks into postponing queue atidx
th waiting key nad compares it to thekeyId
. SeeresolveNextKeyId
.ifKeyActive/ifNotKeyActive KEYID
is true if the key is pressed at the moment. This considers postponed states (I.e., reads state as processed by postponer, not reading actual hardware states).ifKeyDefined/ifNotKeyDefined KEYID
is true if the key in parameter has defined action on the current keymap && layer. If you wish to test keys from different layers/keymaps, you will have to toggle them manually first.ifPlaytime/ifNotPlaytime <timeout in ms>
is true if at leasttimeout
milliseconds passed since macro was started.ifShift/ifAlt/ifCtrl/ifGui/ifAnyMod/ifNotShift/ifNotAlt/ifNotCtrl/ifNotGui/ifNotAnyMod
is true if either right or left modifier was held in the previous update cycle. This does not indicate modifiers which were triggered from macroes.{ifRegEq|ifNotRegEq} <register inex> <value>
will test if the value in the register identified by first argument equals second argument.ifRecording/ifNotRecording
andifRecordingId/ifNotRecordingId MACROID
test if the runtime macro recorder is in recording state.ifShortcut/ifNotShortcut [IFSHORTCUTFLAGS]* [KEYID]*
will wait for next keypresses and compare them to the argument. See postponer mechanism section.ifGesture/ifNotGesture [IFSHORTCUTFLAGS]* [KEYID]*
just asifShortcut
, but breaks after 1000ms instead of when the key is released. See postponer mechanism section.ifPrimary/ifSecondary
act as an abreviation forresolveSecondary
. They use postponing mechanism and allow distinguishing between primary and secondary roles.
s modify behaviour of the rest of the keyboard while the rest of the command is active (e.g., a delay) is active.suppressMods
will supress any modifiers except those applied via macro engine. Can be used to remap shift and nonShift characters independently.postponeKeys
will postpone all new key activations for as long as any instance of this modifier is active. See postponing mechanisms
will end macro playback after the "modified" action is properly finished. Simplifies control flow. "Implicit break."
- Runtime macros:
- Macro recorder targets vim-like macro functionality. Slot identifier is a single character or a number or
. Usage (e.g.): callrecordMacro a
, do some work, end recording by anotherrecordMacro a
. Now you can play the actions (i.e., sequence of keyboard reports) back by callingplayMacro a
. Only BasicKeyboard scancodes are available at the moment. These macros are recorded into RAM only. Number of macros is limited by memory (current limit is set to approximately 500 keystrokes (4kb) (maximum is ~1000 if we used all available memory)). If less than 1/4 of dedicated memory is free, oldest macro slot is freed. If currently recorded macro is longer than 1/4 of dedicated memory, recording is stopped and the macro is freed (prevents unwanted deletion of macros). recordMacroDelay
will measure time until key release (i.e., works likedelayUntilRelease
) and insert delay of that length into the currently recorded macro. This can be used to wait for window manager's reaction etc.recordMacro [<macro slot id(MACROID)>]
will toggle recording (i.e., either start or stop)startRecording [<macro slot id(MACROID)>]
will stop current recording (if any) and start newstopRecording
will stop recording the current macro- If the
argument is ommited, last id is used. {startRecordingBlind | stopRecordingBlind | recordMacroBlind} ...
work similarly, except that basic scancode output of keyboard is suppressed.
- Macro recorder targets vim-like macro functionality. Slot identifier is a single character or a number or
- Registers - for the purpose of toggling functionality on and off, and for global constants management, we provide 32 numeric registers (namely of type int32_t).
setReg <register index> <value>
will set register identified by index to value.ifRegEq|ifNotRegEq
see CONDITION section{addReg|subReg|mulReg} <register index> <value>
adds value to the register- Register values can also be used in place of all numeric arguments by prefixing register index by '#'. E.g., waiting until release or for amount of time defined by reg 1 can be achieved by
$delayUntilReleaseMax #1
- Global configuration options:
globally turns on or off sticky modifiers. This affects only standard scancode actions. Macro actions (both gui and command ones) are always nonsticky, unlesssticky
flag is included intapKey|holdKey|pressKey
commands. Default value issmart
, which is the official behaviour - i.e.,<alt/ctrl/gui> + <tab/arrows>
are sticky. Furthermore0 == never
and1 == always
will divide diagonal mouse speed by sqrt(2) if enabled.setDebounceDelay <time in ms, at most 250>
prevents key state from changing for some time after every state change. This is needed because contacts of mechanical switches can bounce after contact and therefore change state multiple times in span of a few milliseconds. Official firmware debounce time is 50 ms for both press and release. Recommended value is 10-50, default is 50.setKeystrokeDelay <time in ms, at most 65535>
allows slowing down keyboard input. This is handy for lousily written RDP clients and other software which just scans keys once a while and processes them in wrong order if multiple keys have been pressed inbetween. In more detail, this setting adds a delay whenever a basic usb report is sent. During this delay, key matrix is still scanned and keys are debounced, but instead of activating, the keys are added into a queue to be replayed later.- (temporarily disabled)
setExpDriver <baseSpeedCoef (FLOAT)> <midSpeedCoef (FLOAT)> <midSpeedExp (FLOAT)> <midSpeed (FLOAT)>
modifies speed characteristics of right side modules. Simplified formula ismodifiedSpeed(speed 's' per midSpeed) = baseSpeedCoef*s + midSpeedCoef*(s^midSpeedExp)
. Actual formula isappliedDistance(distance d, time t) = d*(baseSpeedCoef*((d/t)/midSpeed) + midSpeedCoef*(((d/t)/midSpeed)^midSpeedExp))
. (d/t
is actual speed in px/s,(d/t)/midSpeed
is normalizedSpeed which acts as base for the exponent)baseSpeedCoef
is base speed multiplier which is not affected by acceleration. I.e., ifmidSpeedCoef = 0
, then traveled distance isreportedDistance*baseSpeedCoef
multiplies effect of acceleration expression. I.e., simply multiplies the reported distance when the actual speed equalsmidSpeed
is exponent applied to the speed normalized w.r.t midSpeed. I.e., acceleration expression of the formula ismidSpeedCoef*(reportedSpeed/midSpeed)^(midSpeedExp)
. I.e., no acceleration = 0, reasonable (square root) acceleration = 0.5.midSpeed
represents "middle" speed, where the user can easily imagine behaviour of the device (e.g., 2000) and henceforth easily set the coefficient. At this speed,modifiedSpeed = (baseSpeedCoef + midSpeedCoef)*reportedSpeed
- Recommended settings - e.g.
0.0 1.0 0.5 3000
(square root multiplier, starting at 0 speed - allowing for very precise movement at low speed) or0.5 0.5 1.0 3000
(linear speedup starting at 0.5 - providing more uniform acceleration).
- Argument parsing rules:
is parsed as a 32 bit signed integer and then assigned into the target variable. However, the target variable is often only 8 or 16 bit unsigned. If a number is prefixed with '#', it is interpretted as a register address (index). If a number is prefixed with '@', current macro index is added to the final value.#key
returns activation key's hardware id. If prefixed with%
, returns keyid of nth press event in the postponer queue (e.g.,%0
of first key which is postponed but not yet activated).KEYMAPID
- is assumed to be 3 characters long abbreviation of a keymap.MACROID
- macro slot identifier is either a number or a single ascii character (interpretted as a one-byte value).#key
can be used so that the same macro refers to different slots when assigned to different keys.register index
is an integer in the appropriate range, used as an index to the register array.custom text
is an arbitrary text starting on next non-space character and ending at the end of the text action. (Yes, this should be refactored in the future.)KEYID
is a numeric id obtained byresolveNextKeyId
is an abbreviation of a key possibly accompanied by modifiers. Describes at most one scancode action. Can be prefixed byC/S/A/G
. Mods can further be prefixed byL/R
, denoting left or right modifier. If a single ascii character is entered, it is translated into corresponding key combination (shift mask + scancode) according to standard EN-US layout. E.g.,pressKey mouseBtnLeft
,tapKey LC-v
(Left Control + (lowercase) V (scancode)),tapKey CS-f5
(Ctrl + Shift + F5),tapKey v
(V),tapKey V
(Shift + V).LABEL
is and identifier marking some lines of the macro. When a string is encountered in a context of an address, UHK looks for a command beginning by$<the string>:
and returns its addres (index). If same label is present multiple times, the next one w.r.t. currently processed command is returned.ADDRESS
is either aNUMBER
, etc syntaxies) or a string which denotes label identifier. E.g.,$goTo 0
(go to beginning),$goTo @-1
(go to previous command, since@
resolves relative adresses to absolute),$goTo @0
(active waiting),$goTo default
(go to line which begins by$default: ...
This version of firmware includes basic error handling. If an error is encountered, led display will change to ERR
and error message written into the status buffer. Error log can be retrieved via the $printStatus
command. (E.g., focus some text area (for instance, open notepad), and press key with corresponding macro).)
Bugs and features of this firmware:
Integration of legacy layer switching and our layer switching is mechanism is complicated. Generally, if legacy layer hold is active, it takes precedence over macro layer holds. However, "hold keymap layer" implicit keymap switching still takes place.
This should give mostly correct and sane results, however it is still recommendable to use only one of the mechanisms at a time. Still, please let me know about any unexpected behaviour.
Only one-liners are allowed, due to our need to respect firmware's indexation of actions.
Global settings and recorded macros are remembered until power cycling only. (We recommend you to create an "init" layer, which will contain only one macro which will set all global settings and then switch to your keymap.)
General troubleshooting:
- MacOS requires prolonged press of capsLock, so secondaries,
and in certain contextsholdKey
won't work. - MacOS Karabiner elements are known to cause problems in combination with various features of UHK. It is recommended to disable it.
Some measurements:
- /out of date/ need to gather new data
- According to my measurements, typical key tap takes between 90 and 230 ms, with quite large variation (i.e., full range is encountered when writing regularly). Currently, debouncing delay is set to 50 ms, which means that after any change of state, the state is prevented from changing for the next 50 ms. This means that one key tap cannot last less than 50 ms with UHK (except for macro-induced taps and secondary roles). It also means that a key cannot be repeated faster than once per 100ms (in ideal conditions).
- According to my experience, 250ms is a good double-tap delay trashold.
- According to my experience, 350ms is a good trashold for secondary role activation. I.e., at this time, it can be safely assumed that the key held was prolonged at purpose.
Install the ARM cross-compiler, cross-assembler and stdlib implementation. Eg. on Arch Linux the packages
. -
Install Node.js v12. If you have a later version, editing the version requirement in
might work. -
Build UHK Agent.
cd lib/agent && npm ci && npm run build
. -
Still inside the Agent submodule, compile flashing util scripts.
cd packages/usb && npx tsc
. -
When developing, cd to the directory you're working on (
). To build and flash the firmware, runmake flash
. Plainmake
just builds without flashing.
- To build a full firmware tarball:
- Run
npm install
. - Run
. - Now, the created tarball
can be flashed with UHK Agent.
- Run
If you wish some functionality, feel free to fire tickets with feature requests. If you wish something already present on the tracker (e.g., in 'idea' tickets), say so in comments. (Feel totally free to harass me over desired functionality :-).) If you feel brave, fork the repo, implement the desired functionality and post a PR.
Practically all high-level functionality of the firmware is implemented in the following files:
- logic of key activation, layer switching, debouncing, etc.. Almost all important stuff is here.layer.c
- some suport for "hold" layer switching (beware, there are two independent layer switching mechanisms and this one is the less important one).keymap.c
- keymap switching functions.macros.c
- the macro engine.
We furthermore add the following:
- includes the actual recorder of runtime macros.postponer.c
- contains simple circular buffer which keeps track of postponed keys. This is vital for proper function of postponed secondary roles.str_utils.c
- contains functions used for handling stringsmacro_shortcut_parser.c
- contains lookup tables and algorithms used to transform strings to scancodes.
Our command actions are rooted in processCommandAction(...)
in macros.c
If you have any questions regarding the code, simply ask (via tickets or email).
If you want to try the firmware out, just download the tar in releases and flash it via Agent.
If you wish to make changes into the source code, please follow the official repository guide. Basically, you will need:
- Clone the repo with
flag. - Build agent in lib/agent (that is, unmodified official agent), via
npm install && npm run build
in repository root. While doing so, you may run into some problems:- You may need to install some packages globally (I am afraid I no longer remember which ones).
- You may need to downgrade npm:
sudo npm install -g n && sudo n 8.12.0
- You will need to commit changes made by npm in this repo, otherwise, make-release.js will be faililng later.
- Then you can setup mcuxpressoide according to the official firmware README guide.
- Now you can build and flash firmware either:
- Via mcuxpressoide (debugging probes are not needed, see official firmware README).
- Or via running scripts/make-release.js (run by
node make-release.js
) and flashing the resulting tar.bz2 through agent.
If you have any problems with the build procedure, please create issue in the official agent repository. I made no changes into the proccedure and I will most likely not be able to help.