South Side Science Festival demos 2022 SouthSideScienceFair.pdf for handout.
Main MRI Code to Run. Be able to...
- Visualize C chord as waves with certain frequencies (major C, E, G)
- Visualize fourier transform that we perform to hear the individual notes
- Introduction to planar waves and fourier domain in 2D and connection to sound waves
- See planar wave and FT as it rotates
- See planar wave and FT as it rotates and changes frequency
- watch image construction of an MRI brain scan as k-space is collected
- See comparison between the guitar C chord and the MRI image
Shows how frequency, orientation, and phase is shown in 2D fourier space.
Distance from center = frequency
Angle from horizontal = tilt
Complex portion = phase
This took an image of a brain and showed reconstruction of the image through superposition of 2d planar waves of varying frequencies and the corresponding location of those in k-space. The pickle files were saved in a data folder to save computation time and energy.
Display the interactive CT reconstruction display with python3
Click on different angles within the CT gantry to show how the output image changes.
The user must supply the input images in their own data directory (CT/recon_process/) for this to run.
Example of the interactive display: