This script needs the biogl module to function properly. If you use (or can get) pip
, you can simply do
python3 -m pip install biogl
to add the package to a location reachable by your Python installation.
Otherwise, you can clone the biogl
repo and source it locally (to run from anywhere, you'll need to add it to your PYTHONPATH environment variable, a process that varies by OS):
git clone
usage: transeq [-h] [-v {short,long}] [-p {1,2}] [-r] [-s STOP_CHARACTER]
[--no_mask] [--keep_whitespace]
Translate nucleotide sequence into amino acid sequence
positional arguments:
sequence_input sequence string or file containing sequence(s)
(default: None)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v {short,long}, --verbosity {short,long}
amino acid abbreviation length (e.g. Glu/Glutamine)
(default: single)
-p {1,2}, --phase {1,2}
change the phase of translation (default: 0)
-r, --reverse_complement
reverse-complement the sequence before translation
(default: False)
the string to use for stop codons (default: *)
--no_mask do not mask unrecognized codons with X; report
lowercased (default: False)
--keep_whitespace, -k
treat whitespace (both bordering and internal) as
sequence (default: False)