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Using GCC and Makefiles on macOS to build STM32CubeMX projects

As of v4.21.0, STM32CubeMX is now capable of generating Makefiles that can be used to build projects using the GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain. Makefiles allow you to be IDE independent and use you favorite text editor. For some people, IDEs are slow and take up a lot of resources. With a Makefile, building your project is as simple as typing make in your Terminal be you in Linux, Mac, or Windows. No more restrictions.

Although this tutorial has been written with macOS in mind, similar steps can be applied to Linux or Windows machines.

0 - Installing the toolchain


  1. Install Xcode Command Line Tools (CLT). This will install Make and other UNIX goodies:
$ xcode-select --install

After the Command Line Tools were successfully installed, the remaining toolchain requirements can be installed using Homebrew.

  1. Install Homebrew. Follow instructions available on
  2. Install GCC ARM Embedded Toolchain:
$ brew install homebrew/cask/gcc-arm-embedded
$ arm-none-eabi-gcc --version
arm-none-eabi-gcc (GNU Tools for Arm Embedded Processors 7-2017-q4-major) 7.2.1 20170904 (release) [ARM/embedded-7-branch revision 255204]
Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
  1. Install OpenOCD:
$ brew install openocd
$ openOCD --version
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
  1. Install open source texane/stlink:
$ brew install stlink
$ st-info --version
  1. Install STM32CubeMX. After Downloading the installer, extract the archieve and try to run the macOS installer. If the macOS installer doesn't work, use the following command to manually launch the install. The procedure is described in the STM32CubeMX User Manual UM1718.
$ cd ~/Downloads/
$ unzip -d en.stm32cubemx
$ cd en.stm32cubemx
$ java -jar SetupSTM32CubeMX-4.26.1.exe
  1. Install STM32CubeProgrammer. Similarly to CubeMX, if the installer doesn't work, use:
$ unzip -d en.stm32cubeprog
$ cd en.stm32cubeprog
$ java -jar SetupSTM32CubeProgrammer-1.1.0.exe

If the above command does not work, you could try installing java8:

$ brew tap caskroom/versions
$ brew cask install java8

And Java 8 will be installed at /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ You can then use the full java path to use version 1.8 to launch the STM32CubeProgrammer setup.

$ /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_181.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -jar SetupSTM32CubeProgrammer-1.0.0.exe

Pro Tip: Create a symbolic link to one of the binary directory searched by your $PATH variable:

$ ln -sv /Applications/STMicroelectronics/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer/ /usr/local/bin/

Then, STM32_Programmer_CLI can be invoked diectly without having to specify the full path:

$ STM32_Programmer_CLI
                        STM32CubeProgrammer v1.1.0

Usage : 
STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe [command_1] [Arguments_1][[command_2] [Arguments_2]...]

1 - Create a Project using CubeMX

If you are also using an NUCLEO-L476RG, you can use the example "blinky" project by cloning the following repo:

$ git clone
$ cd STM32-with-macOS/Example_Project

Alternatively, you can generate you own project:

  1. Create a New Project, and select your part number or development board
  2. Configure your Pins, Clock Settings and Peripherals
  3. When you click Project->Generate Code, the Project Settings window will show up. Under Toolchain / IDE, select Makefile.

Project Settings

For more information, refer to the STM32CubeMX User Manual available on Usefull sections include:

  • Tutorial 1: From pinout to project C code generation using an STM32F4 MCU
  • Tutorial 4: Example of UART communications with a STM32L053xx Nucleo board

2 - Configure your Makefile

Unfortunately, Makefiles generated by CubeMX do not work out-of-the-box. You need to edit the file and set your compiler path. Luckily, this step only has to be done once. Later on, if you want to add source, header files or simply change your compiler options, refer to the [Editing your Makefile] section for more details.

  1. Locate the ARM Embedded GCC compiler binary location:
$ which arm-none-eabi-gcc
  1. Open up the Makefile with your favorite text editor to set the BINPATH variable to the location of your compiler returned above:
# binaries
BINPATH = /usr/local/bin
PREFIX = arm-none-eabi-
AS = $(BINPATH)/$(PREFIX)gcc -x assembler-with-cpp
CP = $(BINPATH)/$(PREFIX)objcopy
HEX = $(CP) -O ihex
BIN = $(CP) -O binary -S

Pro Tip: To make the Makefile more portable between different users and environment, you can remove the BINPATH variable and edit the CC, AS, CP, AR, SZ as shown bellow. This way, make will look for binaries in your environment (i.e. executables located in your $PATH setting):

# binaries
PREFIX = arm-none-eabi-
CC = $(PREFIX)gcc
AS = $(PREFIX)gcc -x assembler-with-cpp
CP = $(PREFIX)objcopy
AR = $(PREFIX)ar
SZ = $(PREFIX)size
HEX = $(CP) -O ihex
BIN = $(CP) -O binary -S

3 - Building your project

In a Terminal, navigate to your project's root directory (or Makefile location). Then use the make command to invoke the Makefile to compile your project:

$ cd ~/path/to/Example_Project
$ make

Pro Tip: for faster build time, make can be invoked using parallel build with the -j option:

$ make -j 4

If all goes well, you should see a result without any errors or warning:

$ make
arm-none-eabi-size build/Example_Project.elf
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
   8880      24    1688   10592    2960 build/Example_Project.elf
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O ihex build/Example_Project.elf build/Example_Project.hex
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary -S build/Example_Project.elf build/Example_Project.bin

Pro Tip: The Makefile generated by CubeMX comes with a predefined rule called clean to delete all generated files during the build process (object files, binaries, ... in the build/ directory). This rule is very useful to force rebuild all or to cleanup the project directory before packaging your project for archiving.

$ make clean
rm -fR .dep build

4 - Programming the board

Option 1 - Using STM32CubeProgrammer GUI:

  1. Open STM32CubeProgrammer
  2. Connect a USB cable from the board to your computer
  3. Click "Connect"
  4. Go to the "Erasing & Programming" window
  5. Browse to load the binary file (*.hex, *.bin or *.elf located in the build/ directory)
    1. In case of a *.bin binary, the Start Address needs to be specified (typically 0x08000000 for STM32)
  6. Click Start Programming
  7. By default, CubeProgrammer does not run the application after programming. Press the black reset button to run the firmware. You should see LD2 blinking.

STM32CubeProgrammer programming

Note: Because STM32CubeProgrammer is still relatively new, chances are you will have to upgrade your ST-Link firmware.

For more information, you can refer to the STM32CubeProgrammer User Manual

Option 1.1 - Using STM32CubeProgrammer CLI:

Below are some example commands to erase and program the target using STM32CubeProgrammer CLI:

/Applications/STM32CubeProgrammer/ -c port=SWD -e all
/Applications/STM32CubeProgrammer/ -c port=SWD mode=UR reset=HWrst -e all # hold reset button then release when connecting
/Applications/STM32CubeProgrammer/ -c port=SWD -w build/Example_Project.elf

Option 2 - Using texane stlink:

If all you want to do is program the board, then run any of the following commands:

$ st-flash write ./build/*.bin 0x08000000
$ st-flash --format ihex write ./build/*.hex

Otherwise, to program and debug run the gdb server with:

$ st-util

Option 3 - Using OpenOCD:

OpenOCD requires a a configuration file. If you installed openOCD using Homebrew, list of provided configuration (*.cfg) files can be found using the following command:

$ ls /usr/local/Cellar/open-ocd/0.10.0/share/openocd/scripts/board/
$ ls /usr/local/Cellar/open-ocd/0.10.0/share/openocd/scripts/interface/
$ ls /usr/local/Cellar/open-ocd/0.10.0/share/openocd/scripts/target/

For example, you could the following command to program and verify using elf/hex/s19 files. Verify, reset and exit are optional parameters. Binary files need the flash address passing.

$ openocd -f board/st_nucleo_l476rg.cfg -c "program build/Example_Project.hex verify reset exit"
$ openocd -f interface/stlink-v2-1.cfg -f target/stm32l4x.cfg -c "program build/Example_Project.elf verify reset exit"
$ openocd -f interface/stlink-v2-1.cfg -f target/stm32l4x.cfg -c "program build/Example_Project.bin 0x08000000 verify exit"

More examples and documentation available here

5 - Debugging

Because you will be debugging a remote target device, GDB needs to connect to a gdbserver compliant debugger. Before launching GDB, you need to start a GDB server using your debugger to act as an interface between GDB and your device.

Step 1 - Start a GDB server

Option 1.1 - Using texane stlink

$ st-util
$ st-util --no-reset # to attach while running
$ st-util -p 3333    # for OpenOCD version of .gdbinit compatibility

Option 1.2 - Using OpenOCD

$ openocd -f interface/stlink-v2-1.cfg -f target/stm32l4x.cfg
$ openocd -f interface/stlink-v2-1.cfg -f target/stm32l4x.cfg -c "gdb_port 4242" # You can also specify to use the same port as st-util

Step 2 - Launch GDB:

  1. To program and debug in a single command, I recommend to creating a .gdbinit script

Here is my .gdbinit. Place this file in your project's root directory, next to your Makefile:

file "./build/Example_Project.elf"

# Connect to texane stlink gdb server
target extended-remote :4242
# Or, connect to openOCD instead
# target remote localhost:3333

# monitor reset init
# monitor halt

# Uncomment to enable semihosting
# monitor arm semihosting enable

# Flash program and load symbols
break main

# Run to main (first breakpoint)
  1. Launch GDB. GDB will execute commands from the.gdbinit script when launched
$ arm-none-eabi-gdb
Loading section .isr_vector, size 0x188 lma 0x8000000
Loading section .text, size 0x1708 lma 0x8000188
Loading section .rodata, size 0x50 lma 0x8001890
Loading section .init_array, size 0x8 lma 0x80018e0
Loading section .fini_array, size 0x8 lma 0x80018e8
Loading section .data, size 0x8 lma 0x80018f0
Start address 0x80017d8, load size 6392
Transfer rate: 9 KB/sec, 1065 bytes/write.
Breakpoint 1 at 0x80016d6: file ./Src/main.c, line 83.
Note: automatically using hardware breakpoints for read-only addresses.

Breakpoint 1, main () at ./Src/main.c:83
83    HAL_Init();

Pro Tip: Launch GDB in GDB in Text User Interface (TUI) mode to show the source file and GDB commands in separate windows:

$ arm-none-eabi-gdb -tui

Step 3 - Using GDB

Program stepping/execution:

Step over (step to next line of C code without going into functions):

(gdb) next
90    SystemClock_Config();
(gdb) n
97    MX_GPIO_Init();

Step into (step to next line of C, goes into functions):

(gdb) step
SystemClock_Config () at ./Src/main.c:124
124 {

Note: Use stepi for assembly instruction stepping.

Return from a function:

(gdb) finish
Run till exit from #0  SystemClock_Config () at ./Src/main.c:124
main () at ./Src/main.c:97
97    MX_GPIO_Init();

Run until next breakpoint:

(gdb) continue

Pro Tip: for most command, you can simply type in the first letter. e.g.n for next.

Pro Tip: Press enter to repeat the previous command. Very usefull to quickly step trough a program.

Pro Tip: gdb also supports TAB completion. e.g cont + TAB will result in continue.

Pro Tip: Use control + c to stop execution

Setting a breakpoint:

From there, you can add breakpoints using any of the following methods in the GDB command:

Break on line number and run until breakpoint:

(gdb) break main.c:107
Breakpoint 2 at 0x800208e: file ./Src/main.c, line 107.
(gdb) continue

Breakpoint 2, main () at ./Src/main.c:107
107     HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LD2_GPIO_Port, LD2_Pin);

Break on function:

(gdb) break SystemClock_Config
Breakpoint 2 at 0x8001fd0: file ./Src/main.c, line 132.
(gdb) continue

Breakpoint 2, SystemClock_Config () at ./Src/main.c:132
132   RCC_OscInitStruct.OscillatorType = RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_HSI;

List breakpoints:

(gdb) info break
Num     Type           Disp Enb Address    What
1       breakpoint     keep y   0x0800207e in main at ./Src/main.c:83
    breakpoint already hit 1 time
2       breakpoint     keep y   0x0800208e in main at ./Src/main.c:107
3       breakpoint     keep y   0x08001fd0 in SystemClock_Config at ./Src/main.c:132

Remove a breakpoint:

(gdb) delete 2
(gdb) disable 3
(gdb) i b
Num     Type           Disp Enb Address    What
1       breakpoint     keep y   0x0800207e in main at ./Src/main.c:83
    breakpoint already hit 1 time
3       breakpoint     keep n   0x08001fd0 in SystemClock_Config at ./Src/main.c:132

Inspecting and setting variables and memory:

(gdb) print uwTick 
$1 = 1206
(gdb) set uwTick=0
(gdb) p uwTick 
$2 = 0
(gdb) x /32x 0x08000000
0x8000000:  0x20018000  0x080017d9  0x08001829  0x08001829
0x8000010:  0x08001829  0x08001829  0x08001829  0x00000000
0x8000020:  0x00000000  0x00000000  0x00000000  0x08001829
0x8000030:  0x08001829  0x00000000  0x08001829  0x08001785
0x8000040:  0x08001829  0x08001829  0x08001829  0x08001829
0x8000050:  0x08001829  0x08001829  0x08001829  0x08001829
0x8000060:  0x08001829  0x08001829  0x08001829  0x08001829
0x8000070:  0x08001829  0x08001829  0x08001829  0x08001829

Manipulating registers:

Include additional debug information, such as all the macro definitions that can be used to inspect I/O registers:

  1. Edit you Makefile to add the -g3 option to the compiler flags
CFLAGS += -g3

Level 3 includes extra information, such as all the macro definitions present in the program. Some debuggers support macro expansion when you use -g3.

  1. In GDB, type:
(gdb) p /x *GPIOA
$4 = {MODER = 0xabfff7ff, OTYPER = 0x0, OSPEEDR = 0xc000000, PUPDR = 0x64000000,
  IDR = 0xc020, ODR = 0x20, BSRR = 0x0, LCKR = 0x0, AFR = {0x0, 0x0}, BRR = 0x0,
  ASCR = 0x0}
(gdb) set GPIOA->ODR ^= 0x20
(gdb) p /x TIM3->CCMR1

Viewing the call stack:

(gdb) backtrace
#0  HAL_RCC_OscConfig (RCC_OscInitStruct=RCC_OscInitStruct@entry=0x20017fac)
    at ./Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal_rcc.c:409
#1  0x08001ff4 in SystemClock_Config () at ./Src/main.c:141
#2  0x08002086 in main () at ./Src/main.c:90


(gdb) monitor reset init
Unable to match requested speed 500 kHz, using 480 kHz
Unable to match requested speed 500 kHz, using 480 kHz
adapter speed: 480 kHz
target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread 
xPSR: 0x01000000 pc: 0x080021d0 msp: 0x20018000
adapter speed: 4000 kHz
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 1, main () at ./Src/main.c:83
83    HAL_Init();

Looking at the code (useful when TUI mode is disabled):

(gdb) n
107     HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LD2_GPIO_Port, LD2_Pin);
(gdb) list
103   /* Infinite loop */
105   while (1)
106   {
107     HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LD2_GPIO_Port, LD2_Pin);
108     HAL_Delay(200);
(gdb) n
108     HAL_Delay(200);
(gdb) tui enable

Show next assembly instructions:

(gdb) set disassemble-next-line on
(gdb) show disassemble-next-line
Debugger's willingness to use disassemble-next-line is o
(gdb) next
107         HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LD2_GPIO_Port, LD2_Pin);
=> 0x08000626 <main+186>:       20 21   movs    r1, #32
   0x08000628 <main+188>:       4f f0 90 40     mov.w   r0, #1207959552 ; 0x48000000
   0x0800062c <main+192>:       01 f0 92 fb     bl      0x8001d54 <HAL_GPIO_TogglePin>

Getting help:

(gdb) help step
Step program until it reaches a different source line.
Usage: step [N]
Argument N means step N times (or till program stops for another reason).

Other/Advanced GDB:

Using gdb-dashboard (do not use TUI mode) to get more complex window configuration (similarly to an IDE):

$ arm-none-eabi-gdb-py

Editing your Makefile

Adding source files:

Any additional source file (*.c or *.s) that needs to be compiled should be added to the C_SOURCES or ASM_SOURCES variables inside the Makefile.

# source
# C sources
./Src/main.c \
./Src/new_file.c \
./Src/stm32l4xx_it.c \
./Src/syscalls.c \
./Src/system_stm32l4xx.c \

# ASM sources

Pro Tip: I prefixed my paths with ./ to help vim trigger file path completion.

Adding Includes:

# C includes
-IInc \
-IDrivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc \
-IDrivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy \
-IDrivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L4xx/Include \

Pro Tip: if the compiler complains about a missing header file for example:

./Src/usbd_conf.c:53:10: fatal error: usbd_msc.h: No such file or directory
 #include "usbd_msc.h"

use find . -name "usbd_msc.h" to get the path and add it to Makefile:

$ find . -name "usbd_msc.h"

Adding Preprocessor defines:

# C defines
C_DEFS =  \
-DSTM32L476xx \

Changing optimization options:

# optimization
OPT = -Os

Understanding compiler options and flags:

Serial console:

On embedded devices, printf statements can become very useful for debugging. Retargeting the C printf function is generally done is one of three ways:

  • through semihosting (no extra hardware required but slow)
  • through UART interface (most support, speed depends on baud rate)
  • through ITM messages over SWO (fastest but not always supported)

Using semihosting:

Semihosting is relatively easy to setup but it is one of the slowest methods for printing debug messages. Enable semihosting (see example .gdbinit)

Using UART:

Note: With GCC, add syscalls.c

See my GitHub gist to retarget printf to UART

Check which USB devices are connected to the serial port. Also make sure all users have read / write access to the serial device:

$ ls -l /dev/tty.usbmodem*
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel    9,  26 Mar 27 13:20 /dev/tty.usbmodem413

Option 1 - GNU Screen

8 bit, no parity, one stop bit, translate input new line carriage return, newline performs a carriage return, local echo

Optional - before SETTING indicates negation.

$ screen /dev/tty.usbmodem413 115200,cs8,-parenb,-cstop,inlcr,onlret,echo

Note: To exit screen, press control-A then control-k and y.

Option 2 - Minicom

$ brew install minicom
$ minicom -D /dev/tty.usbmodem413 -b 115200

Using ITM messages over SWO:

With OpenOCD, ITM can be configured using the tpiu command.

Other Resources:


When creating a brand new project (example NUCLEO-L476RG), C source files under Src/ are defined multiple times.

Debugging tips (Part 2?)

Please comment to request topics

  • mdw
  • flash program
  • flash mass_erase
  • viewing registers and SFRs
  • reg
  • mdw
  • semihosting
  • Linker file


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