Minimal implementation of the UAVCAN protocol stack in C for resource constrained applications.
If you're not using Git, you can just copy the entire library into your project tree. If you're using Git, it is recommended to add Libcanard to your project as a Git submodule, like this:
git submodule add
The entire library is contained in two files: canard.c
and canard.h
Add canard.c
to your application build, add libcanard
directory to the include paths,
and you're ready to roll.
Also you may want to use one of the available drivers for various CAN backends
that are distributed with Libcanard - check out the drivers/
directory to find out more.
Example for Make:
# Adding the library.
INCLUDE += libcanard
CSRC += libcanard/canard.c
# Adding drivers, unless you want to use your own.
# In this example we're using Linux SocketCAN drivers.
INCLUDE += libcanard/drivers/socketcan
CSRC += libcanard/drivers/socketcan/socketcan.c
This section is intended only for library developers and contributors.
The library design document can be found in
Contributors, please follow the Zubax Style Guide.
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../libcanard/tests # Adjust path if necessary
First, get the Coverity build tool. Then build the tests with it:
export PATH=$PATH:<coverity-build-tool-directory>/bin/
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../libcanard/tests -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug # Adjust path if necessary
cov-build --dir cov-int make -j8
tar czvf libcanard.tgz cov-int
Then upload the resulting archive to Coverity.