This repo contains material created for a talk given at async.js on Thursday 23 June 2016.
- Install node.js
- Clone or download this repo to your local machine
- In a command line move to the projects parent directory
$ npm install
$ node app
- The slide website can then be accessed from http://localhost:3030/slides/
- The web worker code examples from http://localhost:3030/code/
- Jake Archibald IO2016 talk - outline what can current be achived with Service Workers
- Ben Kelly PWASummit slides - Support for progressive web apps in Firefox
- Andreas Bovens PWASummit slides - Opera's Perspective
- Pete LePage IO2016 talk - user engagement with web push notifications
- Tal Oppenheimer PWASummit talk - designing for emerging markets
- Thao Tran PWASummit talk - mobile landscape
- Nate Schloss IO2016 talk - Facebook's UX learning for web Push
- Progressively less progressive - Andrew Betts blog post on state of PWA
- Progressive web apps and our regressive approach - Christian Heilmann blog post
- PWA rocks - Lists example progressive web apps sites
- IO2016 - Offline conference website
- Washington Post - Offline web app with fast render speed
- Aliexpress - Offline web app only on mobile UA
- Telegram - Offline messaging app.
- Pokedex - Demo of webapp with Service Worker, PouchDB, virtual-dom, and web workers by Nolan Lawson
- Wiki offline - Demo by Jake Archibald
- Trained to thrill - Demo by Jake Archibald
- The Service Worker Cookbook - Mozilla's collection of working, practical examples of using service workers
- Offline cookbook - Jake Archibald list of examples
- Is service worker ready - Browser compatibility
- Service Worker API - MDN API reference
- Chrome dev
- Introducing - Blog post Nolan Lawson on how he built Pokedex webapp
- Progressive Web App Summit 2016 - playlist on youtube
- Web and Chrome at Google I/O 2016 - playlist on youtube
- ManifeStation - automatically build web app manifest from web page metadata
- upup - simple library offline.html page to your site
- Lighthouse - Chrome, tools forauditing and performance metrics for Progressive Web Apps
- sw-precache - Chrome, a module for generating a service worker that precaches resources
- sw-toolbox - Chrome, a library provides common caching patterns
- sw-helpers - Chrome, a collection of libraries that help enhance your existing service worker
- Lunr.js - offline free text search
- Nedb - the query engine from nedb
- Geolib - nearby search
- LocalForage - data persistence
- Elasticlunr - Extended faster version of lunr.js
- IndexedDB Promised - Promises wrap of indexdb
- Dixie.js - Wrapper for indexdb
- Pouchdb - Universal db with sync
- Hoodie - Offline-first architecture for web apps
- Pusher - Realtime messaging (SaaS)
- Firebase - Realtime messaging and synced db (SaaS)
- Jake Archibald PWASummit talk - advanced use of streams with Service Workers
- Streaming template literals - advanced topic on streams and tmeplates