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Pronounced [mɑzəl] form the Dutch word 'mazzel', meaning luck. 'masl' is also an anagram from the word 'SAML'. This tool allows you to use onelogin to assume an AWS role through SAML authentication.

Getting Started


Just download the latest release under Don't forget to make it executable and link it from somewhere in your $PATH on UNIX-like platforms.


  • Open Masl.dmg
  • Move the file masl-vx.x.x-darwin-amd64 to /usr/local/bin and rename it to masl.
  • done :)


  • rename masl-vx.x.x-windows-amd64 to masl.exe and execute to install.


All configuration is done using a .masl/config.toml file in your user's home directory. An example toml config file is included: masl-example.toml. Copy masl-example.toml and rename it to .masl/config.toml. Adjust the values to reflect your environment.

The minimal configuration should look like this:

BaseURL = ''
ClientID = 'onelogin client id'
ClientSecret = 'onelogin client secret'
AppID = 'onelogin app id'
Subdomain = 'subdomain of the onelogin user'
Username = 'onelogin username or email'

Optional settings:

Duration = 'Assume role maximum session duration' (default 3600)
LegacyToken = true/false (configures legacy aws_security_token (for Boto support))
Debug = true/false (Set to true for debug logging, default off)
Profile = 'Value for environment variable AWS_PROFILE' (default = 'masl')
DefaulMFADevice = 'name of your default MFA device (for example 'Yubico YubiKey')'

If specifying a custom duration assure this duration is allowed on the AWS role itself as well. See: Enable Federated API Access to your AWS Resources for up to 12 hours Using IAM Roles

Multi-Account management

One of the main drivers to develop another Onelogin CLI authenticator was to ease the management of multiple AWS accounts. Most of the tools currently lack those features and that makes switching AWS accounts bothersome. For this purpose .masl/config.toml supports the following features:

Account naming

You can provide account names (aliases) for all accounts you have access to:

ID = '1234567890'
Name = 'account-x'

ID = '1122334455'
Name = 'account-y'

ID = '0987654321'
Name = 'account-z'
Environments containing account subsets

If your account list grows too big it is often handy to limit the list to your current work context. This can be achieved by defining environments:

Name = 'governance'
Accounts = ['1234567890', '1122334455']

Furthermore accounts can be marked as 'Environment Independent`, in that case they will show up in all your environments.

ID = '1234567890'
Name = 'base-account'
EnvironmentIndependent = true

usage: masl -env [environment_name]


Just run masl on your command line.

Optional command line arguments:

  -account string
        AWS Account ID or name
  -env string
        Work environment
        configures legacy aws_security_token (for Boto support)
  -profile string
        AWS profile name (default "masl")
  -role string
        AWS role name
        prints MASL version

Assure the environment variable AWS_PROFILE is set to masl (or the overrided value specified in .masl/config.toml or the -profile command line option).



This project includes a ```makefile`` to make your life easy.

  • make clean: clean up your workspace
  • make build: build this project
  • make lint: run golangci-lint run

Running the tests

TODO: Explain how to run the automated tests for this system

Built With


A log file masl.log is created and added on your user's home directory. The default log level is 'INFO'. For debug logging set Debug = true in .masl/config.toml.


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :Do us.


SemVer is used for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


My login is successful but I'm unable to access my AWS account?

The AWS CLI uses default as default for the variable AWS_PROFILE. MASL uses masl as default AWS profile name to store the AWS credentials (as a safety net for not overriding your default settings).

To fix this do one of the following:

  • set the value of AWS_PROFILE to masl
  • in your .masl/config.toml add the line Profile = 'default'
  • start masl with the -profile default option

I have multiple MFA devices defined, is it possible to set one of them as default?

yes in your .masl/config.toml set a value for the variable DefaulMFADevice


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details