Globalync Pty Ltd
- Melbourne VIC Australia
(UTC +11:00) - https://globalync.net
- https://orcid.org/0009-0005-9414-6151
- @Globalynk-j7i
- globalynk
- globalynk
- @globalynk
globalynk1 / hey
Forked from heyverse/heyHey is a decentralized and permissionless social media app built with Lens Protocol 🌿
globalynk1 / commerce
Forked from vercel/commerceNext.js Commerce
globalynk1 / solidity
Forked from ethereum/soliditySolidity, the Smart Contract Programming Language
globalynk1 / chains
Forked from ethereum-lists/chainsprovides metadata for chains
globalynk1 / pm-contracts
Forked from gnosis/pm-contractsCollection of smart contracts for the Gnosis prediction market platform.
globalynk1 / developer
Forked from trustwallet/developerTrust Developer documentation: developer.trustwallet.com
globalynk1 / web3.js
Forked from web3/web3.jsCollection of comprehensive TypeScript libraries for Interaction with the Ethereum JSON RPC API and utility functions.
globalynk1 / ipfs-desktop
Forked from ipfs/ipfs-desktopAn unobtrusive and user-friendly desktop application for IPFS on Windows, Mac and Linux.
globalynk1 / LavaMoat
Forked from LavaMoat/LavaMoattools for sandboxing your dependency graph
globalynk1 / viem
Forked from wevm/viemTypeScript Interface for Ethereum
Action for generating build provenance attestations for workflow artifacts
globalynk1 / remix-live
Forked from ethereum/remix-liveLive deployment of the remix IDE
globalynk1 / setup-dotnet
Forked from actions/setup-dotnetSet up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of the .NET core sdk
globalynk1 / googleapis
Forked from googleapis/googleapisPublic interface definitions of Google APIs.
globalynk1 / hardhat
Forked from NomicFoundation/hardhatHardhat is a development environment to compile, deploy, test, and debug your Ethereum software.
globalynk1 / markdownlint
Forked from DavidAnson/markdownlintA Node.js style checker and lint tool for Markdown/CommonMark files.
globalynk1 / vscode-xml
Forked from redhat-developer/vscode-xmlEditing XML in Visual Studio Code made easy
globalynk1 / vscode
Forked from microsoft/vscodeVisual Studio Code
globalynk1 / sdk
Forked from dotnet/sdkCore functionality needed to create .NET Core projects, that is shared between Visual Studio and CLI
globalynk1 / bitcoin
Forked from bitcoin/bitcoinBitcoin Core integration/staging tree
globalynk1 / wallet-core
Forked from trustwallet/wallet-coreCross-platform, cross-blockchain wallet library.
globalynk1 / assets
Forked from trustwallet/assetsA comprehensive, up-to-date collection of information about several thousands (!) of crypto tokens.
globalynk1 / remix-project
Forked from ethereum/remix-projectRemix is a browser-based compiler and IDE that enables users to build Ethereum contracts with Solidity language and to debug transactions.