- Boston, MA
- Twitter: @GaryMalouf
A list of engineering manager resource links.
Streaming / asynchronous Scala client for common AWS services
A fork of the sbt-sass repository which seems to be abandoned.
This is a second part of play-multidomain-seed project. This project tries to be an example of how to implement an Authentication and Authorization layer using the Silhouette authentication library
Fast, flexible, and simple data tables in React
Use Ansible to install and configure statsd
Store securely encrypted backups in the cloud!
A suite of scala libraries for building and consuming RESTful web services on top of Akka: lightweight, asynchronous, non-blocking, actor-based, testable
Library to use Kestrel as a spout within Storm
SBT plugin which generate case classes and support for serialization from Google Protocol Buffer definitions using ScalaBuff
Simple scala library for building and parsing URIs
Harness the power and elegance of Scala with nathanmarz's Storm real-time system
A library for building reliable, scalable and distributed event-sourced applications in Scala
Forexware / curator
Forked from Netflix/curatorZooKeeper client wrapper and rich ZooKeeper framework
ZooKeeper client wrapper and rich ZooKeeper framework
drstevens / slf4s
Forked from w11k/slf4sSimple Scala facade for SLF4J