I wasn't happy with the existing time management software, so I made a Python script to record my time. It records window titles so you can audit how you spent your time and a deadline clock. You should be able to tweak it to fit your needs. I tweaked it for use with Data Annotation Tech; For example, it warns you if you are recording billable time but have not Enter(ed) Work Mode on DAT's website. If you aren't going to work with DAT, you probably want to set DAT_EXTENSIONS to false.
If you want to work for DAT you can use my referral code: 2ZbHGEA
A Grammar Checker for LyX and LaTeX. There is an online demo, and github repo.
This tool is designed to help you match up one or more receipts with a single reimbursement. This means you can easily keep track of receipts you have not yet reimbursed and audit your books. See the Online WASM-based Demo or just Download.
A Collection of Theorem Provers for Temporal Logics.
The applications can also be used via online web apps without having to download or compile anyting. This git repository contains:
- unify [cgibin preview] A unified UI around various CTL* and BCTL* theorem provers, and an NL-BCTL* based rewrite system.
- mechecker [cgibin preview (under maintenance)] A Model Checker for General Linear Time
- batl [js preview] A simple OCaml Tableau for BATL* (and NL-BATL*)
- bctl [js preview] A simple OCaml Tableau for BCTL* (and NL-BCTL*)
The unified UI uses (4) above, and can also use tools by other authors such as:
- CTLStarTab: Various Java based Tableaux for CTL*, BCTL* and NL-BCTL*. These are the tableaux we gave uppercase names: CTL, BCTLOLD, BCTLNEW, BCTLHUE, BPATHUE and BPATH
- mlsolver: Hybrid Tableau for CTL* that requires a pgsolver
To fetch all dependances and compile on Ubuntu just enter ./build.sh
. This was last tested on Ubuntu 14.04.
A Monkey Testing tool for GUIs. This is a program to spam millions of randomly generated key presses, and collect the crash results. See: github repo
MoveVoters: Interesting if you are into Voting Theory and Equilibria.
Render Dubois Red/Cyan 3D in JavaScript. online demo/LinuxConf photos