unindexed Public
Forked from jordan-wright/unindexedA Golang HTTP FileSystem that disables directory indexing
Go MIT License UpdatedDec 9, 2018 -
flatbuffers Public
Forked from google/flatbuffersMemory Efficient Serialization Library
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 7, 2018 -
toml Public
Forked from BurntSushi/tomlTOML parser for Golang with reflection.
Go MIT License UpdatedAug 15, 2018 -
decimal Public
Forked from shopspring/decimalArbitrary-precision fixed-point decimal numbers in go
Go Other UpdatedJul 17, 2018 -
patricia Public
Forked from kentik/patriciaGarbage collector-sensitive patricia tree for IP/CIDR tagging
Go BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedJun 22, 2018 -
permutation Public
Forked from fighterlyt/permutationpermutation
Go The Unlicense UpdatedFeb 6, 2018 -
ntp Public
Forked from beevik/ntpa simple ntp client written in go
Go BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedNov 24, 2017 -
zstd Public
Forked from facebook/zstdZstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm
C Other UpdatedAug 31, 2016 -
certbot Public
Forked from certbot/certbotCertbot, previously the Let's Encrypt Client, is EFF's tool to obtain certs from Let's Encrypt, and (optionally) auto-enable HTTPS on your server. It can also act as a client for any other CA that …
Python Other UpdatedAug 28, 2016 -
mficlient Public
Forked from uilibs/mficlientA client library and tool for Ubiquiti's mFi system
Python UpdatedMar 1, 2016 -
sqlightning Public
Forked from LMDB/sqlightningSQLite3 ported to use LMDB instead of its original Btree code.
C UpdatedAug 8, 2015 -
python-farmhash Public
Forked from veelion/python-farmhashPython bindings for the Google's FarmHash
C++ MIT License UpdatedNov 24, 2014