RSS Power Tool is a fast, powerful, lightweight tool for manipulating rss (and atom) feeds on your system. Data from feed updates is stored locally in a small sqlite3 database file. It is easily searchable and viewable by using multiple methods. You can edit your feeds, merge them, export them, update them, read updates, and a few other things. It should import vanilla .opml of the type exported by Google Reader and other readers, but this hasn't yet been extensively tested.
It runs in the commandline on Unix operating systems. It has been tested recently on Ubuntu 12.10, 13.10, 14.04 and OS X 10.8.
- libcurl
- sqlite3
The purpose of RSS Power Tool is to provide a more powerful interface for reading, searching, colating and managing their RSS and ATOM feeds. It exports bookmarks XML feed, allows for fast, configurable searching, and supports some browser, Instapaper and Pinboard integration for fast saving links.
Much more development is planned. The ncurses portion of the code (rss vis) is currently incomplete. It is lacking some features, and is in the middle of an architecture re-write which should improve rendering and performance. That said, it works fine and is currently the best way to browse items after updating.
Help documents for getting started and installation will be forthcoming. Right now usage information is built into the application. Each sub-command provides a --help (or -h) switch which will explain what it does and how it can be used. A masterlist of commands can be accessed by a simple: "rss -h"
finish bookmarks support (currently does not import bookmarks file)
bookmarks save path set in config, so we can automatically save and import bookmarks from a convenient location such as Dropbox, to automatically sync them across clients
generate .deb
create proper man page
finish ncurses rewrite
web pages with various help information
automatic data-culling, and size-limits to prevent db super-bloat
proper time-zone support
pthread support to speed up certain sections
turn main function set into proper library with API
tagging support
All code herein is claimed Copyright 2013 by Gregory Naughton unless otherwise noted, and is released under the GPLv3.
Greg Naughton, May 2013, [email protected]