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rabbitmq-pulse is a RabbitMQ plugin that publishes node and queue information, pushing stats instead of polling the Management API


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RabbitMQ Pulse

RabbitMQ Pulse is an experimental exchange plugin for RabbitMQ 3.0+ that publishes information made available by the rabbitmq-management plugin making cluster monitoring a push event instead of something you poll for.

Messages can be published in JSON format as they would be received from the management API or they can be published in a format that is compatible with Graphite's carbon AMQP client, providing conversionless integration into Graphite and systems like rocksteady.

This is a work in progress and is not meant for production systems (yet).

Routing Overview

The x-pulse exchange type added by RabbitMQ Pulse creates a publishing exchange that will send status messages at pre-specified intervals to bound objects matching the routing key patterns it uses.

The rabbitmq-pulse plugin will publish cluster, node and queue statistics to a topic like exchange with varying routing keys to allow for stats at multiple layers of granularity. For example, to get all stats for a server with a hostname of megabunny, you could bind to .rabbit.megabunny. Or to get node stats for all hosts, you could do node.rabbit.. RabbitMQ Pulse uses a similar style of routing-key behavior as the topic exchange, but without the partial word matching (ie no node.rab*.*).

Example Routing Keys / Bindings

"#"                       Receive all stats
"overview"                Receive only the overview stats
"node.rabbit.*"           Receive stats for all nodes in the cluster
"node.rabbit.myhost"      Receive stats only for the node "rabbit@myhost"
"queue.#"                 Receive stats for all queues, but only queues
"queue./.*"               Receive stats for the / virtual host only
"queue./.myqueue"         Receive stats for myqueue in the / virtual host
"queue.*.foo"             Receive stats for all queues named "foo" in any virtual host


  • Add the ability to bind to get stats for:
    • Connections
    • Channels
  • Handle shutdown cleanly
  • Handle create and delete exchange properly

Message Types

  • cluster overview: High-level cluster overview data
  • node stats: Per-node messages
  • queue stats: Per-queue messages


Currently, the best way to install the plugin is to follow the instructions at and setup the rabbitmq-public-umbrella checkout, clone the rabbitmq-pulse directory into it and custom compile the plugin.

Plugin Configuration

Default configuration values:

  • default_username: guest
  • default_interval: 5000

Interval is the number of miliseconds between publishing stats. To change the default configuration values, add a rabbitmq_pulse stanza in the rabbitmq.config file for the value you would like to override:

[{rabbitmq_pulse, [{default_username, <<"guest">>},
                   {default_interval, 5000},
                   {default_format, <<"json">>]}]

To override the default values, specify a username and/or interval as arguments when delcaring a x-pulse exchange.

Per-exchange optional configuration values

  • username: Username to connect to the vhost as
  • interval: Number of milliseconds between publishing of stats
  • format: The publishing format. Acceptable values are json or graphite.


Cluster Overview Message (JSON)

Exchange:          rabbitmq-pulse
Routing Key:       overview


    app_id:        rabbitmq-pulse
    content_type:  application/json
    delivery_mode: 1
    timestamp:     1351221662
    type:          rabbitmq cluster overview


        "message_stats": {
            "publish": 8,
            "publish_details": {
                "interval": 5736915,
                "last_event": 1353718103779,
                "rate": 0.6972388470109807
        "object_totals": {
            "channels": 1,
            "connections": 1,
            "consumers": 0,
            "exchanges": 9,
            "queues": 2
        "queue_totals": {
            "messages": 10,
            "messages_details": {
                "interval": 6321630,
                "last_event": 1353718104517,
                "rate": 0.8336426319843275
            "messages_ready": 10,
            "messages_ready_details": {
                "interval": 6321630,
                "last_event": 1353718104517,
                "rate": 0.8336426319843275
            "messages_unacknowledged": 0,
            "messages_unacknowledged_details": {
                "interval": 6321630,
                "last_event": 1353718104517,
                "rate": 0

Cluster Overview Single Stat Message (Graphite)

Exchange:      graphite
Routing Key:   rabbitmq_pulse.overview.rabbit.localhost.message_stats.deliver_details.rate


    app_id:        rabbitmq-pulse
    content_type:  application/json
    delivery_mode: 1
    timestamp:     1351748994
    type:          rabbitmq-pulse cluster overview graphite datapoint


    rabbitmq_pulse.overview.rabbit.localhost.message_stats.deliver_details.rate 945.8392531255008 1351748994

Node Message (JSON)

Exchange:          rabbitmq-pulse
Routing Key:       node.rabbit.localhost


    app_id:        rabbitmq-pulse
    content_type:  application/json
    delivery_mode: 1
    timestamp:     1351221662
    type:          rabbitmq node stats


        "contexts": [
                "description": "RabbitMQ Management",
                "path": "/",
                "port": 15672
                "description": "Redirect to port 15672",
                "ignore_in_use": true,
                "path": "/",
                "port": 55672
        "disk_free": 388873060352,
        "disk_free_alarm": false,
        "disk_free_limit": 1000000000,
        "fd_total": 256,
        "fd_used": 30,
        "mem_alarm": false,
        "mem_limit": 12796831334,
        "mem_used": 41054568,
        "name": "rabbit@localhost",
        "os_pid": "38160",
        "partitions": [],
        "proc_total": 1048576,
        "proc_used": 246,
        "run_queue": 0,
        "running": true,
        "sockets_total": 138,
        "sockets_used": 2,
        "type": "disc",
        "uptime": 12400

Queue Message (JSON)

Exchange:          rabbitmq-pulse
Routing Key:       queue./.test_two


    app_id:        rabbitmq-pulse
    content_type:  application/json
    delivery_mode: 1
    timestamp:     1353718351
    type:          rabbitmq queue stats


      "policy": "",
      "exclusive_consumer_tag": "",
      "messages_ready": 0,
      "messages_unacknowledged": 0,
      "messages": 0,
      "consumers": 1,
      "active_consumers": 1,
      "memory": 89096,
      "backing_queue_status": {
          "q1": 0,
          "q2": 0,
          "delta": [
          "q3": 0,
          "q4": 0,
          "len": 0,
          "pending_acks": 0,
          "target_ram_count": "infinity",
          "ram_msg_count": 0,
          "ram_ack_count": 0,
          "next_seq_id": 25,
          "persistent_count": 0,
          "avg_ingress_rate": 0.19991921264616969,
          "avg_egress_rate": 0.19991921264616969,
          "avg_ack_ingress_rate": 0.19991921264616969,
          "avg_ack_egress_rate": 0.19991921264616969
      "messages_details": {
          "rate": 0,
          "interval": 5002982,
          "last_event": 1353718221808
      "messages_ready_details": {
          "rate": 0,
          "interval": 5002982,
          "last_event": 1353718221808
      "messages_unacknowledged_details": {
          "rate": 0,
          "interval": 5002982,
          "last_event": 1353718221808
      "incoming": [
              "stats": {
                  "publish": 25,
                  "publish_details": {
                      "rate": 0.1999166347633037,
                      "interval": 5002085,
                      "last_event": 1353718221806
              "exchange": {
                  "name": "test",
                  "vhost": "/"
      "deliveries": [
              "stats": {
                  "ack": 15,
                  "ack_details": {
                      "rate": 0.19941320669797052,
                      "interval": 5014713,
                      "last_event": 1353718218329
                  "deliver": 15,
                  "deliver_details": {
                      "rate": 0.19941320669797052,
                      "interval": 5014713,
                      "last_event": 1353718218329
                  "deliver_get": 15,
                  "deliver_get_details": {
                      "rate": 0.19941320669797052,
                      "interval": 5014713,
                      "last_event": 1353718218329
                  "redeliver": 11,
                  "redeliver_details": {
                      "rate": 0,
                      "interval": 5014713,
                      "last_event": 1353718218329
              "channel_details": {
                  "name": " -> (1)",
                  "number": 1,
                  "connection_name": " ->",
                  "peer_port": 61941,
                  "peer_host": ""
      "message_stats": {
          "ack": 15,
          "ack_details": {
              "rate": 0.19941320669797052,
              "interval": 5014713,
              "last_event": 1353718218329
          "deliver": 15,
          "deliver_details": {
              "rate": 0.19941320669797052,
              "interval": 5014713,
              "last_event": 1353718218329
          "deliver_get": 15,
          "deliver_get_details": {
              "rate": 0.19941320669797052,
              "interval": 5014713,
              "last_event": 1353718218329
          "redeliver": 11,
          "redeliver_details": {
              "rate": 0,
              "interval": 5014713,
              "last_event": 1353718218329
          "publish": 25,
          "publish_details": {
              "rate": 0.1999166347633037,
              "interval": 5002085,
              "last_event": 1353718221806
      "consumer_details": [
              "channel_details": {
                  "name": " -> (1)",
                  "number": 1,
                  "connection_name": " ->",
                  "peer_port": 61941,
                  "peer_host": ""
              "queue_details": {
                  "name": "test_two",
                  "vhost": "/"
              "consumer_tag": "ctag1.0",
              "exclusive": false,
              "ack_required": true
      "name": "test_two",
      "vhost": "/",
      "durable": true,
      "auto_delete": false,
      "arguments": {
          "x-message-ttl": 60000


rabbitmq-pulse is a RabbitMQ plugin that publishes node and queue information, pushing stats instead of polling the Management API







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