The idea is as: We have a books warehouse where we mint NFT books. Then if we need for a book to be on sale, then we give ownership of this newly minted book, to the warehouse in order to add this for sale. As goal we want to be able to sale books and also rent them for a specific period of time which after that the user should not have more access to the NFT book. This NFT book should be available for a specific time in terms of block numbers.
Business steps:
Mint a new Book in the BookRepository contract, and add as owner the AlexandriaLibrary contract. This in order for the latest, to be able and sale or rent the book to users.
Add the book in AlexandriaLibrary contract (manually as for now)
truffle compile
truffle migrate --reset development
# --reset only for re-deployments -
truffle console --network development
Run script guide:
- truffle(development)> migrate --reset
- truffle(development)> exec scripts/setup-library.js
OR follow step by step guide, bellow:
Get instance of each contract
let bookRepo = await BookRepository.deployed()
let alexandria = await AlexandriaLibrary.deployed()
Mint a book NFT and add as owner teh AlexandriaLibrary contract
bookRepo.sellItem(alexandria.address, "")
// NFT ID is automatically increased by 1, therefore our first NFT hasID=1
Add book in AlexandriaLibrary in order to be in market place for sale or rent
alexandria.addBook(1, "Java for the impatient")
alexandria.getBookByTitle("Java for the impatient")
Rent a book
alexandria.buyBook(1, {value: 1000000000000000000})
Api calls for DApp
- Add book
- Buy book
- Get my books or get books of
- Get book Ids by address
- Get book by title
- Get book token url by book id