Antibody is now in maintenance mode. This means we won't add any new features, and only fix bugs should any be found.
If you need more features that currently provided, check other plugin managers available. Most of them have catch up on performance, so Antibody is not that different in that sense anymore. Also, if you static load your plugins (like Antibody suggest you too), the plugin manager is pretty much irrelevant performance-wise.
I also want to thank everyone who contributed, used and recommended Antibody over the years. You're all awesome!
Cheers, Carlos aka caarlos0.
The fastest shell plugin manager.
Antibody is a shell plugin manager made from the ground up thinking about performance.
Documentation can be found at
- I did this mostly for myself, so, my dotfiles;
- @nisaacson's dotfiles;
- @pragmaticivan's dotfiles;
- @wkentaro's dotfiles;
- @marceldias' dotfiles;
- @davidkna's dotfiles;
- @sobolevn's dotfiles;
- @jesseleite's dotfiles;
- @mattmc3's dotfiles
- and probably many others;
- @pragmaticivan, for the logo design;
- All the amazing contributors.