Cocoapods: pod ObjectiveSugar
Manual: Copy the src folder in your project
#import "ObjectiveSugar.h"
NSArray *cars = [@"Testarossa", @"F50", @"F458 Italia"];
[array each:^(id object) {
NSLog(@"Car: %@", object);
// Car: Testarossa
// Car: F50
// Car: F458 Italia
[array eachWithIndex:^(id object, int index) {
NSLog(@"Car: %@ index: %i", object, index);
// Car: Testarossa index: 0
// Car: F50 index: 1
// Car: F458 Italia index: 2
id object = array.first; // Testarossa
id object = array.last; // 458 Italia
[@3 times:^{
// Hello!
// Hello!
// Hello!
[@3 timesWithIndex:^(int index) {
NSLog(@"Another version with number: %d", index);
// Another version with number: 0
// Another version with number: 1
// Another version with number: 2
[@1 upto:4 do:^(int numbah) {
NSLog(@"Current number.. %d", numbah);
// Current number.. 1
// Current number.. 2
// Current number.. 3
// Current number.. 4
[@7 downto:4 do:^(int numbah) {
NSLog(@"Current number.. %d", numbah);
// Current number.. 7
// Current number.. 6
// Current number.. 5
// Current number.. 4