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- gogo.li
GoChatGPT Public
Forked from ztjhz/BetterChatGPTAn amazing UI for OpenAI's ChatGPT (Website + Windows + MacOS + Linux)
TypeScript Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedMay 30, 2024 -
go-play Public
Forked from OtherCrashOverride/go-playRetro emulation for the ODROID-GO
C UpdatedNov 17, 2018 -
iOS-htmltopdf Public
Forked from iclems/iOS-htmltopdf -
xterm.js Public
Forked from xtermjs/xterm.jsFull xterm terminal, in your browser
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 14, 2016 -
alexa-voice-service.js Public
Forked from miguelmota/alexa-voice-service.jsLibrary for interacting with Alexa Voice Service (AVS) in the browser.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 3, 2016 -
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/cydia-ios-lighttpd-php-mysql-web-stack
NMSSH Public
Forked from NMSSH/NMSSHNMSSH is an Objective-C wrapper for libssh2, with a sweet API.
FTPKit Public
Forked from PeqNP/FTPKitAn Objective-C lib that provides client side facilities for FTP.
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedMar 23, 2015 -
GoogleDriveSDK Public
Forked from supersuber/GoogleDriveSDKAn unofficial SDK for integrating Google Drive APIs in an iOS project.
Objective-C UpdatedMar 17, 2015 -
PHPFramework Public
Forked from app-zap/PHPFrameworkA lightweight PHP framework as a composition of different good features and concepts of other frameworks intended for easy use and fast development
PHP Other UpdatedOct 16, 2014 -
phaser Public
Forked from phaserjs/phaserPhaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 1, 2014 -
slick Public
Forked from kenwheeler/slickthe last carousel you'll ever need
ISO-3166-Countries-with-Regional-Codes Public
Forked from lukes/ISO-3166-Countries-with-Regional-CodesISO 3166-1 country lists merged with their UN Geoscheme regional codes in ready-to-use JSON, XML, CSV data sets
Ruby UpdatedMay 15, 2014 -
jquery.nicescroll Public
Forked from inuyaksa/jquery.nicescrollnicescroll plugin for jquery - scrollbars like iphone/ipad
JavaScript UpdatedApr 29, 2014 -
DZWebDAVClient Public
Forked from zwaldowski/DZWebDAVClientAn Objective-C WebDAV client based on AFNetworking.
Objective-C Other UpdatedFeb 20, 2014 -
JSON-js Public
Forked from douglascrockford/JSON-jsJSON in JavaScript
css3-social-signin-buttons Public
Forked from necolas/css3-social-signin-buttonsCSS3 Social Sign-in Buttons with icons. Small and large sizes.
3 UpdatedJan 24, 2012