Plugin pack for making 2D games with Bevy
nand2tetris files converted to VHDL so I can simulate them on an FPGA
goj / procket
Forked from msantos/procketErlang interface to low level socket operations
goj / epcap
Forked from msantos/epcapErlang packet capture interface using pcap
Utility for running commands in the working directory of the process owning focused window
goj / proper
Forked from proper-testing/properPropEr: a QuickCheck-inspired property-based testing tool for Erlang
goj / zsh-git-prompt
Forked from olivierverdier/zsh-git-promptInformative git prompt for zsh
goj / ejabberd
Forked from esl/MongooseIMRobust and scalable Jabber / XMPP Instant Messaging platform
Erlang library for convenient testing of XMPP servers
goj / commitment
Forked from ngerakines/commitmentA commit message generator that I use.
goj / riak_core
Forked from basho/riak_coreDistributed systems infrastructure used by Riak.
Hackish Python scripts for playing around with wikimedia dump files
goj / erlide
Forked from erlang/erlide_eclipseThe official repository for the Erlang IDE project.