Tags: goldfiglabs/introspector
Add service column to raw_import ec2 imports now pass region in context, relation mapping takes a context, add support for ec2 security groups ec2 instances now have a relation to security groups Added Key Pairs for AWS EC2. Move transforms into service folders Move keypairs into ec2 folder Fixed KeyPair view. Filter disabled regions. Adding Lamba support. Merge and add db clusters Add async rds support Fix aws organizations mapping, uncomment all resources for debug mode Remove old compose file, we don't need it anymore. Instead, we use sed in build.sh to construct it Fix aws arn function Refactor transform specs partially into dataclasses Image from lightkeeper Added support to serve schema docs. Drop PsaswordPolicy from account in organizations Completed lambda support. ship aws view and transforms from lightkeeper light typing Fix up some typing Added sample query for checking RDS backups disabled. Added VPC generated files. Add relations for instance, add vpcs Make certain correct db session is used Drop prints outside cli