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simple state machine with annotations for PHP, inspired by AASM known as a Ruby state machine.


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StateMachine is a simple state machine with annotations for PHP, inspired by AASM known as a Ruby state machine.

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StateMachine is ... ?

  • using some features of Doctrine. doctrine/annotations and doctrine/inflector only.
    • Doctrine is known as ORM, but StateMachine is not related to the database.
    • StateMachine is anything available if the PHP class.
  • composed of Doctrine's custom annotations and traits.
  • very easily available. Describe the annotations and use StateMachineTrait to what you want to manage the state, only this.
  • provides @StateMachine, @State, Event, and @Transition annotations.


As an example, you want to manage the states of Job class.

Job has `sleeping`, `running`, and `cleaning` states.

Transition to be forgiven, 

* from `sleeping` to `running`
* from `running` to `cleaning`
* from `sleeping` or `cleaning` to `cleaning`

Job's initial state is `sleeping`.

This case, you can use StateMachine, only this.

use StateMachine\Annotations as SM;
use StateMachine\Traits\StateMachineTrait;

 * Job
 * @SM\StateMachine(
 *     property="status",
 *     states={
 *         @SM\State(name="sleeping"),
 *         @SM\State(name="running"),
 *         @SM\State(name="cleaning")
 *     },
 *     events={
 *         @SM\Event(
 *             name="run",
 *             transitions={
 *                 @SM\Transition(from="sleeping", to="running")
 *             }
 *         ),
 *         @SM\Event(
 *             name="clean",
 *             transitions={
 *                 @SM\Transition(from="running", to="cleaning")
 *             }
 *         ),
 *         @SM\Event(
 *             name="sleep",
 *             transitions={
 *                 @SM\Transition(from={"running", "cleaning"}, to="sleeping")
 *             }
 *         )
 *     }
 * )
class Job
    use StateMachineTrait;

     * @var string
    private $status = 'sleeping';

     * Get status
     * @return string
    public function getStatus()
        return $this->status;

So simple! So easy!


StateMachine vs. Other state machine for PHP ...

  • using annotations.
  • using trait.
  • no configuration files.
  • no state object.
  • no state machine class, only trait.
  • no state machine factory.
  • when state changed, is immediately reflected.


StateMachine works with PHP 5.4.0 or later.

Installation (via composer)

    "require": {
        "gomachan46/state-machine": "~1.0"


Adding a state machine is as simple as:

use StateMachine\Annotations as SM;
use StateMachine\Traits\StateMachineTrait;

 * state machine annotations ...
class ClassName
    use StateMachineTrait;
    private $status = 'initial status';

and start defining states and events together with their transitions.

Basic Setting

## use StateMachine;
use StateMachine\Annotations as SM;
use StateMachine\Traits\StateMachineTrait;

 * Job
 * @SM\StateMachine(
 *     property="status", // write you want to manage states property name
 *     states={ // all states write here
 *         @SM\State(name="sleeping"), // isSleeping() is available
 *         @SM\State(name="running"), // isRunning() is available
 *         @SM\State(name="cleaning") // isCleaning() is available
 *     },
 *     events={ // all events write here
 *         @SM\Event(
 *             name="run", // run() and canRun() are available
 *             transitions={
 *                 @SM\Transition(from="sleeping", to="running")
 *             }
 *         ),
 *         @SM\Event(
 *             name="clean", clean() and canClean() are available
 *             transitions={
 *                 @SM\Transition(from="running", to="cleaning")
 *             }
 *         ),
 *         @SM\Event(
 *             name="sleep", // sleep() and canSleep() are available
 *             transitions={
 *                 @SM\Transition(from={"running", "cleaning"}, to="sleeping") // "from" can be set multiple state
 *             }
 *         )
 *     }
 * )
class Job
    use StateMachineTrait; // Do not forget it!

     * @var string
    private $status = 'sleeping'; // write initial state.

     * Get status
     * @return string
    public function getStatus()
        return $this->status;
     * StateMachine added methods setStatus() automatically.
     * Please be careful if override setStatus() method.
     * I recommend that you do not override. (if you manage the state appropriately)
    // public function setStatus()
    // {
    // }

Annotations description

  • @SM\StateMachine
    • property target property name to manage the states (e.g. property="status")
      this name is used to like setStatus()
    • states
    • events
  • @SM\State
    • name state name (e.g. name="sleeping")
  • @SM\Event
    • name event name (e.g. name="run")
      this name is used to like run() canRun()
    • transitions
  • @SM\Transition
    • from transition from ... (e.g. from="sleeping")
      you can set array or string.
    • to transition to ... (e.g. to="running")



StateMachine provides some methods.

$job = new Job();
$job->isSleeping(); // true
$job->canRun(); // true
$job->isRunning(); // true
$job->isSleeping(); // false
$job->canRun(); // false
$job->getSleeping(); // 'sleeping'
$job->getRunning(); // 'running'
$job->getCleaning(); // 'cleaning'
$job->run(); // raises StateMachine\Exceptions\InvalidTransitionException

Whiny transition

If you do not like exceptions and prefer a simple true or false as response, you can use whinyTransitions option.

 * @SM\StateMachine(
 *     ...,
 *     whinyTransitions=true
 * )

job.isRunning()  # => true
job.canRun()  # => false       # => false

Direct assignment

StateMachine support direct assign.

$job = new Job();
$job->getStatus(); // 'sleeping'
$job->setStatus('running'); // return $job
$job->getStatus(); // 'running'
$job->setStatus('sleeping'); // raises StateMachine\Exceptions\NoDirectAssignmentException
No direct assignment option

If you do not want to forgive direct assign, you can use noDirectAssignment option.

 * @SM\StateMachine(
 *     ...,
 *     noDirectAssignment=true
 * )

Only this!

$job = new Job();
$job->getStatus(); // 'sleeping'
$job->setStatus('running'); // raises StateMachine\Exceptions\NoDirectAssignmentException


You can set callback method when ...

  • before event
  • before exit old state
  • exit old state
  • after transition
  • before enter new state
  • enter new state
  • update state
  • after exit old state
  • after enter new state
  • after event

namespace StateMachine\Tests\Entity;

use StateMachine\Annotations as SM;
use StateMachine\Traits\StateMachineTrait;

 * CallbackJob
 * @SM\StateMachine(
 *     property="status",
 *     states={
 *         @SM\State(
 *             name="sleeping",
 *             beforeExit="beforeExitSleeping",
 *             exit="exitSleeping",
 *             afterExit="afterExitSleeping"
 *         ),
 *         @SM\State(
 *             name="running",
 *             beforeEnter="beforeEnterRunning",
 *             enter="enterRunning",
 *             afterEnter="afterEnterRunning"
 *         ),
 *         @SM\State(name="cleaning")
 *     },
 *     events={
 *         @SM\Event(
 *             name="run",
 *             transitions={
 *                 @SM\Transition(
 *                     from="sleeping",
 *                     to="running",
 *                     after="afterTransition"
 *                 )
 *             },
 *             before="beforeRunEvent",
 *             after="afterRunEvent"
 *         ),
 *         @SM\Event(
 *             name="clean",
 *             transitions={
 *                 @SM\Transition(from="running", to="cleaning")
 *             }
 *         ),
 *         @SM\Event(
 *             name="sleep",
 *             transitions={
 *                 @SM\Transition(from={"running", "cleaning"}, to="sleeping")
 *             }
 *         )
 *     }
 * )
class CallbackJob
    use StateMachineTrait;

     * @var string
    private $status = 'sleeping';

    private function beforeEnterRunning()

    private function enterRunning()

    private function afterEnterRunning()

    private function beforeExitSleeping()

    private function exitSleeping()

    private function afterExitSleeping()

    private function beforeRunEvent()

    private function afterRunEvent()

    private function afterTransition()

In this case,

$job = new CallbackJob();

 * run methods in this order.
 * beforeRunEvent()
 * beforeExitSleeping()
 * exitSleeping()
 * afterTransition()
 * beforeEnterRunning()
 * enterRunning()
 * setStatus('running')
 * afterExitSleeping()
 * afterEnterRunning()
 * afterRunEvent()

You can run methods with args, too.

For example,

 public function beforeRunEvent()
     $args = func_get_args();
     echo join(', ', $args);
 $job->run('foo', 'bar'); // echo 'foo, bar';

In future

In future, I am going to implement like AASM provides services:

  • Guards
  • Inspection
  • and more ...


Feel free!


  1. Please fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :)

I'm looking forward to your contributions!







Thank you for the great product.


simple state machine with annotations for PHP, inspired by AASM known as a Ruby state machine.







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